Village-vanguard - Musashimurayama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Village/vanguard

住所 :

1 Chome-1-3 Enoki, Musashimurayama, Tokyo 208-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 208-0022
Webサイト :

1 Chome-1-3 Enoki, Musashimurayama, Tokyo 208-0022, Japan
ららむぎ on Google

The sales floor area is not wide, but it is best for crushing time. I just bought unnecessary things.
k on Google

It is hard to get out because it is too narrow to pass. Although there are abundant items, the site is not suitable for me, so I'm tired just by dropping in.
瀧本英雄 on Google

There are many interesting items on sale, such as Kimetsu no Yaiba and Fortnite related goods. I was crazy about Segare in elementary school.
けんしろう on Google

ヴィレッジはいつも楽しく買い物させてもらっています。色々なキャラクター物も充実していて、子供も 楽しめます。
Village is always fun to shop. Various character items are also available, and even children You can enjoy it.
nあみこ on Google

通販でしか買えない プロポリス の 口内洗浄 と ホワイト おまけ付きあり 迷ってホワイト 買った けど やっぱり 口内洗浄の 欲しくてお店行ったら おまけ付き なく単品 買った これ とてもいい。
Propolis mouth wash and white with a bonus that can only be bought by mail order. I was at a loss and bought white, but after all I went to the store because I wanted a mouth wash, and I bought it separately without a bonus. This is very good.
ERIZO on Google

しばらく行ってないので今はどうかわかりませんが 以前行った時 おもちゃとは言え ゴキがレジに飾って?あったのを見て 気持ち悪かったのと 商品がゴチャゴチャ雑然と置いてあるのが好きではないので行きません。
I haven't been there for a while, so I don't know if it's now, but when I went there before, even though it was a toy, was the cockroach displayed at the cash register? I didn't like it because I didn't like the cluttered items and I didn't like it.
武田邦彦 on Google

下町感漂う庶民の隠れ家的お店といえばヴィレヴァン サブカルヲタクが初めて踏み入れるには充分な品揃え 1つのコンテンツに100%揃ってる! とは言い切れませんが困った時に結構置いてある率高めなのも高ポイント。 店内はドンキ並みの狭さと陰鬱さだが そこが庶民の居心地を演出してるんだろうなと そこはプレイスタイルと割り切ろう(笑) 店内を綺麗に魅せる努力には徹底してるとは 思うが、床下に商品を置く場合は せめて分かりにくい工夫か、 商品取りやすい陳列方法を凝らして欲しい。 最大のマイナスポイントはやはり定員の接客スタイル。 接客業なんてどこよりも大変心身共に来るのは理解出来る。 が、そこは割り切って仕事として徹して欲しかった。 あまりにそっけなさ過ぎるというか、 よくエリアMJはそれで許したな と思える対応(というか応対)の悪さが目立つ。 外見だのファッションだのは二の次で 最低限の社会人スキルをやって欲しい。 これでよく評価持ってるなと不思議に思う位だ。
Speaking of a hideaway shop for the common people with a feeling of downtown, Villevan Enough assortment for subculture otaku to step in for the first time 100% complete in one content! I can't say that, but it's also a high point that the rate is quite high when you are in trouble. The inside of the store is as small and gloomy as Donki I wonder if that is what makes the common people feel at home. Let's divide it with the play style (laughs) To make an effort to make the inside of the store beautiful I think, if you put the product under the floor Is it a device that is difficult to understand at least? I want you to devise a display method that makes it easy to pick up products. The biggest negative point is the customer service style. It is understandable that the hospitality business comes both physically and mentally more than anywhere else. However, I wanted him to be diligent and devoted to his work. It ’s too unfriendly Well Area MJ forgave it The poor response (or rather response) that seems to be conspicuous. Appearance and fashion are secondary I want you to do the minimum working skills. It's strange that I have a good reputation for this.
ちくわぶ on Google

It's a messy and fun shop !! There are plenty of character goods and stuffed animals, so I often come here when I find gifts ~ !!

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