Wakabaseikeigeka Riumachika Clinic

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wakabaseikeigeka Riumachika Clinic

住所 :

Fujimi, Tsurugashima, 〒350-2201 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : http://wakaba-group.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:45AM–12:15PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:45AM–12:15PM
Tuesday 8:45AM–12:15PM
Wednesday 8:45AM–12:15PM
Thursday 8:45AM–12:15PM
Friday 8:45AM–12:15PM
街 : Saitama

Fujimi, Tsurugashima, 〒350-2201 Saitama,Japan
藤田亮介 on Google

俺は 良い病院だと思った?
I thought it was a good hospital.
FKI YSK (FY) on Google

The car was hit and hurt from my neck to my back, but I couldn't get anything just by looking at the situation because I put out the compress. There weren't many people, but I waited for an hour before the examination.
ふうちん on Google

診察は、結構待たされるの覚悟で行った方が良いです。 リハビリに通ってます。どうしたら良いのか?な程の膝の痛みから、回復して来ました。リハビリは、予約ですので待たされません。すでに、3年目ですが、、。
It is better to go to the doctor with a long wait. I go to rehabilitation. What should I do? I have recovered from my knee pain. Rehabilitation is a reservation, so you will not have to wait. It's already been 3 years,
NK HT on Google

レントゲン写真を見て、 触診することもなく、「打撲ですね」と。 5秒で診察終わり。 あまりにも適当すぎるだろ! そのままの足で別の病院に行きました。 完全骨折で全治2ヶ月でした。 誤診以前の問題ですね。 診察する気がないんだもん。
Look at the X-ray, Without palpation, he said, "It's a bruise." The examination is completed in 5 seconds. It's too suitable! I went to another hospital with my feet. It was a complete fracture and healed for 2 months. It's a problem before the misdiagnosis. I don't feel like seeing him.
桃っ子 on Google

受付時間が変わった。Google mapsにも一緒に更新してほしいす
The reception time has changed. I want you to update Google maps together.
たまぽっちー on Google

まず、診察まで長い時間待たされます。 腰痛になり診察を受けましたが、正面からのレントゲン写真に写る背骨が素人目から見ても曲がってるのにそれに対して一切触れず、軟骨の話しかされませんでした。 簡単なコルセットを渡され、巻き方の指導は受けましたが、お薬は貰えず不信感が募るばかり。 別の病院で骨の歪みが原因と伝えられて治療も終えたので、不信感は間違いでなかったと確信しました。二度と行くことはありません。
First, you will have to wait a long time before consulting. I had a backache and I was examined, but even though the spine seen in the front X-ray was bent from an amateur's point of view, I did not touch it at all and I was not told about cartilage. She was given a simple corset, and was taught how to roll, but she couldn't get any medicine, and her distrust was growing. I was convinced that the distrust was not wrong because I was told that the bone distortion was the cause at another hospital and the treatment was finished. Never go again.
福山京子 on Google

タイムズ ワカバウォーク平面駐車場に停めて、ヤオコー側の外階段を上がると向かいにメディカルモールがあり、直ぐに病院の入口です。 自動ドアを開けると、待合室ですが、平日お昼前の割には数人しかおらず、問診票を記入して10分足らずで診察でした。 本日は院長先生の診察でしたが、レントゲン撮影を行い、個人的には自己診断の確認的な感じでした。 手術は行わず、紹介と言う病院でしたが、診察も丁寧で待合室、トイレ、診察室共に綺麗で明るい病院です。 駐車券は3時間有効なので、診察後にゆっくり買い物も出来て良かったです。
Stop at the Times Wakaba Walk flat parking lot and go up the stairs on the Yaoko side. When the automatic door was opened, it was in the waiting room, but there were only a few people on the weekday before lunchtime, and the examination was completed in less than 10 minutes after filling out the questionnaire. Today, I was inspected by the professor, but X-rays were taken and it was personally a confirmation of self-diagnosis. It was a hospital called referral without any surgery, but the examination is also polite and the waiting room, toilet, and examination room are clean and bright. The parking ticket is valid for 3 hours, so it was nice to be able to shop slowly after the examination.
tom 33 on Google

接骨院に数ヶ月通って改善しなかったので伺いました。皆さん親切丁寧に接してくださいました。とても綺麗なクリニックです。 ダラダラと説明を聞くのは好きではないので、端的に言っていただけるのが自分にはあいました。 他の口コミにあるような印象は感じられませんでしたが、それも人それぞれでしょう。 駅近で、ワカバウォーク内にあるので駐車場の心配もありません。
I went to the osteopathic clinic for several months and it didn't improve, so I asked. Everyone was kind and polite. It's a very beautiful clinic. I don't like listening to explanations, so I was happy to say that. I didn't get the impression of other reviews, but it's different for each person. There is no need to worry about parking because it is near the station and inside the Wakaba Walk.

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