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Contact すぎもと接骨院・整体院

住所 :

Wakamatsucho, Fuchu, 〒183-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89998
Webサイト : https://sugimoto-seitaiin.com/
街 : Tokyo

Wakamatsucho, Fuchu, 〒183-0005 Tokyo,Japan
小林好子 on Google

I had a chronic tight waist and I couldn't let go of the waist band, but when I went to Sugimoto, my waist became lighter from the first time. From the 4th time, I was able to get up easily from the bed, and I was able to sit upright even though my legs couldn't sit upright. From the beginning, I applied for a set of 10 times and it was really good. I went to various osteopathic clinics, but Dr. Sugimoto is completely different from other hospitals. I'm incredibly happy that it's been so good. For me, Sugimoto's hand is a magical hand. I realized that my waist was always healed. Mr. Sugimoto's personality is also gentle and gentle, and I really appreciate it.
おさないじゅんこ on Google

つらかった坐骨神経痛がすっかり治りました! 10ヶ月ほど、じっくりと通わせていただきましたが、なによりいつもの生活に戻れたこと、先生にはほんとうに感謝の気持ちです。ありがとうございました! 体が資本。楽しく有意義な仕事を続けるために、家族のために、一緒に家庭生活を支えるために、自分自身の健康や体のつくりに意識を向けるたいせつさを実感しました。 今後は再発しないように、教えてもらったエクササイズをしながら、日々自分の体をしっかり見ていきたいと思います。
The painful sciatica has completely healed! I spent about 10 months slowly, but above all, I am truly grateful to the teacher for returning to my usual life. Thank you very much! The body is the capital. I realized the importance of focusing on my own health and physical fitness in order to continue my enjoyable and meaningful work, for my family, and to support my family life together. In the future, I would like to take a closer look at my body every day while exercising as taught so that it will not recur.
K Himu on Google

A woman in her thirties. I am going to the hospital because of back pain from desk work. At first, I was wondering if just shaking my spine would help with back pain, but just shaking my spine and turning on electricity improved it considerably when the first day of treatment was over. My back pain disappeared on my third visit. You can accurately grasp the location and condition of pain, and the teacher is also a polite person, so you can rest assured.
M on Google

