
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大同防水工業株式会社

住所 :

Ushitahonmachi, Higashi Ward, 〒732-0066 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : http://gaiheki.bosui.net/
街 : Hiroshima

Ushitahonmachi, Higashi Ward, 〒732-0066 Hiroshima,Japan

築20年を迎えてしまった我が家の屋根・外壁塗装して頂き大変満足な結果となりました。 まず、計3社に見積り依頼して大同防水工業さんに屋根・外壁塗装の依頼をした理由は、 1.ホームページに外壁塗装工事について裏事情も含めて詳細な情報が掲載しているので、特に初心者の自分には良心的な業者だと思えたから。 2.見積り依頼すると社長さん自ら現地調査と見積り説明を担当され、直接お話しさせて頂くことで改めて塗装に対する強い情熱を感じられたから。 3.詳細な劣化調査報告書に基づく見積りにおいて塗料を含めた工事内容と費用が十分納得いくものであり、またその後に押し売りする様な事も無く信頼できる業者と思ったから。 でした。そして工事を終えて満足した点は、 1.毎日、工事監督さんや職人さんと作業内容を確認し、換気の時間を設ける等、こちらの希望を聴いて貰えた。 2.最終点検で自分も足場に上がらせて貰い、屋根も含めて仕上がりを確認できて安心できた。 3.仕上がりが新築時よりも好みの色合いとなり嬉しかった。 です。長期保証でアフターサービスも充実とのことで、今後の定期点検も楽しみです。 以上のことから、外壁塗装の際には見積り業者の中に必ず大同防水工業を入れて比較検討することをお勧めします!
We were very satisfied with the painting of the roof and exterior walls of our house, which is 20 years old. First of all, the reason why we asked Daido Waterproofing Industry to paint the roof and exterior walls by requesting a total of three companies for estimation. 1. 1. The website has detailed information about the exterior wall painting work, including the background, so I thought it was a conscientious contractor, especially for beginners. 2. 2. When I requested an estimate, the president himself was in charge of the field survey and explanation of the estimate, and by talking to him directly, I felt a strong passion for painting. 3. 3. In the estimation based on the detailed deterioration investigation report, the construction contents including the paint and the cost were fully convinced, and I thought that it was a reliable contractor without having to sell it afterwards. was. And what I was satisfied with after finishing the construction was 1. 1. Every day, I checked the work contents with the construction supervisor and craftsmen, and asked them to listen to their wishes, such as setting a ventilation time. 2. 2. At the final inspection, I was asked to go up to the scaffolding, and I was relieved to be able to check the finish including the roof. 3. 3. I was happy that the finish was a color that I liked more than when it was newly built. is. With a long-term warranty and after-sales service, we are looking forward to regular inspections in the future. From the above, we recommend that you always include Daido Waterproofing Industry in the estimator when painting the outer wall and compare it!
ゆうきさん on Google

We requested explanations and quotations from several companies and compared them. The president of Mr. Daido Waterproof has been studying well and enthusiastically suggested an accurate explanation and some construction methods suitable for this house. I was convinced that I had a high level of expertise in painting, and I felt that I could leave it to me because it was an important house. When I started the construction, he explained the construction situation with the person in charge and the builder every day, and I was able to know the situation with a notebook even when I was absent. He immediately and politely responded to any concerns. In particular, the concrete in the digging parking lot was worrisome because it had been dirty and moldy for 20 years, and even an amateur couldn't do anything about it. Now, my neighbors can come to see me saying, "Your house and parking lot have become beautiful." I am satisfied that it was really good to ask Mr. Daido Waterproof for his high technical ability and polite response. Sincerely.
松尾静香 on Google

All construction work has been completed successfully today! The result is of course very satisfying! Mr. Daido Waterproof was different from the others when he asked for a quote. First of all, the president himself went to tell us the necessary repairs for our house and the appropriate paint in a professional and easy-to-understand manner. After all, I can tell that the president has enthusiasm and responsibility for his work, and when I consulted with him about the removal of the top light, which was troubled by the heavy condensation in winter, instead of not needing it, the guarantee We had you propose a long roof cover construction method, which not only removed the top light but also reborn the roof with a new one! To be clear, I think it's cheap, not convincing, in terms of money. The house I built the last time I met today is my work! I was very happy to hear that! Next time I would like to ask for interior decoration. I'm really thankful to you.
Ken H on Google

