Urawa Reimei High School - Saitama

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Urawa Reimei High School

住所 :

10-36 Higashikishicho, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Postal code : 330-0054
Webサイト : http://ur.eimei-urawareimei.ac.jp/woman/

10-36 Higashikishicho, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0054, Japan
彩まま on Google

私はこの学校の生徒の親だったのですが とても良い学校だと思いました。 文化祭や体育祭を拝見させて頂きましたが とても活気的で、どの生徒さんも 楽しそうでした^^ ですが、このレビューを読んでいて ショックだった事は、学校の先生に対して アホとは驚きました。 先生は良い人ばかりなのにね(^-^) あたかも自分は悪くないように仰ってますが わざわざ評価のページに書くような 内容ではないのでは? 批判する事は悪くないにしても 言い方がありますよ。 中にはそんな生徒が学校にいると子供からは 聞きましたけどね(^_^;) 学校生活で何をしてきたか知りませんが 酷い生徒さんです。 学校などでPTAの様な活動があるのですが その時も先生は優しく、生徒の事を よく考えてくれていると、学校行くたびに 思いました。 ここのレビューは殆ど愚痴や不満しか ないと思いますので、1度イベントなどに 参加して学校を見るのをお勧めします^^ 新校舎で共学になりましたが良いと思いますよ!綺麗です。 これからも良い学校として頑張って 頂きたいです。 お世話になりました*_ _) 長文失礼しました。
I was the parent of a student at this school I thought it was a very good school. I saw a cultural festival and a sports festival Very lively and every student It looked fun ^^ But while reading this review What shocked me was to the school teacher I was surprised with a fool. The teachers are all good people (^-^) I'm asking you not to be bad Like writing on the evaluation page Isn't it the content? Even if it’s not bad to criticize There is a way to say it. When there are such students at school, I heard (^_^;) I don’t know what you’ve been doing in school It's a terrible student. There are activities like PTA at school Even then, the teacher was kind and If you think carefully, every time you go to school thought. Most of the reviews here are complaints and complaints I don't think so, so once in an event We encourage you to join and watch the school ^^ I'm co-educated in the new school building, but I think it's good! Is beautiful. I will continue to do my best as a good school I would like to have it. thank you for helping me*_ _) I'm sorry for the long sentence.
青井蒼空 on Google

旧名小松原女子の卒業生ですが 良い面・悪い面も両方持った学校だと思います。 今はどうかは解りませんが通学してた時は 問題があった先生が少々多かったです。 クラスも大体が運次第な部分もあります。 でも、誹謗中傷めちゃくちゃ言われるほど 悪い学校では無い気がします。
Former graduate of Komatsubara girls I think it is a school with both good and bad sides. I don't know now but when I went to school There were a lot of teachers who had a problem. There are also some parts of the class depending on your luck. But, it is so badly said I feel that it is not a bad school.
aquarius 111 on Google

Immediately after I moved from another prefecture, my daughter took the entrance examination, and I entered the school without knowing anything about the past, but it seems that I enjoy going there. I heard that seniors who were a few years older were scared, quit, and bullying, but it may be a part, but I think that is the same everywhere I go. .. I don't want to enroll only there! I was worried when I heard later that I was told, but my daughter seems to be having fun, and when she bumps into a friend, she feels depressed and goes home, and she seems to be living a normal high school life. When another school comes to the gymnasium for a practice game, is it a small boast to say "Oh ~ tokasuge" or "Kire"? That's right. He says he doesn't want to get motion sick because he travels by bus to Higashi-Urawa, where there is no playground. I chose the school because I didn't intend to join the athletic club, but I still want to exercise! It was a pity that my daughter, who became, couldn't relax in that respect, but she is still doing her best in the athletic club. It's close to the station, and I've never seen a pedestrian crossing when driving. However, there are many things that are difficult to understand even by e-mail, such as contact from the school. Hard to understand! Do it properly! I often thought about it, but since I sent a late mail immediately after receiving a complaint, I'm sorry to say that I'm trying to do something right after being told (laughs) A question at the parents' association I was distributing one answer in print, but I was laughed at when I was told a budget plan and so on. I want you to do your best to reform.
ペンペン on Google

Speaking of Komatsubara girls before, it was famous as a saucer school at a level that can not be accepted anywhere. When I visited, it had such an impact that I thought I would stop.
quo shi on Google

