カワチ薬品 若林店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カワチ薬品 若林店

住所 :

Wakabayashi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0826 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : http://www.cawachi.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–9PM
Sunday 9:30AM–9PM
Monday 9:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–9PM
Thursday 9:30AM–9PM
Friday 9:30AM–9PM
街 : Miyagi

Wakabayashi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0826 Miyagi,Japan
加藤周一 on Google

It is very convenient to be in Wakabayashi's Zerais Town.
ゆっ on Google

The product lineup is good, and if you shop, you will get points.
pikkoro on Google

駐車場が広くてつかいやすい。 ここでしか扱ってない洗顔ソープを買いに行く為に利用してます。
The parking lot is large and easy to use. I use it to go buy a face wash soap that is only available here.
TVっ子 on Google

The day when the flyers enter is the aim! There is a gacha at the right entrance. There is a proof photo stand at the storefront.
すずたつ on Google

先日、様々な商品の他に小さいドリンクを購入しました、が購入したつもりでした。 店員が小さい商品の為、レジからピッとしなかったんでしょう。レシートにも記載なし。商品もありませんでした。。よく行くのですがちょっと残念でした。
The other day I bought a small drink in addition to various products, but I intended to buy it. The store clerk wouldn't be picking up from the cash register because of the small items. No description on receipt. There was no product. . I often go there but it was a bit disappointing.
ぶりぶりざえもん on Google

外のど真ん中に灰皿、サイテーです。この時代に、たばこ臭くて不快。子供と一緒に歩くの嫌です。 品揃え広さは良い。灰皿撤去されたら、☆4くらい
In the middle of the outside there is an ashtray and a satay. At this time, the smell of tobacco is unpleasant. I hate to walk with my children. Assortment size is good. If the ashtray is removed, ☆ about 4
えぬわん on Google

薬剤師の方は丁寧に対応してくれますが中央レジの店員さんの中には接客向いてないのではと思うような方がいて、何度か嫌な思いをした事があります。 並んでいるのに無言で休止板出された時はびっくりしました。 接客の質がもう少し高くなって欲しいです。
The pharmacist responds politely, but some of the staff at the central cash register think that they are not suitable for customer service, and I have had some unpleasant feelings. I was surprised when I was silently put out a pause board even though I was lined up. I want the quality of customer service to be a little higher.
aki. aki on Google

ゼライスタウンにあるドラッグストア?薬品、コスメはもちろんのこと、食品やドリンクに、ちょっとしたカー用品まで?近隣のドラッグストアよりも品揃えが多く、重宝してます?でも、近所のコンビニには迷惑な存在かも?? キャッシュレス対応もほぼ満足できる状況ですが、問題は対応しきれていないスタッフさんが、ん?名いることでかな?待っているお客さんに悪いと思い、何度か、キャッシュ払いしてるし? まあ、それを差し引いても?引き続きよろしくお願いします?
Drugstore in Zeraistown ? Not only medicines and cosmetics, but also food and drinks, even small car supplies ? There are more items than nearby drugstores and it is useful ? But it is annoying to the convenience store in the neighborhood Maybe it exists? ? The situation is almost satisfactory for cashless support, but there are staff members who have not been able to handle the problem. I wonder if it's because of my name ? I think it's bad for the waiting customers, so I pay cash several times ? Well, even if you deduct it ? Thank you for your continued support ?

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