とよた子育て総合支援センター - Toyota

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とよた子育て総合支援センター

住所 :

Wakamiyacho, Toyota, 〒471-0026 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 471-0026
Webサイト : http://www.city.toyota.aichi.jp/shisetsu/kosodate/tsudoi/1006739/index.html
街 : Aichi

Wakamiyacho, Toyota, 〒471-0026 Aichi,Japan
こんのなな on Google

2018年11/23リニューアルオープンしました。 平日開店時からそこそこ混み、お昼頃には結構な混雑。 よちよち歩きのスペースが以前より広くなりました。 以前は滑り台やトンネルなど、体を動かす事がメインでしたが、今は木のオモチャや本など知育的な場所になってしまいました。 そういうオモチャは、おうちでもあるので前みたいな感じが好きだったので残念。 床がフローリングで転んだら痛いと思いますし、走ってる子が多く見られゆっくり出来ないし小さいお子さんは辛いかな... [追記] はいはいなどの赤ちゃん用に小さいスペースが出来ました。ただ、他の大きい子も自由なので安心感は薄いと感じます。 火曜日がお休みなので注意なのと 松坂屋と同じオープン10時なので、ちょっと遅いなと思います。
Reopened November 23 2018. It's crowded from the opening hours on weekdays, and it is quite crowded around noon. The space for reading is now wider than before. I used to move my body, such as a slide and a tunnel, before, but now I have become an educational place such as toys and books for trees. It is a pity that such toys are like home because they liked the feeling like before. I think it hurts if the floor falls on the floor, and there are a lot of running children and you can't do it slowly. [Postscript] Yes there was a small space for babies such as yes. However, I feel the sense of security is thin because other big children are free. I am careful because Tuesday is a day off As it is 10 o'clock same as Matsuzakaya, I think it's a bit late.
鈴木陽介 on Google

個人的にはリニューアル前の方が好きでした。 小さい子向けの「よちよちゾーン」はまだいいですが上の子(5歳)が主に使う「わんぱくゾーン」は良くない。 ・狭い通路をたくさんの子供が全力疾走する →衝突、転落などが多くて危なく感じる ・クッション材がほとんどない →ぶつかると危険 ・椅子がない→親の居場所がない (みんな立ってる) ・ファブリックがなく音の反響がすごい →うるさい あげたらキリないですが、とにかく前の方が安心、安全ゆとりの遊び場だったように思いました。
Personally, I liked the one before renewal. The “Yoshiyori Zone” for small children is still good, but the “naughty zone” used mainly by the upper child (5 years old) is not good. ・ Many children sprint in a narrow passage → There are many collisions, falls, etc. ・ There is almost no cushion material → It is dangerous to hit ・ There is no chair → there is no place for parents (Everyone is standing) ・ There is no fabric and the acoustic response is amazing → Noisy I couldn't help but I thought that the former was a safe and safe playground.
さささの on Google

On Saturdays and Sundays, a father who does not know the rules of the facility may see it. Do not put your luggage on the shelves, let big running children play in the toddler zone, etc. Some staff are careful, but some people don't look at it. Peace on weekdays.
花村治 on Google

2021.2.11時点ですが、コロナ対策で、あそび場は10時~18時まで1時間単位の入れ替え制になっています。(遊ぶ時間は50分で10分は消毒)(せいさくゾーンは10:30~17:00受付16:30まで)毎回の40分前から受付しています。 みはらしテラスも同様で受付が必要です。解放時間は11時~14時です。消毒セットを貰ってテラスを出るときに自分で消毒します。 また緊急事態宣言から豊田市内在住者の利用をお願いしているようです。 (現場の掲示の情報です。ただし状況は随時変わると思いますので正確な情報は問い合わせされるのがよいと思います) スタッフの方はとても優しく、子供も少なめなので安心して遊べます。 -------------------------------- 2018.11にリニューアルして木をベースとした玩具や遊具に変わりました。ハイハイを卒業したての幼児にはちょうどいい広さと玩具があります。遊具に緩衝材が殆ど無いので4・5歳くらいの飛び回りたい子には少し注意が必要です。
As of 2021.2.11, as a measure against corona, the playground is replaced every hour from 10:00 to 18:00. (Playing time is 50 minutes and disinfecting for 10 minutes) (Seisaku zone is open from 10:30 to 17:00 until 16:30) We accept from 40 minutes before each time. The same applies to Miharashi Terrace, which requires reception. The release time is from 11:00 to 14:00. I will get a disinfection set and disinfect it myself when I leave the terrace. In addition, it seems that we are requesting the use of residents in Toyota City from the state of emergency. (The information is posted on the site. However, the situation may change from time to time, so it is better to inquire for accurate information.) The staff are very kind and there are few children so you can play with confidence. -------------------------------- It was renewed in November 2018 and changed to wood-based toys and playground equipment. Toddlers who have just graduated from Hi-Hi have just the right size and toys. Since there is almost no cushioning material in the playground equipment, it is necessary to be a little careful for children around 4 or 5 years old who want to fly around.
GAYA KA on Google

