三橋歯科医院 市原

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三橋歯科医院 市原

住所 :

Ushiku, Ichihara, 〒290-0225 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.mitsuhashi-shika.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Ushiku, Ichihara, 〒290-0225 Chiba,Japan
Sachi on Google

ネットの評判を信じて一時的にここに転院したのですが、モラハラが酷かったのですぐやめました。 口内のレントゲンを見るなり「これは酷い歯ですね…」「あなたの歯に対する考え方はおかしいですよ」などと強めの語気で説教。 たしかに若い頃の不摂生により治療痕が多いのは事実ですが、それ以来歯には気を使っていると主張しても聞く耳持たず。 口内を拡大鏡で見てもらっているときも、聞いてるこっちが恥ずかしくなるくらい延々と自慢話。 結局再治療が必要な歯があったのですが、 「再治療は大変なのに診療報酬は普通の治療と同じ」 「なんで僕がこんな大変な思いをしないといけないんですかね。最初にやった人が責任をもってほしいですよ」 などと不機嫌そうにブツブツと… あと、保険外治療を勧められて断ったときもだいぶキツめの嫌味を言われましたね。 他にもいろいろ言われましたが、あんな不快な思いをしたのは生まれて初めてでした。
Believing in the reputation of the internet, I was temporarily transferred to this hospital, but I stopped immediately because of the terrible mobbing. As soon as I saw the X-ray in my mouth, I preached with a strong vocabulary, such as "This is a terrible tooth ..." "Your way of thinking about teeth is strange." It is true that there are many treatment scars due to unhealthy life when he was young, but even if he claims to be careful about his teeth since then, he has no ears to hear. Even when I was looking at my mouth with a magnifying glass, I was so proud of it that I was embarrassed to hear it. After all, I had a tooth that needed retreatment, "Retreatment is difficult, but medical fees are the same as normal treatment." "Why do I have to have such a difficult feeling? I want the person who did it first to take responsibility." And so on ... Also, when I was advised to take out-of-insurance treatment and refused it, I was told that I didn't like it. I've been told a lot of other things, but it was the first time I was born that I had such an unpleasant feeling.
廣田雅史 on Google

You can treat with peace of mind because they will explain the preventive dentistry and treatment policy carefully. Especially for me, who is prone to tooth decay, I am very grateful that he will treat me with as many healthy teeth as possible. The teachers and dental assistants are also kind, and the whole family, including children, goes to the clinic for dental health.
mori mori on Google

Inside, the bright interior and the flowers laid by the director's mother make you feel warm. The treatment took a long time once, but after that, I had regular medical examinations, so I finished it in about two times. The hygienists are also cheerful and delicate and satisfied.
DALNI on Google

【良い点】 ・予約の管理がキッチリしているため、待たされることが少ない。 ・衛生管理がしっかりしているためコロナ禍でも安心。 ・設備や機器の充実度は、おそらく市内でもトップクラス。 ・スタッフ(助手・衛生士)のレベルが高く、専門的な質問にもしっかり答えてくれる。 ・治療前後にトリートメントコーディネーターと話すことができ、治療の説明をしっかり聞くことが出来る。また、不安なことや不明点なども相談しやすい。 ・予防歯科に力を入れており、毎回染め出し液を使ってブラッシング指導してくれる。(※これは人によってはめんどくさく感じるかも?) 予防目的で通うのであれば文句無しの★5ですが、治療目的で通うと大変不愉快な思いをすると思いますのでオススメできません。 歯の穴が塞がる前に胃に穴が開きます。 私がここに通い始めたときに、牛久在住の複数人から「やめとけ」と言われたのですが、その理由が身に染みてわかりました。 それと、私が★2をつけた途端に一気に★5が10人も増えたのは何か作為的なものを感じる。
【good point】 ・ Because reservation management is tight, there is little waiting. ・ Because hygiene management is solid, it is safe even if the corona is damaged. ・ The facilities and equipment are probably among the best in the city. ・ The level of staff (assistant / hygienist) is high, and they can answer specialized questions. ・ You can talk with the treatment coordinator before and after the treatment and listen to the explanation of the treatment. In addition, it is easy to consult about uncertainties and unclear points. ・ We are focusing on preventive dentistry, and each time we use a dyeing solution to teach brushing. (* This may be annoying for some people?) If you go for preventive purposes, it is a perfect ★ 5, but if you go for therapeutic purposes, you will find it very unpleasant, so we do not recommend it. A hole is opened in the stomach before the hole in the tooth is closed. When I started going here, several people living in Ushiku told me to stop, and I knew the reason. Also, as soon as I added ★ 2, I feel that the number of ★ 5 increased by 10 at once is something artificial.
turu turu on Google

