ヴィレッジヴァンガード イオン喜連瓜破駅前店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヴィレッジヴァンガード イオン喜連瓜破駅前店

住所 :

Uriwari, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0024 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.village-v.co.jp/shop/detail/773
街 : Osaka

Uriwari, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0024 Osaka,Japan
katagiri erika on Google

喜連瓜破駅前AEON2階にあるお店 色んな物があるから、ちょっと何か欲しい!!って時に行くと、置いてるから、嬉しい❤
Store located on the second floor of AEON There are various things, so I want something! ! I'm glad when I go there, I'm leaving it ❤
渦巻亭まぃまぃ on Google

たまに覗くと、おもしろい物が並んでたりするので、たまに寄る。 通路が狭いのと、品揃えが『どちらかっつぅと若い女性向き』なんで、おっつぁんの私は若干・肩身が狭いです ( ;∀;)
If you look into it once in a while, you will find interesting things lined up, so I sometimes stop by. Because the aisle is narrow and the product lineup is "somewhat suitable for young women", I'm a little narrow-shoulder (; ∀;)
西崎智之 on Google

There is an assortment of rare cards of Dragon Ball Heroes in the prize of the game machine on the left side of the entrance, I can not get it at all, but if I get it for 100 yen per shot, it may be a good price, but it was difficult, about 1000 yen It was a content that can be paid enough even if it can be taken with.

There are various products and it is fun just to see. However, the minute items is large, it is a narrow path in the shop.
如月みるくん on Google

とても良い 接客態度がすごく良くて 商品点数も規模のわりに多くてびっくり! 普通のヴィレバンは狭い印象を見受けられますが ここの店舗はまだ通路が広く感じるようにディスプレイの工夫がされています! またお子さんが楽しめるような小物雑貨も多く何度も通いたくなるようなお店でした(*^^*)
very good The customer service attitude is very good I was surprised that the number of products was large for the scale! Ordinary Villeban seems to have a narrow impression, The store here has a display devised so that the aisle still feels wide! In addition, there were many small miscellaneous goods that children could enjoy, and it was a shop that made me want to go there again and again (* ^^ *)
jill44d on Google

決済はクレジットカード QRはメルペイ、au pay が利用できます!
Payment is by credit card You can use QR pay and au pay!
河内旅人 on Google

There are items that are not in ordinary shops, it feels like a strange tamatebako, and I bought a summer hand fan and hat here!
R on Google

欲しいものがあって行くわけじゃ無いけど、「何かおもしろいものがありそう♪」と思って行くお店。 陳列のごちゃごちゃ感が、とってもワクワクする。 店内をウロウロするだけでも楽しいが、だいたい、何か衝動買いしてしまう。 今回は、キャラメルコーンのチョコミント味と、ペヤングのギガMAXを衝動買い♪ (写真:ギガMAXのサイズ感がわかるように、普通サイズを隣に置いてみましたー。)
A shop that doesn't go because there is something you want, but thinks there might be something interesting. The mess of the display is very exciting. It's fun just to wander around the store, but it usually buys something impulse. This time, impulse purchase of chocolate mint taste of caramel corn and Pey's Giga MAX ♪ (Photo: I put a normal size next to the Giga MAX so that I can see the size.)

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