コロナの折で50分入れ替え制になっています。入れ替えごとに消毒しているようで、安心できます。 前ほど長居出来ないけれど、代わりに混んでいないし、遊ばせやすかったです。
It is a 50-minute replacement system at the time of corona. You can rest assured that it is disinfected every time it is replaced. I couldn't stay as long as before, but instead it wasn't crowded and it was easy to play.
sa ya on Google

コロナの影響でとても空いていて遊びやすいです。 以前はかなり混み合っていた印象でした。 1時間ごとに10分消毒タイムを設けているので、遊ぶ時間は50分で打ち切りです。
Due to the influence of corona, it is very vacant and easy to play. It used to be quite crowded. There is a 10-minute disinfection time every hour, so the play time is 50 minutes.
mari maru on Google

豊田市の木材を使った遊戯スペースということですが、完全に運営側の自己満足の世界だなと思いました。 大人の背丈より高い場所からの玉落としって子供目線からだと下半分も見えないですよね。 木のおもちゃばかりで、小さい子が喜ぶような色や形のおもちゃは寄付されたと思われるプラスチック製の物がほんの少しだけ。 赤ちゃん用の小さな木製の玉落としは滑りが悪く折り返しの度に止まってしまい、置いてあることすら疑問でした。 広いスペースのほぼ全面が硬い木の床で、はいはい、よちよちの子供を連れて行くのにはちょっと… もう少しクッションマットを敷いたスペースがあればよいのですが… 我が子は人や状況によって人見知りをするのですが、遊戯スペースのスタッフのおばちゃんが子供に直接話しかけるので不安がり泣き、人見知りなんですと一言言い離れて遊んでいましたが、利用していたのが私たち含めて2家族だけだったので近付いてきて子に話し掛け子が泣くの繰り返しで心が休まりませんでした。おうち遊びよりも大変な思いをし、子供も泣いて嫌がり可哀想な思いをさせてしまいました。 我が子は親と和やかに話してから話し掛けて貰えれば酷い人見知りはしませんし、どの子もそんなものだと思います。なぜ嫌がる子供に話し掛けに来るのか、親が子の気持ちを立て直し楽しく遊べているのに近づいてきて泣かせるのか理解できません… コロナ対策で50分制、10分間は消毒の時間とのことですが、毎時間00分から10分は消毒というのもスタッフファーストな時間設定だなと思いますし分かりづらいですね。学校の授業のように00分スタート50分終了が普通のように思いますがなにか理由があるのでしょうか… 室内で子供を遊ばせられる場所は貴重でありがたいですが、ここまで無いよりマシ程度の物だと利用者が少ないのもわかります。 豊田市は呼び込まなくてもトヨタ関連で居住者に恵まれていますから、子育て関連のサービスは近隣都市よりもかなり劣りますね。 企業優先なのかこども園だけは増えているようですが。
It's a play space made of wood from Toyota City, but I thought it was a world of self-satisfaction on the management side. If you drop a ball from a place taller than an adult, you can't see the lower half from a child's point of view. There are only wooden toys, and only a few plastic toys that are thought to have been donated in colors and shapes that make small children happy. The small wooden ball drop for babies was not slippery and stopped every time I turned it back, so I was wondering if it was even placed. Almost all of the large space is a hard wooden floor, yes yes, a little to take a toddler ... I wish I had a little more space with cushion mats ... My child gets acquainted depending on the person and the situation, but the aunt of the staff of the play space talks directly to the child, so I cried with anxiety, and I was playing away from saying that I was shy, but I was using it There were only two families including us, so I couldn't rest my heart because I approached and talked to the child and the child cried repeatedly. I felt more difficult than playing at home, and my child cried and hated me, which made me feel sorry. My child will not be shy if he talks to his parents in a friendly manner, and I think every child is like that. I don't understand why they come to talk to their disliked children, or why parents regain their feelings and get closer to having fun and make them cry ... It is said that 50 minutes is used for corona measures and 10 minutes is disinfection time, but it is difficult to understand that disinfection is a staff-first time setting from 00 minutes to 10 minutes every hour. I think it's normal to start at 00 minutes and end at 50 minutes like a school class, but is there any reason ... A place where children can play indoors is valuable, but you can also see that there are few users if it is better than nothing. Toyota City is blessed with residents related to Toyota even if it is not called in, so child-rearing-related services are considerably inferior to neighboring cities. It seems that the number of children's gardens is increasing because of the priority given to companies.
yuri k on Google

Facilities in other cities are by far the most attractive. There are too few toys and playsets, just wide. It's always quite vacant and lonely. And there is also a strange feeling of tension that is always watched by the woman in charge. I haven't gone since my child was over one year old. It's a shame that the facility is in a good location.

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