タジマヤ千葉東支店 - Wakaba Ward

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タジマヤ千葉東支店

住所 :

Wakamatsucho, Wakaba Ward, 〒264-0021 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 264-0021
Webサイト : https://www.tajimaya-cc.net/stores-tmart/chibahigashi/
街 : Chiba

Wakamatsucho, Wakaba Ward, 〒264-0021 Chiba,Japan
きんちゃんす on Google

It's cheap, but the freshness of the fruit is not good, but the vegetables are good. We have a wide selection of snacks.
チョコ on Google

業者さん向けのお店なので、全てが安いです。 3月から精肉売場が変わり、お肉の種類多くて良いです。ずっと、お魚を扱ってほしいと思ってたのですが、干物がありました〜 さんまの開き、ホッケ,カマス…本当に有り難いと思いました。
It's a shop for traders, so everything is cheap. The butcher shop will change from March, and it is good to have many kinds of meat. I've always wanted to handle fish, but there was dried fish ~ Opening of saury, atka mackerel, sphyraenidae ... I really appreciate it.
及川和重 on Google

ケース売りの野菜がとても安く、業務用の仕入れに助かります 11月21日の買い物 チンゲン菜二株入り49円 レタスひと玉 69円 泥ごぼう 大2本入り159 円 大根 3 L 六本入り 229円 きゅうり 4 kg 一箱 599 円 白菜 大玉4個入り499円 糸三つ葉 29円 等 助かります ありがとうございます
Vegetables sold in cases are very cheap, which helps to purchase for business use. Shopping on November 21st. 49 yen with 2 bok choy stocks Lettuce one ball 69 yen Large 2 bottles of mud burdock 159 yen Radish 3 L 6 pieces 229 yen Cucumber 4 kg per box 599 yen Chinese cabbage large ball 4 pieces 499 yen Thread trefoil 29 yen Etc. Thank you for your help
Brave Waves on Google

問屋風商店。色々ものがラックに置かれてます。菓子は安いものもあればそうでない物もあります。 カップ麺や飲料水も同じです。 野菜は店前と入口付近に冷凍食品は店奥にあります。 ホールズをまとめ買いするのに寄ってましたが最近は無いのであまり行かなくなりました。
Wholesaler style store. Various things are placed on the rack. Some sweets are cheap and some are not. The same is true for cup noodles and drinking water. Vegetables are in front of the store and near the entrance, and frozen foods are in the back of the store. I stopped by to buy holes in bulk, but I haven't been there lately so I don't go much.
メガホン on Google

I came to buy candy when I heard that I could buy it as an adult, but when I was looking for it, I felt sick because the aunt at the cash register was looking at me. At the cash register, a person who wasn't the aunt was in charge of passing the bar code, but since it was self-checking the money, I used the checkout machine on the side of the aunt who had the gun on, and I still got the gun. I feel sick. Don't make customers uncomfortable. The assortment is good, but it's ruined by the quality of the clerk (aunt of about one cashier). I don't want to have a single star.
酒匂篤 on Google

I don't have any fish, but the variety and price of vegetables are cheap. Also, dried fish is cheap. Please visit once.
ran蘭(ランラン) on Google

たまに良い品が安いときがあります。 支払いは現金のみです。 野菜や果物は同じものが常にあるわけではないです。 例えばバナナは毎回メーカー等が違います。 外に出しっぱなしの商品とかもありますから新鮮ではない時もあります。 他の人のコメントにめありますが感じのいい接客ではありませんね。
SA on Google

I think that the greengrocer changed from October and the price became very cheap. Cabbage etc. are sold in boxes and are very cheap. It is a great deal if you use it for purchasing. I don't buy boxes because it's for home meals, but I always use it because it's fresh and cheap. Saturday is 5% off at checkout.

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