築20年を迎え外壁塗装もですが、ベランダ下の軒天に大きな雨水のシミがあり気になっていました。 他社の返答に不安を感じ防水工事に実績のある大同防水工業さんに相談することに…。 社長の熱い語りと判断・工事内容に納得し工事依頼することにしました。 工事中、何かあれば担当の方がすぐに駆け付けてくださり安心でした。職人さんも礼儀正しく感じが良かったです。 現在、雨が降っても軒天に雨水が伝わることなく下へ落ちています。 また我が家に最適な塗料があることを知りました。つや消しタイプの自然な仕上がりに大満足です。年数が経つにつれて防水能力を発揮するとのことで、今後が楽しみです。 ありがとうございました。
It's been 20 years since it was built, and the exterior walls are painted, but I was worried because there was a big rainwater stain on the eaves under the balcony. Feeling uneasy about the response of other companies, I decided to consult with Daido Waterproofing Industry, which has a proven track record in waterproofing work. I was convinced by the president's passionate talk, judgment, and construction details, and decided to request the construction. During the construction, I was relieved that the person in charge rushed to me immediately if there was anything. The craftsmen were also polite and nice. Currently, even if it rains, the rainwater is falling down without being transmitted to the eaves. I also learned that there is the best paint for my home. I am very satisfied with the natural finish of the matte type. I am looking forward to the future as it will demonstrate waterproofing ability as the years go by. Thank you very much.
まつだまさゆき on Google

築15年を超え、ここ数年の間で外壁のシーリング裂けが目立ってきたため、そろそろ補修を考えていた頃に大同防水さんの評判を聞きつけ、初めは軽い気持ちで現調をお願いしたのですが、屋根や外壁など丁寧に調べて頂いた結果、問題箇所が至る所で見つかったため今回お願いすることにしました。 当然やるからには塗装色にも拘るなど、大同防水さんには色々ご迷惑をお掛けしたのですが、親身になって相談にも乗って頂き、結果、我々のイメージ通りに仕上げて頂きました。大変満足しております。 工期としては、梅雨時期でかなり蒸し暑い中であったにも拘らず、毎日工務さんや職人さん方には誠実かつ丁寧に工期通りに作業頂き、感謝の念に耐えません。 この先、何十年と住み続けますが、新築にしたようで本当に良かったです。ありがとうございました。
It's been over 15 years old, and the sealing tears on the outer wall have become noticeable in the last few years, so when I was thinking about repairing it, I heard about Mr. Daido Waterproof's reputation, and at first I asked for a light feeling. As a result of careful examination of the roof and outer walls, problem areas were found everywhere, so I decided to ask this time. Of course, I was concerned about the paint color because I did it, so I caused a lot of trouble to Mr. Daido Waterproofing, but I was kind enough to consult with him, and as a result, I finished it according to our image. We are very pleased. As for the construction period, despite the fact that it was quite hot and humid during the rainy season, I cannot stand my gratitude for the sincere and polite work done by the construction workers and craftsmen every day. I will continue to live for decades to come, but I am really glad that it was newly built. Thank you very much.
T.祥弘 on Google

