Volkswagen Tsuchiura - Tsuchiura

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Volkswagen Tsuchiura

住所 :

3311-1 Kidamari, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 300-0026
Webサイト :

3311-1 Kidamari, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0026, Japan
フラットコーテッドロア(フラットーファミリー) on Google

It was a very reliable shop with a polite response
山田太郎 on Google

Since we can correspond politely the nearest dealer in the neighborhood, we are asking for maintenance of the car.
鈴木隆行 on Google

The other day, I was invited to a business talk, but the store was beautiful and the salesman was kind and polite and it was nice because it was shortly after opening.
何でひろぴー on Google

The correspondence of the staff is very good.
シナモン on Google

I haven't followed up at all since the person in charge retired. I'm planning to ride a Volkswagen car next time, but I'm thinking of buying it at a different store.
Norihide Tokumitsu on Google

トヨタ系のVWディーラーさんです。 中は高級感有り、綺麗なお姉さんに勧められると買う気満々になるので注意(笑) MercedesBenz Audi に負けず劣らず 新型アルテオンお勧め
A Toyota VW dealer. There is a sense of luxury inside, so if you are recommended by a beautiful older sister, you will be full of attention, so be careful (lol) As good as MercedesBenz Audi New Arteon recommended
ごれーむファット on Google

サービスが悪い。 以前タイヤがパンクした時に電話したら「営業時間終了10分前ですので対応できません」と切られ、なにもしてもらえませんでした。 ここのフォルクスは茨城トヨペットと提携しているのですが、車検の値段は同じ系列でも2割ほど高い。また水戸にもありますが値段は2割ほど安い。なぜ同じ提携店舗で値段がこうも違うのか不思議です。 また、知人に話を聞いたところここのフォルクスはクレームがすごく多いとのことです。
The service is poor. When I called when the tire had a flat tire before, I was cut off saying "I can't handle it because it's 10 minutes before the end of business hours" and I couldn't get anything. Volks here is affiliated with Ibaraki Toyopet, but the price of car inspection is about 20% higher even in the same series. It is also available in Mito, but the price is about 20% cheaper. I wonder why the prices are so different at the same affiliated store. Also, when I talked to an acquaintance, it is said that Volks here has a lot of complaints.
ドライブ大好き on Google

店員の方々、皆さんが明るいです。 他店と比べると2,3割お客様(立ち寄るオーナー様)が多いような気がします。 お客様1人、1人に丁寧に挨拶、対応しています。 車のメンテナンス、不具合にも迅速に対応していただき、とても助かってます。 県南地域に来た際は是非立ち寄ってみてください。
The shop assistants are all bright. I feel that there are more than 20-30% customers (owners who stop by) compared to other stores. We greet and respond to each customer carefully. Thanks to the quick maintenance of car maintenance and malfunctions, it is very helpful. Please drop in when you come to the south of the prefecture.

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