私が座骨神経痛になったのは、今から4年前です。 最初は整形外科にいきました。レントゲンを撮り、腰を引っ張ってもらい、湿布とロキソニン、リリカ、胃薬を処方してもらいました。 リリカは1錠からはじめました。2週間分だしてもらい、一週間に1度、腰を引っ張ってもらいしばらく通いました。しかし、右足の太ももの裏側から膝までがしびれたような重だるい感じが常にあり、痛い痛い❗と言った感じではなく、なんとも言葉にできないだるさが、いつもある感覚があり、膝側を我が子に踏んでもらうと一瞬だけですが、だるさが取れる感じでした。しかし、朝晩薬を飲んでいても改善する兆しもなく、整形外科で痛みが取れない❗と伝えると、注射打ちますか?と言われました。痛いのが苦手な私は、違う方法はありませんか?と言うと、リリカを2錠で、朝、昼、晩の3回飲んでまた2週間、様子をみることになりました。効いたかなぁ?と感じた時間は短く、リリカが3錠になり、血の巡りを良くする漢方まで追加されてしまいました。仕事で疲れると尚更で眠っていても、足のだるさで目が覚めるようになってしまいました。手術かな?狭窄症にいずれなるのか?不安と向き合い続けた4年間でした。 整形外科で治らないのに、接骨院やマッサージで治るとは思っていませんでしたが、歩くのも遅くなり、休みの日は寝てばかりいる自分がとても嫌になってきました。足が重だるくても、仕事は休めず帰る頃には病院も閉まってしまうので、マッサージでもいいから痛みを取って欲しい気持ちから携帯で調べ、仕事帰りにも空いている杉本接整体院を見つけ行くことにしました。 今まで整体やマッサージを体験しましたが、杉本先生はポキポキと体のづれを治すような感じの施術ではなく、体をゆらゆらと揺らし自分の中にある治癒力を引き出してくれる施術でした。最初は正直、揺らされるだけで、気持ちいいな、と言う感じではありませんでした。でも、携帯のクチコミで座骨神経痛が治った❗歩けるようになった❗とたくさんの患者さんが、携帯の画面を通して私に教えてくれたので、杉本先生を信じて2ヶ月ほど通いました。最初は週に2回施術してもらい、だんだんと1週間に1度のペースになり、その後は10日に1度になるほど間隔が空くようになりました。だんだん、だるさやしびれがなくなりました。疲れたなぁ、無理しちゃったなぁ、と思った時も寝れば治る、疲れが残らない体になるのが感じられました。何度も繰り返すことで良くなる感覚が味わえます。4年も辛い思いをしていたのが、嘘の様に重苦しい感じがないのです。今、苦しんでいる方は直ぐに杉本先生に連絡をして下さい。ゆらゆらと施術をしてもらい電気をかけていただくだけで、元の生活を取り戻せます。 あの太ももの裏側から膝裏まであんなにだるくて仕方ない生活だったのが、杉本先生に施術して頂いたお陰で薬を必要としない自分の力で治す、回復する力をつけて頂き今ではとても感謝しています。 座骨神経痛で辛い毎日を送る苦しみはとても憂うつです。そんな方は是非、京王線東府中駅から歩いて3分ほどの場所にすぎもと整体院があります。必ず、良くなりますよ。 杉本先生に会いに行って、悩みを相談してみて下さい。
I had sciatica four years ago. At first I went to orthopedics. I took an X-ray, had my back pulled, and prescribed a compress, loxonin, lyrica, and stomach medicine. Lyrica started with one tablet. I had them take out for two weeks, and once a week I pulled my hips and went for a while. However, there is always a heavy feeling of numbness from the back side of the right thigh to the knee, not a painful pain ❗, but there is always a dullness that can not be said in words, my knees on my child. It took me only a moment to step on it, but it felt like I could get slack. However, if you tell me that you can't get rid of pain with orthopedic surgery ❗, there is no sign of improvement even if you take medicine in the morning and evening, will you give an injection? They said. Isn't it painful for me, is there any other way? Then, I decided to take 2 tablets of Lyrica, 3 times in the morning, noon and evening, and watch the situation for another 2 weeks. Did it work? The time I felt was short, and 3 tablets of Lyrica were added, and even Kampo, which improves blood circulation, was added. When I got tired from work, I started to wake up due to the sluggishness of my legs, even though I was still sleeping. Is it surgery? Which will become stenosis? It was four years that I continued to face anxiety. I didn't expect to be cured by an orthopedic surgery, but a bone clinic or a massage, but I was slow to walk and became very disliked when I was asleep on my days off. Even if my legs are heavy, I will not be able to take a break from work and the hospital will be closed by the time I return, so I want to get rid of my pain even if I have a massage. I decided to go. I have experienced manipulative treatments and massages until now, but Dr. Sugimoto was not a treatment that felt like healing a stinging sensation in the body, but a treatment that swayed the body to bring out the healing power within him. At first, I didn't feel that I was just swayed and felt good. However, the sciatica was healed by the word of mouth on my cell phone ❗ I was able to walk ❗ and many patients taught me through the screen of my cell phone, so I believed in Sugimoto and went there for about two months. At first, I was treated twice a week, and the pace gradually increased to once a week. After that, once every 10 days, the intervals became longer. Gradually, I have lost my dullness and numbness. When I thought that I was tired or I was not able to overdo it, I felt that I would be healed if I went to bed and that I would not feel tired. You can enjoy the feeling that you can improve by repeating it many times. I had a hard time for four years, but I didn't feel as heavy as a lie. If you are suffering now, please contact Sugimoto immediately. You can regain your original life just by swaying and applying electricity. It was such a dull life from the back of the thigh to the back of the knee, but thanks to Dr. Sugimoto, I had the ability to cure and recover with my own power that does not need medicine I am grateful. The pain of having sciatica and having painful days is very depressing. If you are like that, there is Sugimoto Manipulative Center just 3 minutes walk from Higashifuchu station on Keio line. It will definitely improve. Please visit Dr. Sugimoto to discuss your concerns.
娘チャイ on Google

ぎっくり腰を繰り返して、数年間痛みが取れなかった腰痛を何とかしたくて、お世話になりました。最初にぎっくり腰を発症してから、何軒も病院や、針治療、整体と、調べては、通っていましたが、少し良くなっては、ぶり返すの繰り返しでした。すぎもと先生の治療に通って驚いたのは、通って3回目に、しつこい痛みが取れました!!靴下履く時や、腰を曲げた時にあった鈍い痛みが消えて日常が本当に快適になりました。辛い時は、仕事で、1時間も立つと、痛みが来ていたのに、信じられません。1番嬉しかったのは、腰が痛くて15分くらいしか歩けなかったのが、今では、1時間の散歩を、楽々できるようになりました。 今はO脚の矯正でもお世話になっています。初診から丁寧に話を聞いてくださり、説明もしっかり解るようにして下さいます。施術も安心してお任せできる信頼できる先生です。
I was taken care of because I wanted to get rid of my back pain that I hadn't been able to get rid of for several years by repeating my back pain. After the first onset of low back, I went to many hospitals, acupuncture, and manipulative treatments, but when I got a little better, I went back and forth. What surprised me when I went to Dr. Sugimoto's treatment was that the third time I went there, I got rid of persistent pain! !! The dull pain I had when I put on my socks and when I bent my hips disappeared, and my daily life became really comfortable. When I was having a hard time, I couldn't believe it even though I was in pain after standing for an hour at work. What I was most happy about was that I had a backache and could only walk for about 15 minutes, but now I can easily take an hour's walk. Now I am indebted to the correction of the O leg. Please listen carefully from the first visit and make sure you understand the explanation. He is a reliable teacher who can leave the treatment with confidence.
pianissimoabc on Google