Our house is over 20 years old, and we are looking for a quote from not only the original house maker but also the local contractor on Google's word of mouth and homepage, raising a heavy waist that we will have to paint the outer wall anymore. I got to know Mr. Daido Waterproof. As a result of the estimation, after confirming the outer wall of our house and the degree of deterioration, it was only Mr. Daido Waterproof who proposed the paint and repair contents. The paint is an inorganic type, and it is something that other companies cannot list as a candidate, and it was a proposal that surpassed the original manufacturer, including the repair content. Then, when asked why the proposed paint was good, only President Shinagawa answered firmly in his own words, and it was conveyed that he had a commitment to work and a certain confidence, and he trusted and made a mistake. I was convinced that it was not a company. In terms of the amount of money alone, there were some cheaper companies, but for me it was no longer the amount of money. That said, the price was half that of the original manufacturer, so there was no reason to hesitate. Also, it was a difficult task for me to select the paint color, but the method was not a color sample of a PC or printed matter, but a primitive method of using a board sample and a skeleton sheet painted with the actual color. I was a little surprised, but as the president said, "This is the most correct", as a result, there was no mistake. The result is just the expression "beautiful!", And I am very satisfied with the construction quality. After the construction, we asked them to submit photos of each work, but it can be said that it is evidence of quality building, and it was a great sense of security for the customers. With these, I can remember the happy feelings at the time of new construction, and I am very grateful that the exterior wall painting is no longer a restoration, but a realization that it adds new value not only in appearance but also in functionality. We are here.
ひろ on Google

施行前の打ち合わせの時から親身になって相談に乗ってもらいました。一度色を決定しましたが、その後気が変わり変更しました。しかし、嫌な顔せず親切に対応していただき、感謝しております。また、塗装の知識のない私たちにもわかりやすく説明してくださり安心してお任せできると確信しました。 職人の方々も感じのよい人ばかりでした。作業もとても丁寧で、ちょっとした疑問にも親切に答えていただきました。色も思っていたように仕上がり、とても満足しております。 また、年の瀬の施行でしたので、作業終了時に外の窓拭きもしてくださいました。高齢の夫婦世帯ですので、大変助かりました。 娘たちや孫にも好評でやってよかったと思いました。
From the time of the meeting before the enforcement, I was kind enough to get a consultation. I decided on the color once, but then I changed my mind and changed. However, I am grateful for your kindness and kindness. In addition, I was convinced that we could explain it in an easy-to-understand manner even to those of us who have no knowledge of painting, and leave it to us with confidence. The craftsmen were all very nice. The work was very polite, and he kindly answered even a few questions. The color is finished as I expected and I am very satisfied. Also, since it was the enforcement of the New Year holidays, he also cleaned the windows outside at the end of the work. It was a great help because it is an elderly couple's household. I'm glad I did it because it was well received by my daughters and grandchildren.
こやこっこ on Google