この学校に通ったら鬱病と不眠症になりました。今も治ってないので 卒業してからずっと精神科に通院して薬を服用しています。 生徒はお金のために誰でも入れるから(保護者の評判が欲しいだけで) 授業は毎日崩壊していて 騒いでいる子達はそれが楽しくて毎日通ってみたいですが、私は静かに授業を受ける事も出来ず、先生に相談しても助けてもらえませんでした。 同級生は人の悪口を言うのが好きで、私が怪我をして痛そうにしていれば 「あれは人に可哀想だと思われたいんだよ」と言われて、信じられませんでした。 三年通して成績は良く、悪い事も何もしてないのに先生達には会えば無駄に怒られる、理解なんてされる事はなく辛い思いをしました。 仏教校でもないのに当時は仏教の鳥を学校のキャラクターにして学校の指定品にプリント、刺繍して売っていた辺りも罰当たりで、怪しいです。 当時は新米の先生が泣いて退職されてました。 「校長にテストの平均を上げろといつも言われている」と言っていました。 その先生はテストの問題に次の問題の解答を書いたテストを作ってしまいました。 きっと授業中に椅子に座っている事も出来ない生徒に対して勉強を教える事なんて出来ないのに 上司は「テストの平均を上げろ」というだけで苦しくて、変なテストを作ってしまった事に罪悪感を感じたんだと思います。 他の先生も生徒が問題を起こしたら怒られるは自分だから、いつも無駄にガミガミうるさかったのだと思います。 こうゆうのは勇気がないと言います。 そのせいで私は毎日苦しかったです。 他にも危険な目に遭ったのは美術の授業で先生がいつも何も指導してくれなくて、七宝焼きでガラスを溶かす高温が出る窯を一人で扱いをさせられた事があります。 私がその先生に文句を言うと「あなたのデッサンに黒い描き込みの比率が多いのはあなたの心の黒さが現れている」と、いい加減なことを言われて 「絵の描き込みの比率は黒7:白3にするものです」と私が反論しても 「いえ、それでもあなたの心が黒いから!」と言われました。 美術のクラスでも椅子に黙って座れない生徒が授業崩壊させているのを放置させていましたが、 この先生は「しゃべりながらやらないと楽しくない」と言ってわざと放置していました。 (集中して作業する事をしゃべりながら行うのは非効率で集中出来るものではないと思いますし、 このクラスでも授業をサボって他の生徒について根も歯も無い噂話しをするのが好きな人がいて、 こんなヒドい子達がいることが信じられなくて傷つきました。) そのせいで私は一般の科目も好きな美術の勉強も何も専念する事が出来ず、何も学ぶ事ばなく、お金を払って心の傷を残しに行っただけでした。 大学に進学する時も学校からは 「大学側も勉強が出来ても中退する生徒より、 勉強が出来なくても真面目に通う生徒が欲しい、お前達は学力は低いが真面目に通い続けるタイプの生徒だから推薦入学が出来るんだ」と説明されました。 真面目な子達は基本的に自分の事は自分でやっているので、助けを求めても助けてもらえません。 (真面目な生徒の面倒を見ても保護者や世間の評判が大して上がらない為) しかし大学進学率を上げて学校の宣伝に利用するために真面目な生徒の存在は学校に必要であり、 普段は騒いでいる生徒の面倒を見て保護者の評判をもらい、学校教育で子供を利用してお金を稼ぐ大人達を見て 私は義務教育では「子供の可能性を信じている」と、教育に熱心で、見返りも求めず生徒を見守る先生に指導されていた分、 こんな大人の存在が信じられなくて本当に傷つきました。 親に無理を言って私立に入学させてもらったことをずっと後悔していました。 仏教について何も教えていないのに、仏教のキャラクターを売っていた辺り元々そうゆう学校だったのだから、 一般的な対応を求める事自体が、そもそも見当違いであったと今は認識し直しました。 やっぱり私以外にもこの学校行ってから鬱になったりして困ってる人がいます。 学校に行ってから鬱病になってしまった人は私の文章見て、昔の自分は何を思っていたか知る為の材料にして下さい。 私達はまだ子供でしたから、大人のズルい心中が見抜けなかった。私は先生は怖いけど、自分の事を考えてくれるいい人だとし信じていましたが、しかしこの学校は違いました。 それが見抜けず無駄な苦労を三年も続けて不眠症と自殺願望を持つ様になりました。 頑張って学校に行ってるのに、先生は会えば説教、同級生は大体ほとんど失礼な人が多く、授業も静かに受けられず、 頑張りたい美術の授業では先生は道具についての知識はあるけそ、技術はないから何も教わった物が無く辛い三年間を親が学費を払ってくれるから責任を感じて頑張って過ごしていましたが、私は学生時代は何かに熱中していたかったです。 この学校では授業中もうるさかったし、部活も部員が真面目に取り組まないし、失礼な生徒が人の事バカにすることで遊んでたりしたので、自分の居場所がありませんでした。友達と一緒に何かを取り組む事に熱中して自分を向上させて自信をつけて大人になりたかったのに、学校の状態はそんな事ができる様な所ではなかったので、頑張る事は大いにバカらしい思ってしまってショックで、学校生活三年間分の記憶を消せたら、どんなに楽になれるだろうかとは良く考えました。
When I went to this school, I became depressed and insomniac. I'm still not healed Ever since I graduated, I went to a psychiatrist and took medicine. Anyone can enter for money (just want a parental reputation) Classes are collapsing every day The noisy children enjoyed it and wanted to go there every day, but I couldn't take classes quietly, and even if I consulted with my teacher, they couldn't help me. My classmates like to talk badly and if I'm injured and hurt I couldn't believe it when I was told, "I want people to feel sorry for me." Throughout the three years, my grades were good, and even though I hadn't done anything wrong, I was uselessly angry when I met the teachers, and I had a hard time not being understood. Even though it is not a Buddhist school, at that time it was punishable to use Buddhist birds as school characters, print them on school-designated items, embroider them, and sell them. At that time, a new teacher cried and retired. "The principal has always told me to raise the average of the tests," he said. The teacher has created a test with the answer to the next question in the test question. I'm sure I can't teach study to students who can't even sit in a chair during class I think my boss was having a hard time just saying "raise the average of the tests" and felt guilty about making a weird test. I think that other teachers were always uselessly noisy because they would get angry if the students had problems. Koyuu says he has no courage. Because of that, I had a hard time every day. Another dangerous thing was that in the art class, the teacher didn't always teach me anything, and I was forced to handle the high temperature kiln that melts the glass with cloisonne. When I complained to the teacher, he said, "The blackness of your heart is reflected in the high proportion of black drawings in your drawings." Even if I argue, "The ratio of drawing is black 7: white 3." He said, "No, your heart is still black!" Even in the art class, a student who couldn't sit silently in a chair left the class collapsed, This teacher intentionally left it alone, saying, "It's not fun if you don't do it while talking." (I don't think it's inefficient and you