カネスエ 江南西店 - Konan

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カネスエ 江南西店

住所 :

Ushirohibocho, Konan, 〒483-8383 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 483-8383
Webサイト : https://www.kanesue.co.jp/
街 : Aichi

Ushirohibocho, Konan, 〒483-8383 Aichi,Japan
山口康恵 on Google

品揃えが いいです。 冷食が 安いのが、ありがたいです。野菜も 安かった。じゃがいも、玉ねぎが、袋入りしか なかったのが、残念です。
The assortment is good. I am grateful that the cold food is cheap. Vegetables were also cheap. It's a pity that the potatoes and onions were only in bags.
タケハ on Google

The products are neatly displayed and it is easy to shop. The cash register was smooth and I was able to shop without stress.
sae nene on Google

この地域は激安スーパーヤマトの一人勝ち状態でしたが この価格品添え品質がこのまま続くなら カネスエさんの一人勝ちになりそうですね
山田 on Google

オープニングセール中に行ってきました。 近所の協賛セールのカネスエで江南西店が新規オープンと知り、オープン店なら協賛店よりお買い得かと思いましたが、セール品は協賛店とまったく同じ。セールでない物も近所のカネスエより高い物もあり、この地区は競合店無いから安くする必要が無いのかな?と感じました。
I went during the opening sale. I learned that the Gangnam store was newly opened at Kanesue, a sponsorship sale in the neighborhood, and I thought that the open store would be a bargain than the sponsorship store, but the sale items are exactly the same as the sponsorship store. Some items are not on sale and some are more expensive than Kanesue in the neighborhood, so I wonder if there is no need to make it cheaper because there are no competitors in this area. I felt that.
アズ on Google

今迄行ったスーパーの中で1番接客が丁寧です。 新しいので店内も綺麗で、店員さんも常識的で生き生きしています。 カネスエの他店も何店か行ってましたが、ここが1番感じがよく、駐車場も停め易いつくりです 隣にはドラッグストアがあるので便利だと思います
The most polite customer service I have ever been to. Because it is new, the inside of the store is beautiful, and the clerk is also common sense and lively. I went to several other Kanesue stores, but this one feels the best and the parking lot is easy to park. I think it's convenient because there is a drug store next door
倉田ゆかり on Google

オーブン初日。。。凄い混み様です(当たり前ですね) 同じ建物内にドラックストアがありまして、だから他の店舗もそうだかわからないがー 洗剤やら、シャンプーの生活用品は控えめですわ。だからといって不便には感じ無い! 他店舗同様冷凍が多くて嬉しい!お惣菜や弁当がこんなに安いと作るよりこっち買っちゃうわ? レジに並ぶ時、現金以外は注意!現金以外のレジは2カ所しか無いからね!天井のパネルを確認して並んでね 噂話だけど、本来は年末もしくは年始の開店予定だったそうな。しかし、設備等を調べたら修繕必要個所が多く床まで剥がして改装し、延び延びの開店となったそう エアコンの室外機、床、棚新品であった 永く通いたいから頑張ってね?応援します 【追記】閉店時間午後9時 隣のサンドラックは午後8時に閉店します
The first day of the oven ... It's very crowded (it's natural) There is a drugstore in the same building, so I don't know if it's the same for other stores. Detergents and shampoos are modest. That doesn't make me feel inconvenient! I am glad that there are many frozen foods like other stores! If the side dish and bento are so cheap, I will buy this one rather than making it ? When lining up at the cash register, be careful except for cash! There are only two cash registers other than cash! Check the ceiling panels and line up It's a rumor, but it seems that the store was originally scheduled to open at the end of the year or the beginning of the year. However, when I checked the equipment etc., there were many parts that needed repairs, and it was renovated by peeling off the floor, and it seems that the store was extended and opened. The outdoor unit of the air conditioner, the floor, and the shelves were new. I want to go there for a long time, so please do your best ? I will support you [Addition] Closing time 9:00 pm The next sand rack closes at 8 pm
Euzia on Google

カネスエなのでやっぱりお安いですね!なかも他店のカネスエと同じ感じですが違いがあるのはペットボトルやアルミ缶の回収は無しです!これは個人的痛いですね!駐車場は広くクリーニングとドラックストアが敷地内にありますドラックストアはカネスエ店舗内からアクセス可能です!大口店が広くレジも多く一番いいかな?瀬部は駐車場が狭くレジ待ち時間が長いが100円ショップがあり便利!どこのカネスエ に行っても距離的にあまり変わりのない方は今まで通りのお店が良いかもですねー
It's cheap because it's Kanesue! It's the same as Kanesue in other stores, but the difference is that there is no collection of PET bottles and aluminum cans! This is a personal pain! The parking lot is wide cleaning and drug store The drugstore is accessible from inside the Kanesue store! The large store is large and there are many cash registers, which is the best? Sebe has a small parking lot and a long waiting time at the cash register, but there is a 100 yen shop, which is convenient! If you don't change much in terms of distance, you may want to go to the same store as before.
TKR Kawada on Google


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