やって良かった!頼んで良かった!と思うことをまずは簡潔にお伝えします。 ①品川社長はじめ従業員の方が、お客様第一の姿勢で、また自身の仕事に誇りをもって取り組んでいること。 ②何を聞いても(心配や不安なことなど)、その都度、丁寧に説明してくれること。(品川社長の知識や経験は本当にすごいと思います。) ③提案内容が想像以上でかつ金額は想定以下であること。 ④最初の調査から終了後の説明まで一貫して納得でき、日々の作業報告や調査から終了後までの状態がよくわかる資料を作成してくれること。 ⑤想像以上の仕上がりに満足しかないこと。 以下、経緯など記載させていただきますので読んでいただければ幸いです。 築20年、雨漏りなど全くなくても外壁や屋根の状態、気になりますよね。そう思ってから更に5年が経ち、そろそろどうにかしなければとネットで色々と調べてみました。しかし、使用している塗料は何か?足場代や付帯部分は含まれているのか?また家の面積や状態によっても金額は違ってくるので何一つとして参考にはならない事に気がつきました。 そんな中、近くに大同防水さんのショールームがあったので、お願いするかどうか分からないけど…ということで、ひとまず家の状態を見に来てほしいとお願いしました。ある程度の劣化は予想していましたが、調査の結果、サイディングが凍害にあっていたこと、また、劣化した箇所からサイディング内部にまで影響が出ていたことなど思ってもみなかったことが分かりました。これ以上先送りにしない方がいいと思い、すぐに見積をお願いしました。その時、品川社長に気になること(夏場の2階が灼熱地獄になること、今後のメンテナンス回数が少なくて済むことなど)を思いつく範囲でお伝えしました。一部サイディングの張替えも必要でしたし、良い塗料を使用すればその分、高額になることは予想していましたが提案していただいた内容は想像以上のもので金額は想定以下で本当に驚きました。品川社長には、「他の業者さんにも聞いてみて後悔ないようにしてくださいね」と言われましたが、話を聞けば聞くほど大同防水さんにお願いする選択肢しかありませんでした。が、そうは言っても興味本位ではありましたが、他社さんにも軽く聞いてみました。結果、どこの業者さんも、「この内容でその金額はすごいと思いますよ」ということしかなかったので大同防水さんに頼んで間違いない!と確信しました。 実際、屋根と外壁の遮熱塗装、棟換気の施工などをしていただいた実感として、2階の灼熱地獄がかなり軽減し1階と大差ない温度になりました。そして、エアコンの効き(冷房、暖房ともに)がすごく良くなりました。塗装の色はかなり悩みましたが、親身になって何度も相談にのってくださったお陰で素敵な家に生まれ変わり、家を見る度に嬉しくなります。暑い中の作業でしたが、丁寧に仕事をしてくださった職人の方には本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 安い買い物ではないので皆様も慎重になられると思いますし、信頼できる業者にお願いしたいですよね。しつこい勧誘や不要な施工などもってのほかですし、そんな業者とは関わりたくないというのが普通の感覚だと思います。そういう不安なことは大同防水さんには一切ありませんので、勇気をもって調査だけでもお願いされてみてはいかがでしょうか?「お値段以上以上、大同防水!」をきっと実感していただけると思います!!
I'm glad I did it! I'm glad I asked! First of all, I will briefly tell you what you think. (1) President Shinagawa and other employees are taking a customer-first attitude and taking pride in their work. ② No matter what you ask (such as worries or anxieties), be sure to explain it carefully each time. (I think President Shinagawa's knowledge and experience are really amazing.) (3) The content of the proposal is more than expected and the amount is less than expected. (4) Being able to consistently understand from the first survey to the explanation after the end, and create materials that clearly show the daily work report and the state from the survey to the end. ⑤ You must be satisfied with the finish beyond your imagination. I would appreciate it if you could read it as I will describe the circumstances below. It's been 20 years old, and even if there are no leaks, you'll be worried about the condition of the outer walls and roof. It's been five years since I thought so, and I searched online to find out if I had to do something about it. But what kind of paint are you using? Is the scaffolding fee and incidental parts included? Also, I noticed that the amount of money varies depending on the area and condition of the house, so it is not useful as anything. Meanwhile, there was a showroom of Mr. Daido Waterproof nearby, so I don't know if I would like to ask ... So I asked him to come and see the condition of the house for the time being. I expected some deterioration, but as a result of the investigation, I found that I had never thought that the siding was damaged by frost and that the deteriorated part had an effect on the inside of the siding. rice field. I thought it was better not to postpone it any more, so I asked for a quote immediately. At that time, I told President Shinagawa as much as I could think of (such as the burning hell on the second floor in the summer and the need for less maintenance in the future). It was necessary to replace some siding, and I expected that it would be expensive if I used good paint, but the content of the proposal was more than I imagined and the amount was less than expected and I was really surprised. I did. President Shinagawa said, "Please ask other vendors and don't regret it." However, the more I listened to the story, the more I had no choice but to ask Mr. Daido Waterproof. However, even though I was interested in it, I asked other companies lightly. As a result, all the vendors only said, "I think the amount of money is amazing with this content," so there is no doubt that you will ask Daido Waterproof! I was convinced. In fact, the burning hell on the 2nd floor was considerably reduced and the temperature was not much different from that on the 1st floor. And the effectiveness of the air conditioner (both cooling and heating) has improved significantly. I was worried about the color of the paint, but thanks to the kindness and consultation I received many times, I was reborn as a wonderful house, and every time I see the house, I am happy. It was a hot work, but I am really grateful to the craftsmen who worked politely. It's not a cheap purchase, so I think everyone can be cautious, and I would like to ask a reliable vendor. It's just a matter of persistent solicitation and unnecessary construction, and I think it's a normal feeling that you don't want to get involved with such a contractor. Daido Waterproof does not have such anxiety at all, so why don't you have the courage to ask for a survey alone? You will surely realize that "more than the price, Datong waterproof!" !!

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