
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鳳石

住所 :

Utasatocho, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, 〒452-0807 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : 区画 Aichi

Utasatocho, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, 〒452-0807 Aichi,Japan
ジル(ジル) on Google

担々麺とチャーハンを注文。 担々麺は辛すぎず薄すぎず。 胡麻の濃厚さも丁度よくスパイスの味もしっかりするが、酢?が多めなのか香ばしさよりも酸味によるさっぱり感が強くサラッと食べられる。 激辛好きな自分では少々辛さが足りなかったが、それでも美味しく食べられました。。 チャーハンは結構濃い味系だったが、味の濃いラーメン類と一緒に食べるのなら、かえって丁度良く感じた。 ランチ時間帯だったためかサラリーマンが次々来店。 日替わりランチも安かったので、次にまた行ったら日替わりランチも食べてみたい店でした。
We ordered Bamboo noodles and fried rice. Bamboo noodles are not too thin and not too thin. The thickness of sesame is also exactly good and the taste of spice is firm, but vinegar? There is a lot of fresh feeling due to acidity rather than fragrance, you can eat with smooth. In spicy myself I did not feel a bit spicy, but still I was able to eat delicious. . Fried rice was a fairly strong taste system, but if you eat it with rich tasting ramen, it felt just right. Because it was a lunch time zone, salaried workers visited one after another. The daily lunch was also cheap so it was a shop I'd like to eat daily lunch when I go again.
trk on Google

麻婆豆腐は山椒が効いて深みのある 味わい。坦々麺は酸味のあるスッキリ としたスープが特徴かな。しつこくない。 天津飯は飴色の餡がたっぷり。美味。 ご飯ものにスープがついていたら完璧 なんだけどな。あと、箸休めがザーサイ しかないので、ピリ辛胡瓜とかあれば 尚うれしい。
Mapo tofu has a deep flavor with the help of Japanese pepper Taste. Tantan noodles are sour and refreshing Is the soup characterized? I'm not persistent. Tianjin rice is full of amber bean paste. Delicious. It would be perfect if the rice had soup What? Also, resting chopsticks There is only one, so if you have spicy cucumber I'm really happy.
ゆききまる on Google

麻婆豆腐が絶品! 唐揚げも中華料理屋さんってイメージの味付け濃いめでカラッ!と揚がってて美味しい! ただ、個人的には白米が水分少なめで硬いのが残念。もう少し水分保ったお米だったら星5つ 注文したのは麻婆豆腐定食ランチ! ご飯は大盛り
Mapo tofu is excellent! The fried chicken is also very seasoned with the image of a Chinese restaurant. It's fried and delicious! However, personally, it is a pity that white rice is hard with less water. 5 stars for rice that retains a little more water I ordered a mapo tofu set meal lunch! A large serving of rice
Koji Nishida on Google

ランチで初めての訪問。 本場四川麻婆豆腐セット850円(税込)を頂きました。 四川麻婆と謳うだけに辛めでしが豆腐をはじめさまざまな具材の食感が良くてこの麻婆美味しいです。 揚げたての唐揚げもついてご飯も大盛り無料なんでオススメ!
First visit at lunch. I received the authentic Sichuan Mapo tofu set 850 yen (tax included). It's spicy just because you sing it with Mabo Sichuan, and the texture of various ingredients such as tofu is so delicious. It's also recommended that you can enjoy freshly fried fried chicken with a large amount of rice!
Takeshi Yamakawa on Google

何を食べても本当に美味しい リーズナブルだけど高級感ある四川料理屋です。 外観は町の中華料理屋で 店内も普通の中華料理屋ですが、 本当に何を食べても美味しく高級感を感じます。 中でも麻婆豆腐は絶品です。 ニンニクや山椒のパンチがしっかり 効いているんですが、日本人の口に合うよう チューニングされています。 何度も食べたくなる、 中毒性のある超絶品の麻婆豆腐です。 また、よだれドリも胸肉を使用しているのですがとても柔らかく、ジューシー! 担々麺も胡麻が効いて絶品です。 地元の、人気も高い隠れた名店です。
It is really delicious no matter what you eat It is a reasonable but luxurious Sichuan restaurant. The appearance is a Chinese restaurant in town The restaurant is also a regular Chinese restaurant, I feel delicious and delicious regardless of what I really eat. Above all, mapo tofu is excellent. Garlic and yam punch are firm It works, but to fit the Japanese It is tuned. I want to eat again and again, It's an addictive, super-excellent mapo tofu. In addition, it is also very soft and juicy, and the drab chicken also uses breast meat. The carrier noodles are also excellent with sesame seeds. It's a popular, popular and hidden shop.
ron McConaughey on Google

担々麺は私の味覚に合わず美味しくなかった。 麺はとてもよいがスープに酸味があるせいでスープに旨味が薄れてしまう。ゴマやスパイスの香りはとてもいいだけにかなり残念。ただ、酸辣湯が好きな人には良いかもしれない。 他の品を食べていないので他はわかりませんが口コミの評価が高かっただけにかなり残念。
Dandan noodles didn't suit my taste and weren't delicious. The noodles are very good, but the soup has a sour taste that makes the soup less delicious. The scent of sesame and spices is very nice, so it's quite disappointing. However, it may be good for people who like hot and sour soup. I don't know anything else because I haven't eaten other items, but it's a shame because the reviews were high.
cafeすけ on Google

I ordered a mapo tofu lunch. Mapo tofu is delicious. Strong spices. The spiciness of Chinese pepper seems to be addictive. The amount of fried chicken is just right. The meat is juicy and the batter is crispy and delicious. I want to eat Chinese food or Tianjin rice this time. Thank you for the meal.
FULDA KMG on Google

麻婆豆腐ランチ頂きました。 ワタシは麻婆豆腐が大、大、大好きなのですが、 ここのはだいぶ、いい感じです。 もう少し辛みがあるとうれしいのと、お吸い物系があるといいかな、と。 でも、久しぶりにいい感じでした。麻婆豆腐好きには、オススメかと。 中華屋さんで頼む麻婆豆腐は、結構店毎に味が違ってて、いい感じなのがないので、頼めないんですよね。 ちなみに、ワタシが好きな麻婆豆腐は、国際センター駅近くにあった「陳麻家」の麻婆豆腐でしたけどね。無くなっちゃいました。
I had a mapo tofu lunch. I love Mapo tofu, but I love it. It feels pretty good here. I'd be happy if it was a little more spicy, and I wish I had a soup. But it was a good feeling after a long time. Recommended for mapo tofu lovers. Mapo tofu ordered at a Chinese restaurant has a different taste depending on the restaurant, and it doesn't feel good, so I can't order it. By the way, my favorite mapo tofu was the "Chen Ma family" mapo tofu near the International Center Station. It's gone.

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