Urawa High School - Saitama

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Urawa High School

住所 :

5 Chome-3-3 Ryoke, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-9330, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 330-9330
Webサイト : http://www.urawa-h.spec.ed.jp/

5 Chome-3-3 Ryoke, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-9330, Japan
Ultimate Warrior on Google

公立私立共に埼玉一の高等学校。勉強だけでなく全てに於いて全力投球な所が良い! 文化祭の門のお城と応援団は必見感動!!
Saitama's number one high school, both public and private. It's good to throw everything, not just studying! The castle at the gate of the school festival and the cheering party are a must-see! !!
Tosh Yam on Google

2017年の浦高祭迫る! 果たして門の製作は間に合うのか? 毎年楽しみにしています。文武両道との例えがありますが、この高校には容赦ない学校行事が存在します。近所も応援してるよ~
Urataka Festival approaching 2017! Is it really timely to make a gate? I look forward to it every year. Although there is an example of Bunmu and Budo, there are relentless school events in this high school. I support the neighborhood too ~
3030 omotuke on Google

Leading school in the prefecture of both sentence and military art. Produced many successful students of the University of Tokyo. It is a famous story that not only studies but also sports and seniority events. Evidence that the teacher has an excellent person. A difficult school where even students with the highest grades in the school year fall. If you don't skip studying, a bright future will surely be waiting. Empathy with education policy The symbolic existence of the educational city Urawa.
anshi wang on Google

300番代でぶら下がり合格した息子が、文化祭、体育祭、古河マラと盛りだくさんの学校行事にへとへとになりながらも、しがみ付いて頑張っていました。特に印象に残っているのはラグビーの決勝戦。11月半ばにも拘わらず受験を控えた3年生の殆どが熊谷ラグビー場にに集結し、圧巻の応援を繰り広げていたことです。 文を尚(たっと)び、武を昌(さか)んにする。正に「尚文昌武」そのものでした。 密度の濃い3年間を謳歌したのち、京都大学に進み現在も浦高魂で頑張っています。
My son, who passed the 300th generation and passed, passed away to a school festival, a physical education festival, a school event of Furukawa Mara and lots of people, while clinging and trying hard. Particularly impressive is the rugby finals. Most of the third graders who did not take the exam despite the middle of November gathered at the Kumagaya Rugby Field and were cheering on the highlight. I will make a statement and I will take Takeshi to Shogaku. It was exactly "Saobun Shotake" itself. After enjoying three years of high density, I went to Kyoto University and still do my best in Ura Takamasa.
Tsubaki H. on Google

大好きな高校です。 全てに於いて全力投球。ガリ勉高校とは全く異なります。 インターハイ常連の運動部も多くありますし、文化部も全国大会常連です。行事においても、古河マラ、体育祭、文化祭と、多分、学外の人からは想像できないほど頑張ります。 どうやったらうまく行くか、ただ、言われたことをやるのではなく、学生自身で自ら考え、信念を持って取り組んでいる結果だと思います。 学生同士の仲も良く、お互い協力的で、得意な教科を教え合います。 長男の大学同級生(別の県内私立高校)が言っていたとのことですが、彼の高校は「大学予備校」だったそうです(それも選択肢だとは思いますが)。 長男は入学してしばらく、「父さんに騙された。勉強が分からない」と言っていましたが(入れと言った覚えはないが、自分も楽しかったとは話しましたが。。)、運動に加え、2年生から勉強に目覚め、1年の時はクラスでビリから2番目でしたが、そこから這い上がり、東大理科一類に合格しました。先生のとある一言で気持ちが切り替わったらしいです。 兎に角、手を抜かない、全力投球が校風です。 お世話になっていた仙龍が火災で、あの懐かしいおばちゃんが、、、とても悲しいです。
This is my favorite high school. Throw everything. It's completely different from Gari Tsutomu High School. There are many inter-school athletic clubs, and the culture club is also a regular at the national competition. Even at events, I will do my best at Furukawa Mara, athletic festivals, and cultural festivals, which I can't imagine from outside the university. I think it's the result of the students themselves thinking and working with conviction, rather than just doing what they were told to do. Students get along well with each other, cooperate with each other, and teach each other what they are good at. The eldest son's college classmate (another private high school in the prefecture) said that his high school was a "university prep school" (though I think that is also an option). For a while after I entered the university, my eldest son said, "I was deceived by my father. I don't know how to study." In addition, I woke up to study from the second grade, and in the first year I was the second from the bill in the class, but I climbed up from there and passed the first class of science at the University of Tokyo. It seems that one word from the teacher changed my feelings. The school spirit is to throw everything, without cutting corners. Senryu, who was indebted to me, was on fire, and that nostalgic aunt was very sad.
田口博堂 on Google

I don't know if it's after Corona, but it's important that Susumu Shiratori goes to Hirosaki and immediately becomes lonely. I wouldn't really do it.
1686i_28 grandpa on Google

埼玉県No1進学校浦和高校です。北浦和駅から歩いて10分位です。もとは埼玉県の知事公舎の場所にありました。 緑は浦和一女の方が多いです。
It is Saitama Prefecture's No. 1 preparatory school Urawa High School. It is about a 10-minute walk from Kitaurawa Station. It was originally located at the Governor's Office in Saitama Prefecture. There are more greens in Urawa.
Director Moon on Google

My son passed. I look forward to working with you for three years. He attended an event in Urawa when he was in elementary school. Learn soccer, listen to brass band, and participate in quiz competitions. At that time, I dropped my gloves, and even if the teachers at Urawa searched around, I couldn't find them, and when I gave up, he said, "Become a high school student and come to pick me up." This seems to be the last driving force. Thank you for the magic words ?

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