
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Virejjivangado-tsudanumaparukoten

住所 :

Maebaranishi, Funabashi, 〒274-0825 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Maebaranishi, Funabashi, 〒274-0825 Chiba,Japan
あんまさん on Google

Unexpectedly, there are many fun products. Both elementary school students and adults enjoyed it.
松原雅枝 on Google

With the reopening, it became easier to see widely and the number of products increased, but probably because there were few clerk, it was hard to get them to come and wait at the cash register for a long time.
Shogo Shishikura on Google

I went around 17:30 on October 5th, but the fat female clerk was annoyed. I bought a pierced ear, but I was told that I could ask if I didn't know, but I was told the lie information. .
Sugiyama Kazuo on Google

Moving inside Parco has made it more affordable. There is not much mess and it may be a little different from the image of Billevan. The product lineup is not different from other stores.
Bruce Salas on Google

「何か面白い物がある」っていつも思わせる。そして期待を裏切らない。好きだなぁ。ここのV.Vはキレイだな。でも、ガシャガシャしてても全然好き。訪れた街で間違いなく行くのがV.V 。
Always make me think, "I have something interesting." And do not disappoint. I like it. V.V here is beautiful. But I like it at all V.V is definitely going to the city you visited.
三島あかり on Google

雑多な感じに色々あって 変わったものを何となく見てみたい時にちょうど良いです。 たまに面白いものが買えるので覗きます。
There are various feelings It's perfect when you want to see something strange. Sometimes I can buy interesting things so I will take a look at them.
Dec薄荷 on Google

2020年10月13日 現在。 出入り口が二ヶ所あり、一方はリュックやコスメゾーンから始まりますが、もう一方は入ってすぐ目の前がツイステゾーンになります。 津田沼にはモリシアという建物にアニメイトが入っていてそちらでもツイステグッズが売られていますが、正直ヴィレヴァンの方が寮の偏りが少なく商品が入荷している印象でした。 また、ツイステゾーンから入って左に進むと画集や漫画、写真集ゾーンになり、割りと幅広く書籍は揃っています。 (先日発売された「乙女の本棚」シリーズのマツオヒロミ先生の「秘密」が発売日に入荷されていなかったのは残念でしたが。→取り寄せしたらそのあと何冊か入っていて安心しました) そこから奥側の真ん中にいくと食品、世界系の書籍ゾーンになっていてそちらも面白い本が色々あります。 魔法系(ハーブや歴史込み)や闇・ホラー系の本も多くはないですが一角にゾーンがあります。
As of October 13, 2020. There are two entrances and exits, one starting from the backpack and cosmetics zone, but the other is the twist zone right in front of you. In Tsudanuma, there is an animate in a building called Morisia, and twisted goods are also sold there, but honestly, I had the impression that Villa Van had less bias in the dormitory and the products were in stock. Also, if you enter from the twist zone and go to the left, you will find an art book, manga, and photo book zone, where you can find a wide range of books. (It was a pity that Hiromi Matsuo's "Secret" from the "Maiden's Bookshelf" series released the other day was not received on the release date. → I was relieved that some books were included after I ordered it.) If you go to the center of the back from there, you will find a food and world-class book zone, and there are various interesting books there. There are not many books on magic (including herbs and history) and dark / horror books, but there is a zone in one corner.
あっとさとぴ. on Google

何かを買いにいくと言うよりは何か面白いものないかな?って言うワクワクさせてくれるお店だと思います。 津田沼駅改札を出て、30秒くらいで行けるので、待ち合わせに早く着きすぎた時に時間潰しで寄るのもあり! またブランド物の小物とかも扱っていて、プレゼントを探すのにも意外と使えるのは万能だと思いました!
Isn't there something more interesting than going to buy something? I think it's an exciting shop. It takes about 30 seconds to get out of the Tsudanuma station ticket gate, so if you arrive too early to meet up, you may want to kill time! I also handle branded accessories, and I thought it would be versatile to use it to find gifts!

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