通い始めて5年ほどになりますが、歯の事は全てお任せできる医院です。先生を始めスタッフの皆さんの勤勉な様子がよくわかります。場所は小湊鐵道 上総牛久駅が最寄りとなり、のどかな景観の中にあります。土地柄からは昔ながらの古風な歯科医院を想像される方もいるかと思いますが、先進的な技術と考えを持った歯科医院です。駐車スペースも多数ありますので車で行けるのも嬉しいポイントです。治療より普段からの予防が大切という指導方針はSDGsにも繋がる現代の歯科医という気がします。歯でお悩みの方、歯医者さんを転々とされている方におすすめしたい医院です。もう少し決済方法が選べるといいなという願いを込めての4つ評価です。
It's been about 5 years since I started going to the clinic, but I can take care of all my teeth. You can see how diligent the staff, including the teacher, are. The location is closest to Kazusa-Ushiku Station on the Kominato Tetsudo, and is in a peaceful landscape. You may think of an old-fashioned old-fashioned dental clinic from the local pattern, but it is a dental clinic with advanced technology and ideas. There are many parking spaces, so it's a nice point to be able to go by car. I feel that the guidance policy that prevention is more important than treatment is a modern dentist that also leads to the SDGs. This clinic is recommended for those who have problems with their teeth and those who are changing dentists. There are four evaluations with the hope that you can choose a payment method a little more.
hito on Google

①衛生面 ホームページで感染対策を見て、滅菌はもちろんのこと、浮遊ウィルスを除去する空気清浄機とエアコンがプラズマクラスターと、意識の高さを感じたことから、コロナ禍でも安心して通える病院なのが決めてで行きました! 実際に入った時に、大きな待合室に椅子が壁に一列と密にならない並びが良いと思いました。スリッパも衛生的な印象でした。 ②治療 マイクロスコープを使用した歯科医院を見たことがありませんでした。行った治療を録画して、アシスタントの方が説明しながら見せてくださいました。 ③親切 院長先生はしっかりと口の中をみてくださり、説明をしてくれます。歯科衛生士さんは、磨きにくい所を丁寧に教えてくださり、受付に入ったときから皆さん、明るい印象を受けました。 私は、今後も通い続けたいと思っています!!
(1) Hygiene: Looking at infection control on the website, I felt that the air purifier and air conditioner that removes airborne viruses were plasma clusters, not to mention sterilization, so I felt a high level of awareness, so it is a hospital that I can go to with confidence even if I am suffering from coronavirus. Decided to go! When I actually entered, I thought it would be nice to have a large waiting room with chairs lined up on the wall. The slippers also gave a hygienic impression. ② Treatment I have never seen a dental clinic using a microscope. I recorded the treatment I gave and the assistant showed me while explaining. ③ Kindness The director will look into your mouth and give you an explanation. The dental hygienist carefully taught me where it is difficult to polish, and I was impressed by everyone from the time I entered the reception. I want to keep going! !!
tomo s on Google

先生はもちろん、スタッフのみなさんもとても優しくとても雰囲気の良い歯医者さんです。先生はとても勉強熱心で、予防歯科、治療、矯正について詳しく説明してくれます。 私自身が小さい頃から歯並びや虫歯に悩まされてきたので、やっとやっと優しくて信頼できてる三橋歯科さんを見つけることができて、とても幸せです。 現在、娘(小3)はマウスピース矯正をしていますが、こちらも順調で定期検診で先生とスタッフのみなさんに会うのを毎回楽しみにしているくらい、三橋歯科さんが大好きです。
Not only the teacher but also the staff are very kind and have a very nice atmosphere. The teacher is very enthusiastic about studying and will explain in detail about preventive dentistry, treatment and orthodontics. I have been suffering from dentition and tooth decay since I was little, so I am very happy to finally find Mr. Mihashi Dental, who is kind and reliable. Currently, my daughter (3rd grade) is correcting the mouthpiece, but I love Mihashi Dental so much that I am looking forward to seeing the teachers and staff at regular checkups every time.
榎本とし子 on Google

痛みが出た時に、緊急で処置して頂きました。 親切にして頂きありがとうございます。 その後も、ケアして頂いています。 先生は、安心できる説明、丁寧な処置をしてくれます。とても信頼できる、歯医者さんです。 歯科衛生士さんも、親切で丁寧で信頼できます。 受付の方も、優しく、雰囲気とてもいいです。 これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
When I had pain, I was treated urgently. Thank you for your kindness. After that, I have been taking care of it. The teacher will give you a reassuring explanation and polite treatment. A very reliable dentist. Dental hygienists are also kind, polite and reliable. The receptionist is also kind and the atmosphere is very nice. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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