
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 有本小児科内科

住所 :

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
Greenleaves 1112 on Google

wi ng on Google

I am always indebted.
mi ta (tami) on Google

I went there because the word of mouth was good, but I will never go again.
ken god on Google

子供のころからお世話になっています。 先生は患者さんの事を思い、いつも熱心に診察されていて、とても信頼のあるお人柄。 大先生、ご高齢ですがいつまでも元気でいていただきたいです。
I am indebted to you since I was a child. The teacher thinks of the patient, he is always examined with enthusiasm and he is a very reliable person. Mr. Osamu, I'd like to have an old age but I am fine.
真流譚蜻蜒 on Google

Almost children, but adults can also watch. There are two teachers, and sometimes they are preached, so those who are not good at that may get angry at first. However, it will be understood by both the patient and the patient over time, and sometimes they will be able to call out of office hours and see if they are in trouble. Arms also have long been working in pediatrics where comprehensive judgment is required, so they can receive answers and treatment from a total perspective not only in internal medicine but also in dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology etc. . It is a bitter reminder that it took 20,000 medical treatment costs + medical expenses for each specialist due to symptoms such as eyes, skin, cough etc. . . . I feel that there are a lot of repeaters (laughs) for adults including me. I'm one of the very troubled people once I get out of the plaza. If I write such a thing and the number of patients increases, it will be troubled for me, but I still want to evaluate the real thing.
ぽしぽし on Google

病院内はお子さん連れで混雑してましたが混む理由がとてもよく分かります。 仕事場近くで体調を崩し受診させていただきましたが保険証の住所を見て家からではなく職場からきてるの?と気付いてくださり薬を処方して早退するか、どうしても戻らないといけないなら応急措置でも点滴を打とうか?など細やかな点に気遣ってくださりとても有り難かったです。 家は近所ではないですが困ったらぜひここまで通いたいと思える貴重な先生でした。
The hospital was crowded with children, but I can understand why it is crowded. I was sick near the workplace and had a medical examination. Did you look at the address on your insurance card and come from the workplace instead of from home? Do you prescribe a drug and leave early, or if you must return, give a drip as a first aid? I was very thankful for the delicate points. Although my house is not in the neighborhood, I was a valuable teacher who would definitely want to go to here if I had a problem.
Blabla Blabla on Google

It was crowded, but the teacher was very polite and kind. The baby has fallen out of bed, and I'm glad I did it until the afternoon because the pediatrician at the usual hospital only does it on Saturday mornings. I was relieved to see the baby once with the teacher.
あんきゆ on Google

大先生は優しいですが、院長先生は手厳しい上に「治す努力をしていない」と言うような人です。 もう10数年前ですが、咳がひと月止まらず診察に行ったところ、上記の台詞を言われました。 結局、他の病院に行って診てもらったら「気管支炎」 そして咳は半年以上続いた後に自然消失しました。 患者に対してそういう言い方はないんじゃないのでしょうか。 何年経っても忘れません!!
The professor is kind, but the director is strict and he says, "I'm not trying to cure it." About 10 years ago, when I went to see a doctor without stopping my cough for a month, I was told the above line. After all, when I went to another hospital and had a medical examination, "bronchitis" And the cough disappeared spontaneously after more than half a year. Isn't there such a way to say it to patients? I will never forget it even after many years! !!

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