
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 克丸鮮魚

住所 :

Urashukuhama, Onagawa, Oshika District, 〒986-2231 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Miyagi

Urashukuhama, Onagawa, Oshika District, 〒986-2231 Miyagi,Japan
スカイウォーカールーク on Google

お店は狭いですがとても美味しいお店です❗ 丼物に目がいきがちデスガ焼き魚もとても美味しいです
The shop is small but very delicious ❗ Eyes tend to look like bowls, and Desuga grilled fish is also very delicious
佐藤けんたろう on Google

The price is reasonable. The material is also good. It's a pretty good spot. The store is small with only counters. Fish are also sold next door. Recommended.
T S on Google

安いし新鮮! 女川の鮮魚屋といったら克丸さん! イートインも併設されており、海鮮丼など地物の海産物が美味しくたのしめます!
Cheap and fresh! Katsumaru-san is a fresh fish shop in Onagawa! There is also an eat-in, where you can enjoy local seafood such as seafood bowls!
きゅうせん on Google

It was delicious. I was confused at first when the squirts with shells came out, but the squirts were also delicious (it becomes odorous when the freshness drops)
凜パパ on Google

2時の閉店ギリギリにおじゃましました。 残念ながら焼魚メニューは完売でしたので、刺身定食を頂きました。マグロ、甘エビ、イカと三種類のお刺身が味わえ、ボリュームも中々でした。 魚屋さん直営店と言うことで、コスパは申し分無し。 もちろん新鮮で味も良しです♪
I was at the last minute when the store closed at 2 o'clock. Unfortunately, the grilled fish menu was sold out, so I had a sashimi set meal. I could taste three kinds of sashimi, tuna, sweet shrimp, and squid, and the volume was medium. Cospa is perfect because it is directly managed by a fishmonger. Of course it is fresh and tastes good ♪
きようこ on Google

克丸海鮮丼を食べたが 具沢山だし 小皿も付いてて汁物もある お得感が凄い ただホヤとカツオが入っているので 食べる人は限られるかもしれない 主人が頼んだマグロ丼なんかは 1000円だった 安いと思う
I ate Katsumaru Kaisendon It has a lot of ingredients, and it comes with a small plate and soup. Great value Just because it contains sea squirts and bonito Eaters may be limited The tuna bowl that my husband ordered It was 1000 yen I think it's cheap
かたひす on Google

刺身定食を食べました。量が多かったので特をした感じです。 ただ、前に来店していた人よりも先に提供されたので、申し訳なかったです。 あと、入店時は元気に挨拶をしていただけましたが、その他は無視状態だったので、わざわざ注文をするために店員の所まで行かないと行けないので、入店時に一言言ってほしいですね。
I ate a sashimi set meal. The amount was large, so it feels special. However, I'm sorry that it was offered before the person who visited the store before. Also, when I entered the store, I was able to say hello cheerfully, but the others were ignored, so I had to go to the clerk to place an order, so please say a word when entering the store. is not it.
koji k on Google

前から通る度に気になって鮮魚店? しかも食事処もあったの立ち寄って見ました! 流石は鮮魚店活きがよくボリューム満点の海鮮丼! 旨し! 店内はちょっと狭いけど✋?いい味出してます!笑
Every time I pass from the front, I'm worried about the fish store ? Moreover, there was a restaurant, so I stopped by to see it! As expected, the fresh fish store is a lively and hearty seafood bowl! Good! The inside of the store is a little small, but ✋? it tastes good! Lol

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