中国酒家 Wang

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中国酒家 Wang

住所 :

Naritahigashi, Suginami City, 〒166-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Tokyo

Naritahigashi, Suginami City, 〒166-0015 Tokyo,Japan
さかきけいじ on Google

安くて美味しいです。 お得な晩酌セットもあります。
It's cheap and delicious. There is also a great dinner set.
Takeru Tonomura on Google

It's reasonably priced and delicious. Lunch is also recommended. The difficulty is the stairs. It's on the 2nd floor, but the stairs are so steep that it's not recommended for older people. It's a small shop, so it's NG for those who want to eat quietly. For those who are OK.
蒟蒻畑 on Google

The location is good and you can easily drop in. Gomoku Ankake Ramen was delicious as usual.
Atsushi Sakabe on Google

南阿佐ヶ谷駅からすぐ、二階にあります。 ボリュームがあり満足感高し。 味は濃い目かな。 ランチは700円(税込み)でライス大盛り無料。
It's on the second floor, right from Minamiasagaya station. There is volume and satisfaction is high. The taste is strong. Lunch is 700 yen (tax included) and large rice is free.
船橋- on Google

ランチは6種類。全て700円で美味しかったです。喫煙可でした。 There were six kinds of lunch. All were 700 yen and delicious. Smoking was allowed.
There are 6 types of lunch. All were delicious for 700 yen. Smoking was allowed. There were six kinds of lunch. All were 700 yen and delicious. Smoking was allowed.
kanai on Google

ボリューム満点で美味しかったです! 店内も清潔感あってよかったです。 またいきます。
It was full of volume and delicious! It was nice that the inside of the store was clean. I will go again.
Tomoyuki Ishino on Google

The owner has returned to the old people and it has become delicious. The famous mom is back again. Lunch is 700 yen and it is delicious and full of volume. Sake is cheap and the food is delicious at night. It seems that he has quit.
Lance Hewett on Google

Delicious, very affordable, with super friendly staff!

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