腰痛に悩まされ、別の接骨院で施術を受けてました。腰痛は友達と割り切り、週1~2回のペースで2年間通ってましたが、抜本的に治せないものかと思って調べたところ、すぎもとさんにたどり着きました。 初回は特別価格ということもあって、まずは施術してもらい話を聞いてもらってから継続するか考えようと思いました。 施術は、伸ばしたり、押したりなどはせず、ユラユラと背骨を揺らすだけでした。 施術はこれだけで、大半は10回を1セットで治療は終わるとのことで、騙されたと思い通うことを決意。 結局、10回まで施術方法は変わることはなく、施術の度に柔軟性を確認してくれるので、自分の身体の進捗がわかり易かったです。 また、日々身体の調子が良くなってきたのが実感出来ました。特に、運動後の疲労が抜けにくくなったのが、一晩寝れば翌日に疲労感を感じることが少なくなりました。 施術は1月に終わり、2ヶ月ほど経ちますが、特に腰痛が再発することは無いです。 抜本的に治療をしたいと考えているのであれば、検討してもらう価値はあると思います。
I was suffering from back pain and was treated at another osteopathic clinic. I shared my back pain with my friends and went there once or twice a week for two years, but when I wondered if it could be completely cured, I arrived at Mr. Sugimoto. Since the first time is a special price, I thought about whether to continue after having the treatment done and listening to the story. The procedure did not stretch or push, it just shook the spine. This is the only treatment, and most of them will finish the treatment with one set of 10 times, so I decided to think that I was deceived. After all, the treatment method did not change up to 10 times, and the flexibility was confirmed each time, so it was easy to understand the progress of my body. Also, I was able to feel that my physical condition was getting better every day. In particular, it became difficult to get rid of fatigue after exercising, but when I slept overnight, I felt less tired the next day. The procedure ends in January, and it's been about two months, but my back pain hasn't recurred. If you want a radical treatment, it's worth considering.
M “ペコちゃん” T on Google

10年以上前に、整形外科で坐骨神経痛と診断されて、当時の近所の整骨院で針、灸で治療し、完治迄に6ヶ月掛かりましたが、今回ネット検索で、専門医としてヒットしたので、通院致しました。 お気に入りは、自然治癒力を付けると言う事に賛同して、治療してもらい、座っても立ってもの激痛からほぼ1ヶ月で痛みが無くなりました。 有り難う御座いました。
More than 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with sciatica by orthopedic surgery, treated with needles and moxibustion at a nearby osteopathic clinic at that time, and it took 6 months to completely recover, but this time I searched online and found a hit as a specialist. , I went to the hospital. My favorite is to have a natural healing power, and I was treated, and the pain disappeared in almost a month from the severe pain when I sat down or stood up. Thank you very much.
プラスマイナス(土) on Google

椎間板ヘルニアによる坐骨神経痛で、お尻からつま先までの痛みと痺れで歩くのもままならず、通っていた整形外科で処方されるリリカは強くなるばかりで、もう手術するしかないのかなと考えていたところ、ホームページを偶然発見しダメ元で通ってみたのがきっかけです。 最初は揺らして歪みを治す施術にどれほどの効果があるのか?と半信半疑でしたが、驚くほど効果は絶大でした。 今は1年以上飲み続けた薬がいらなくなっただけでなく、お尻からつま先までの痛みと痺れは完全になくなり、何の支障もなく日常生活を送れるようになりました。 あと数回通う予定なので、今よりもっと良い状態になれば(ごく稀にでる腰の違和感もなくなれば)との期待しかありません。 何より仕事の関係でできるなら手術は回避したいと考えていたところ、手術のことは頭からなくなるほど良くなり、杉本先生には大変感謝しております。
I had sciatica due to herniated disc, and I couldn't walk because of pain and numbness from my butt to my toes. , I discovered the homepage by chance and tried to go there with no use. How effective is the treatment of shaking and healing the distortion at first? I was skeptical, but the effect was surprisingly great. Not only did I no longer need the medicine I had been taking for over a year now, but the pain and numbness from my butt to my toes was completely gone, and I was able to lead a daily life without any problems. I'm planning to go there a few more times, so I'm only hoping that I'll be in a better condition than I am now (if I don't feel any discomfort in my lower back, which is very rare). Above all, I wanted to avoid surgery if I could do it because of my work, but the surgery became so good that I couldn't think of it, and I am very grateful to Dr. Sugimoto.

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