
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おやま腰痛整体院

住所 :

Utsukushigaoka, Oyama, 〒329-0207 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://oyama-youtuu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 9AM–8PM
Tuesday 9AM–8PM
Wednesday 9AM–8PM
Thursday 9AM–8PM
Friday Closed
街 : Tochigi

Utsukushigaoka, Oyama, 〒329-0207 Tochigi,Japan
山中直美 on Google

腰から右足の痛みが酷く 朝痛みで目を覚ましました 長時間の運転中もお尻の奥が痛み出しひどい時は右足全体が痺れていました 今は朝 痛みで目を覚ますことがなくなりました。運転中も正しい姿勢を意識する事で 痛みがてなくなりまし。 とても分かりやすく、日々の生活をアドバイスをくださりとても感謝しています。
The pain in my lower back and right leg was so severe that I woke up with morning pain. Even while driving for a long time, the back of the buttocks started to hurt, and when it was terrible, the entire right leg was numb. Now I don't wake up with pain in the morning. By being aware of the correct posture while driving The pain is gone. It's very easy to understand and I am very grateful for the advice I have given to my daily life.
あみ on Google

My shoulders and back pain are so bad because I'm doing office work, and I started to go here, and now I go to it once a month. The headache caused by stiff shoulders has disappeared. I was in the office, and I never thought that my stiff shoulders would go away. Even after surgery, I was carefully told that living my posture correctly was very important, and I got a pretty good posture after I went to hospital.
Alc on Google

背中、腰の痛み、偏頭痛に悩んで通院しました。 痛みを伴わない施術なので楽です。 いまでは痛みもハリも消えて、偏頭痛も改善しました。 これからも定期手にメンテナンスに通います!
I went to the hospital suffering from back and lower back pain and migraines. It's a painless procedure, so it's easy. Now the pain and tension have disappeared and the migraines have improved. I will continue to go to maintenance on a regular basis!
北関東本部小山支部 浪花 誠 on Google

急な肩の痛みに見舞われ 以前に通っておりましたので 今回、再びお世話になりました。 仕事柄、 不自然姿勢で作業することが多く、 疲れも溜まっていたことで、 肩に痛みが走り 腕をあげるのが辛かったですが すっかり、調子良くなりました。 無理な治療方法でも無く ゆったりと 施術して頂けるので安心です。
Sudden shoulder pain I used to go there before Thank you again for your help this time. Work pattern, I often work in an unnatural posture, Because I was tired Pain in my shoulder It was hard to raise my arm I'm feeling better. Not an unreasonable treatment method In a relaxed manner It is safe because you can perform the treatment.
-- on Google

腰痛が酷く仕事もままならない状態でしたが、ここで施術していただいたお陰で今では痛みも全くなく日常生活をおくれています。 先生もとても相談しやすい先生です。
I had a severe backache and couldn't keep up with my work, but thanks to the treatment I received here, I am now able to live my daily life without any pain. The teacher is also very easy to consult.
kumoco on Google

全く痛みのない施術で、安心して通うことのできる整体院です! また先生も優しく、相談しやすい先生です。いつもありがとうございます。眠れないほどの腰痛が改善しました!
It is a manipulative clinic that you can go to with peace of mind with a completely painless procedure! The teacher is also kind and easy to consult. I am always grateful for your help. My back pain that I can't sleep has improved!
逢坂かなた on Google

突然の腰痛に苦しんでおりましたが、施術をうけてから、こんなんで本当によくなるの??っって思ってましたが、その不安とは裏腹に、かなり良くなり、今ではほぼ腰痛もありません。 とても話しやすく対応が良い先生です。 ちょっとお値段高いですが、日曜日も運営しており、通いやすく助かります。
I was suffering from sudden back pain, but after receiving the treatment, does this really improve? ?? I was wondering, but contrary to that anxiety, it has improved considerably and now I have almost no back pain. He is a very easy-to-speak and responsive teacher. It's a little expensive, but it's also open on Sundays, so it's easy to go and it's helpful.
みにーまうす on Google

腰のヘルニアが良くなって痛みが無くなりました。 膝のむくみも毎回取ってもらえるので楽になります!! 整体師さんが話しやすく、アドバイスもくれて 説明も分かりやすく助かりました! ありがとうございました!
Hernia in the lower back has improved and the pain has disappeared. It will be easier because you can get swelling of your knees every time! !! The manipulative teacher was easy to talk to, gave me advice, and the explanation was easy to understand. thank you very much!

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