Utsunomiya Clinics - Yawatahama

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Utsunomiya Clinics

住所 :

1536-118, Yawatahama, Ehime 796-0088, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 796-0088
Webサイト : http://www.utsunomiya-hosp.com/

1536-118, Yawatahama, Ehime 796-0088, Japan
はるはる on Google

宮崎トトロ on Google

I went for a flu shot. It's 4700 yen.
氏間貴則 on Google

受け付け、スタッフさん、先生皆さんとても親切なご対応いただきます^ ^
Reception, staff and teachers will be very kind ^ ^
矢野弥須弘 on Google

外来で受診するぶんには問題ない でしょう。 入院患者には色んな患者がいます 私的には良くも悪いもと、言った ところでしょうか。
There is no problem if you go to the outpatient clinic Probably. There are various inpatients I said good or bad personally Is it by the way?
りょう on Google

あんなに大きく外来を掲げているのに発熱患者を断るのは何故‥?いったい何科か? 薬剤師は‥事務長不在‥?! 患者は居ないのに会計までにかなり時間がかかりすぎ!帰ろうと思った。フォローもない!あの優しかった男性の事務長は辞められたのでしょうか。
Why do you refuse fever patients even though you have such a large outpatient department? What kind of department is it? The pharmacist is absent from the secretary ?! It takes too long to pay even though there are no patients! I thought I'd go home. No followers! Did that kind male secretary quit?
HANA HANA on Google

娘が生理痛で脂汗と痙攣がありトイレで倒れていた。 婦人科のある病院へ行き 受付で説明し かなり待ったが診療してくれず 苦しんでる姿見て来る看護師(数人)にもまた説明し 看護師は沢山来るのになかなか見てもらえず やっとDr.来たが また一からの説明しなくちゃならなくて「ここじゃ無理だから救急車呼ぼうか」とか言い始め 救急対応の病院のくせにと呆れ 生理痛が原因ではないかと伝えたら 「それ内科じゃないよ」と言われる始末。受付にも看護師にも伝えてるし まさか内科のDr.が来ると思ってなかったし 症状とか伝わってないのにも驚いた。他に患者もいなかったのに こんなに待たされるとは思ってなく やっと婦人科で見てもらえたが血液検査して結果大丈夫で じゃ別の検査しようってまた採血され 点滴も失敗されながらあちこちに刺されたので 採血数回 点滴数回 身体中さされまくりました。採血は1度にして 思い当たる検査全てしてくれれば こんなに針さされることもなかったし 点滴下手過ぎ。翌日再診来てと言われたがさすがに嫌で 別の病院行くことに決め 血液検査等の結果を貰いに行くと なぜか紹介状書いてお金とられた。ムカついたので受付してからの全ての対応に文句をぶちまけたら 逆ギレされた。Dr.が患者にあんなに暴言いう?ってくらい。2度と行かない。しかも紹介状の内容が違ってて 内科を受診希望したとか嘘を書かれてた。娘はまだ中学生だったから 色んな意味で本当に腹が立った。
My daughter had menstrual cramps, sweat and convulsions, and was lying down in the bathroom. I went to a hospital with a gynecology department and explained at the reception desk, but I waited a long time, but I did not see him and I explained to the nurses (several people) who came to see me, and many nurses came, but I could not see Dr. I came, but I had to explain from the beginning again, and I started to say, "I can't do it here, so I'll call an ambulance." When I told him that it was caused by dysmenorrhea, even though he was an emergency hospital, he said, "It's not internal medicine. The disposition that is said. I'm telling both the receptionist and the nurse. I didn't expect Dr. of internal medicine to come, and I was surprised that I didn't get any symptoms. I didn't think I would have to wait so long even though I didn't have any other patients, but I finally got a look at the gynecologist, but the result of the blood test was okay. Then I tried another test, and the blood was collected again and the IV was stabbed here and there while failing. Therefore, blood was collected several times and infusions were several times. If I could collect blood once and do all the tests I could think of, I wouldn't have been needled like this. I was told to come back the next day, but I didn't like it and decided to go to another hospital. When I went to get the results of blood tests, I wrote a letter of introduction and was paid for it. I was sick, so when I complained about all the correspondence after the reception, I was disappointed. Does Dr. rant to the patient so much? I mean. I will never go again. Moreover, the content of the letter of introduction was different, and he wrote a lie saying that he wanted to see an internal medicine. My daughter was still a junior high school student, so I was really angry in many ways.
Mika Nishide on Google

The retired president teachers are gentle and polite teachers with high ambitions and low eyesight. It's easy to talk to and the illness heals quickly. Very clean and safe.
Mika Nishide on Google

I went to a regular inspection. Accurate and detailed diagnosis and advice, smiles and gentle words. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the teachers, nurses, and staff for their continued support, even for the corona sickness. The diagnosis, treatment, prescription drugs, and even the slightest changes based on the wonderful careers and practices of the director and other teachers will be noticed and consulted, so every time I visit, my body and mind will be rejuvenated. In addition, the hospital is really clean and tidy up to the toilet, so you can go to the hospital with confidence even if you have a corona virus. There is a pharmacy in the hospital, so the cost of treatment is low. It is an important and supportive hospital that has been the core of community medicine for many years and has contributed and devoted itself to the people of the community.

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