Wadatsumi - Kurashiki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wadatsumi

住所 :

2 Chome-7-10 Achi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0055, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 710-0055
Webサイト : https://y929300.gorp.jp/

2 Chome-7-10 Achi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0055, Japan
satoshi ogawa on Google

On the second day of sightseeing in Kurashiki, all of them were delicious. The older brother and the older sister in the shop also felt good.
とっさん on Google

I went to entertain the company. The food was very good. I'm glad I could drink a lot of sake. The vessel was also fashionable. However, the chair was small and difficult to sit on.
Lover Beer on Google

外観、内装が非常にスタイリッシュで明るい雰囲気の、オープンキッチンのお店。 北海道出身の店主とスタッフの接客も良く、和食をベースにした料理はどれもセンスを感じられ、美味しいです。 特に貝を使った蒸気鍋は名物。 さらに日本酒のお勧めを尋ねると、いわゆる名前の知られた日本酒だけではなく、店主が自分の舌で選んできたものを熱を込めて勧めてくれるので、こちらも嬉しくなってしまいます。またそのお酒がどれも美味しい! 開店してから1年が経ち、週末は予約しないと入れない人気店になりつつあるようです。
An open kitchen shop with a very stylish and bright appearance and interior. The shopkeepers and staff from Hokkaido have good customer service, and all the dishes based on Japanese food are delicious and delicious. Especially, the steam pot using shellfish is a specialty. Furthermore, when I ask for sake recommendations, I am also happy because the shopkeeper passionately recommends not only so-called sake with a well-known name but also what I chose with my tongue. Also, all the sake is delicious! A year has passed since it opened, and it seems that it is becoming a popular store that you can not enter unless you make a reservation on the weekend.
Tom. N on Google

岡山県は倉敷。美観地区にある、「わだつみ」さん。 ディナーは、2度目の訪問。 チョーおすすめ。 コースを頂きました。 お刺身5種盛り 旬彩の含め煮天ぷら 貝出汁茶碗蒸し 蒸気鍋 ローストポーク 鰆の西京焼き 雑炊〜蒸気鍋の出汁と炊き合わせ〜 季節のデザート &飲み放題付きで 4000円。 ほんとに美味しい、魚介をお安く頂けます。 倉敷美観地区に行ったときは是非、よってみてください。
Okayama Prefecture is Kurashiki. Mr. Waddatsumi, who is located in the beauty district. Dinner is my second visit. Cho recommended. I have a course. 5 types of sashimi Seasonal tempura including boiled Steamed shellfish soup Steam pot Roast pork Nishikyo-yaki of salmon Mixed rice-steam pot and soup- With seasonal dessert & all-you-can-drink 4000 yen. Really delicious, cheap seafood. Please take a look when you go to the Kurashiki Bikan district.
小林統 on Google

非常に美味しい料理を提供してもらいました。 一つ一つの料理が工夫されてて、飽きのこない味付けに魅了されました。 家族連れでも全然来れるお店だと思います。 また、店長の人柄も素敵で見送りもしてくれるほどでした。
I had a very good dish served. Every single dish was devised and I was fascinated by the seasoning that never gets tired. I think it is a shop that even families can come at all. In addition, the personality of the store manager was so nice that I could even see off.
mami mami on Google

接客態度最高です。 全てのスタッフにおいて素晴らしい。 手際もよく協力的。 バタバタしているときに入店しましたが、 誰かが何かを作ってる時に別の作業に移ったら その続きを別の人が何も言わず作業を進めてる。 指示出しもあのバタバタの状況でも イライラせず普通の喋り方で会話。 (実際問題、バタバタしてる時ってイライラした 口調になるものですよね…大体の人って。) お客さんに声をかけられると反応良く笑顔で対応。 只、出てくるのが超絶遅いのと、 地面に落ちた網じゃくし?をそのままバットに入れて 揚げ物に使ったり(衛生面的にNG?) って所が不満。 それ以外は 自信を持って誰かを連れていきたいお店でした。 お店としては和食ベースのイタリアン?フレンチ?のアレンジされた創作料理なのかな? 個人的にはウニの上に荒塩が乗ってるのは衝撃でした。 食感とか。ザクザクしっとり食感。 エイヒレもあまがらく味が付いているエイヒレは初めてかも。 海鮮丼にはごま油メシでした(酢飯でなく)。 あまり食べ慣れない組み合わせとかで新鮮な感覚で ディナーを楽しませて頂きました。
The customer service attitude is the best. Great for all staff. Smart and supportive. I entered the store when I was fluttering, If someone is making something and moves on to another task Another person is working on the continuation without saying anything. Even in the fluttering situation of giving instructions Conversation in a normal way without getting frustrated. (Actual problem, I was frustrated when I was fluttering It's a tone ... Most people. ) When a customer speaks to me, he responds with a responsive smile. It ’s just that it ’s super slow to come out. Is it a net that has fallen to the ground? Put it in the bat as it is Used for fried food (NG in terms of hygiene?) I'm dissatisfied with the place. Other than that It was a shop that I wanted to bring someone with confidence. Is it Italian based on Japanese food as a shop? French? Is it a creative dish arranged by? Personally, it was a shock to see the rough salt on the sea urchin. The texture. Crispy and moist texture. It may be the first time for Eihire to have a savory taste. The seafood bowl was sesame oil rice (not vinegared rice). With a combination that you are not used to eating, with a fresh feeling I enjoyed the dinner.
としあき on Google

お店の雰囲気が落ち着いており、料理とお酒もとても美味しかったです! 特に刺身盛りが美味しく、人数分に切ってくださったお気遣いにも大変感動しました! また行きたいです!
The atmosphere of the restaurant was calm and the food and sake were very good! The sashimi was especially delicious, and I was very impressed by the care that was cut for the number of people! I want to go again!
やかちゃん on Google

Both the manager and the clerk were very nice and nice! I was a little lonely because I was eating alone, but I was able to have a conversation with the store manager because I was from the same town, and I enjoyed it very much ? I ordered but I could not eat because the ingredients ran out. I arranged it and got another one out! !! It was so delicious and I was lucky ? Thank you for your wonderful time!

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