あわた整骨院 新長田院 - Kobe

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact あわた整骨院 新長田院

住所 :

Wakamatsucho, Nagata Ward, Kobe, 〒653-0038 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Postal code : 653-0038
Webサイト : https://awata-shinnagata.com/
街 : Hyogo

Wakamatsucho, Nagata Ward, Kobe, 〒653-0038 Hyogo,Japan
佐藤t on Google

Posture advice and correction will make it easier. It's easy to talk to the staff and go near the station!
erita m. on Google

ここに通い始めて半年が経ちます。 ここに通うきっかけは小学生の頃からひどかった猫背が社会人となった今でも酷いままでむしろ悪化している気がして、骨盤とかの歪みもあるかどうかを知りたくて…というものでした。人見知りがひどいので最初はめちゃくちゃ緊張して話せなかったのですが、先生方や受付の方々がもうとにかく優しいし、リラックスさせてくれるんです?✨ でも施術に関してはすごく的確にしてくれるし、お家でどんな風にストレッチしたらいいかとかも教えてくださったりしてくれます?? しかも施術も毎回同じではなくその日その日に前回の時と比べてなにか変わったこととかありましたか?って聞いてくれてその時に応じた施術をしてくれるのでその時に本当に痛かったり辛かったりする所を重点的に診てくれるので身体がすごく楽になります? 少しでも気になることや身体に異常を感じた場合聞いてみるのはありだと思います…! 素敵な方々にいつも笑わせていただいてるので毎回行くのが楽しみになります??
It's been half a year since I started going here. The reason I went here was that my stoop, which had been terrible since I was in elementary school, became a member of society, and I still feel that it's getting worse, and I wanted to know if there was any distortion in my pelvis. .. At first I was so nervous that I couldn't talk because I was so shy, but the teachers and receptionists are kind and relaxing ?✨ But the treatment is very accurate and it also tells me how to stretch at home ?? What's more, the treatment is not the same every time, and has there been any change on that day compared to the previous time? It will make your body much easier because it will focus on the areas that really hurt or hurt at that time because it will perform the treatment according to the time ? If you have any concerns or feel any abnormalities in your body, I think it's worth asking ...! I'm always laughing at nice people so I'm looking forward to going every time ??
Midori Horii on Google

肩こりと猫背の改善でお世話になっています。 スタッフさんみんな気さくで、アットホームな雰囲気で安心して施術を受けられます。 長年の猫背も少しずつ改善が見られるので、これからが楽しみです!
I am indebted to the improvement of stiff shoulders and stoop. All the staff are friendly and you can receive the treatment with peace of mind in a cozy atmosphere. I'm looking forward to the future as I can see the improvement of the stoop for many years little by little!
ポコポコ on Google

日々首からくる頭痛に悩まされ、どこかで治療出来ないかとネットで探して通い始めました。 週2回の治療を1ヶ月続けたくらいで毎日なっていた頭痛がなくなりました。 予約もLINEで簡単に取れるので非常に助かってます。
Suffer from headaches that come from day-to-day neck, I began attending looking at whether can not treat the net somewhere. No longer a headache, which has been every day at about was continued for one month of treatment twice a week. Reservations also survived in very so easy to get in LINE.
やまりょー on Google

The staff are willing to treat me, and I am happy to have a good time during the procedure. I think it will be improved if I go through continuously.
中井沙季 on Google

長年の腰痛を治したくて行く整骨院を探していた時にこちらのお店を見つけました。 スタッフのみなさんもとても話しやすくて素敵なお店です。腕も確かですし、なにより施術が丁寧で効果ぎすぐに出ました。今までは夕方になると腰痛が酷くて歩けなかったのが嘘のようです。小さなお子様連れでも安心せて受けれますのでおススメです。 腰はまだ治療中ですが、治ってからもメンテナンスに定期的に通いたいと思います。 これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
I found this shop when I was looking for an osteopathic clinic to cure my back pain for many years. The staff are also very easy to talk to and it is a nice shop. The arm is also certain, and above all, the treatment was polite and effective. Until now, it seems to be a lie that I couldn't walk because of my back pain in the evening. It is recommended because you can take it with confidence even with small children. My lower back is still being treated, but I would like to go to regular maintenance after it has healed. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
由佳楠城 on Google

I hurt my neck with a snowboard and found it when I was looking for an osteopathic clinic. I was able to find out the cause of the pain by looking at my physical condition, and after receiving treatment, it improved the second time. The staff are also friendly, so it is easy to go and thank you in the future.
AKI OKA on Google

産後2ヶ月から通わせていただいております。フレンドリーで親しみやすく、赤ちゃんも、時には上の子も施術中見てくださるので、安心して通えています。 おすすめです!
I have been attending since 2 months after giving birth. It's friendly and friendly, and the baby and sometimes the older child can see it during the procedure, so I can go there with peace of mind. it's recommended!

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