can't concentrate on doing things that you concentrate on while talking. Even in this class, there are people who like to skip classes and talk about rootless rumors about other students. I was hurt because I couldn't believe that there were such terrible children. ) Because of that, I couldn't concentrate on general subjects or studying my favorite art, I didn't learn anything, I just paid money and went to leave a scar. Even when going to college, from school "From the students who drop out even if the university can study, I want students who can go seriously even if they can't study. You can enroll by recommendation because you are the type of students who have low academic ability but continue to go seriously. " Serious children are basically doing their own thing, so even if they ask for help, they will not be able to help. (Because even if you take care of serious students, the reputation of parents and the world will not increase much) However, the presence of serious students is necessary for the school in order to increase the university entrance rate and use it for school promotion. Seeing adults who take care of the students who are usually noisy, get the reputation of their parents, and make money by using their children in school education In compulsory education, I was instructed by a teacher who was enthusiastic about education and watched over the students without asking for a reward, saying, "I believe in the potential of children." I couldn't believe the existence of such an adult and it really hurt me. I have always regretted having my parents force me to enroll in a private school. Even though I didn't teach anything about Buddhism, it was originally a school that sold Buddhist characters. I have now reaffirmed that asking for a general response was irrelevant in the first place. After all, there are other people besides me who are in trouble because they get depressed after going to this school. If you have been depressed since you went to school, please look at my text and use it as a material to know what you thought in the past. We were still children, so we couldn't see the sly heart of adults. I was scared of the teacher, but I believed he was a good person to think about me, but this school was different. I couldn't see it and had a lot of wasted hardships for three years, and now I have insomnia and suicidal ideation. Even though I tried my best to go to school, when I met the teacher, I preached, and most of my classmates were almost rude, so I couldn't take classes quietly. In the art class I want to do my best, the teacher has knowledge about tools, but since he has no skills, he has nothing to learn and his parents pay the tuition fees for the difficult three years, so he felt responsible and spent his time doing his best. , I wanted to be absorbed in something when I was a student. I didn't have a place to stay at this school because it was noisy during class, the club members didn't take it seriously, and the rude students played by making fun of people. I was enthusiastic about working on something with my friends and wanted to improve myself, gain confidence and grow up, but the state of school was not a place where I could do that, so I have to do my best. I was shocked because I thought it was stupid, and I wondered how much easier it would be if I could erase the memories of three years of school life.
りさゆか on Google

I'm a current student, but I'm bullied just because it's not a problem. I don't recommend this school.
ちゃんいー on Google

南浦和駅に向かって歩いている生徒、路側帯のない狭い道なのに全員左側通行で道路交通法違反しています。誰かそのことを教えてくれる大人は身近にいないのでしょうか。なぜ右側通行を守っているこちらが道を譲らなければならないのでしょうか。 団体で歩いて道を譲らないので、家が線路沿いにあっても彼らに道を譲ってから入るしかありません。邪魔です迷惑です。学校名が変わろうと偏差値が上がろうと、そこのところは小松原時代と何一つ変わっていません。近所の人間にとっては迷惑な学校のままです。
Students walking toward Minamiurawa Station, all of them are on the left side of the narrow road without roadside belts and violate the Road Traffic Act. Isn't there an adult close to me who can tell me that? Why do we have to give way to the right side of the road? We don't walk in groups and give way, so even if the house is along the railroad tracks, we have to give way to them before entering. It's annoying and annoying. Whether the school name changes or the deviation value goes up, nothing has changed from the Komatsubara era. It remains an annoying school for neighbors.
嵜森 on Google


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