
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 雨城庵の井戸

住所 :

Urata, Kimitsu, 〒292-0432 Chiba,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Urata, Kimitsu, 〒292-0432 Chiba,Japan
市村寿男 on Google

It is on the way to Kururi Shrine after passing the road from National Route 410 to Kururi Castle. Chilled water was flowing.
廣重毅 on Google

我が家の飲料水は、ここの湧水です。 週末の楽しみはこちらの水でコーヒーをいただくこと!
The drinking water in my home is the spring water here. Enjoy coffee on this weekend!
まりくる on Google

今千葉で被災中です。ライフライン全滅、通信駄目というなかで久留里の井戸には助かってます。 おかげで、風呂にも入れるし、コーヒーを飲む事も出来てます。カセットコンロのおかげでもあるんですが近くではないですが、車にポリタンク4個積んで朝早く(地元の方が早いので)汲みに行ってます。2往復で風呂、食事、洗面、トイレ、食器洗いなど全ての事が賄えます。 ありがたい存在です。他にも数ヶ所井戸があり、やはり沢山の人が汲みに来てます。 後どれ位で復旧するのかはわかりませんが、おかげで命が繋がってます。
Now in Chiba. Kurusato's well is saved in a lifeline annihilation and communication failure. Thanks to that, I can take a bath and have a coffee. Although it is also thanks to the cassette stove, it is not close, but I loaded 4 plastic tanks in the car and went to pump early in the morning (because the locals are early). We can cover all things such as bath, meal, bathroom, toilet, dishwashing in 2 round trips. Thank you very much. There are several other wells, and many people come here. I don't know how much it will be restored later, but thanks to that, my life is connected.
草むしり on Google

Bring your neighbor Toshima and a lunch box, and lunch while drinking water is a bliss.
もる on Google

It is not delicious water according to your comments. However, it is cold, so finding it on a hot day or on the road will help. Since there is no sign, it will pass by, so I will upload a photo of the road.
マサ on Google

水は非常に冷たいけど飲むと微かに硫黄臭がする。 10年程前まで井戸の脇で野菜を売る老夫婦がいました。? 水汲みの度に野菜を購入していたので時々売れ残った野菜をオマケとして頂いていました。?
The water is very cold, but when you drink it it has a slight sulfur odor. There was an elderly couple selling vegetables by the well about 10 years ago. ? I used to buy vegetables every time I drew water, so I sometimes received unsold vegetables as bonus. ?
せぃ on Google

お薦めできる水ではありませんでした。 飲んだ感じは池の水を飲んだという表現かな。 汲み置きして2,3日常温でおいてしまうと藻の臭みのような香りが強くなってしまいます。
It was not recommended water. The feeling of drinking is the expression of drinking the water from the pond. If you leave it at room temperature for a few days after pumping it, the scent like the smell of algae will become stronger.
Yoshinori “オカピー” Okada on Google

It is a well located on the outskirts of the center of Kururi Town, which is famous as a famous water place in Chiba. You can freely draw abundant spring water and take it home. You can park about two private cars.

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