横浜 味王 阪東橋店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 横浜 味王 阪東橋店

住所 :

Urafunecho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, 〒232-0024 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://ehp7.hiyamugi.com/kanagawa/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–12AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–12AM
Tuesday 11AM–12AM
Wednesday 11AM–12AM
Thursday 11AM–12AM
Friday 11AM–12AM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Urafunecho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, 〒232-0024 Kanagawa,Japan
モクモク on Google

I ordered green onion ramen. Is it ordinary ramen? I've had it several times, but it feels like the soup is having an impact. Is it okay because it will add to your stomach?
Natsuki Atsumi on Google

I immigrated from Tokyo. I thought it was a restaurant where you can relax and eat without feeling like The family. I like the miso here.
まくら on Google

病院の帰りに一人で利用しましたよ! 食券制だったよ!入り口入って右手側だったよ! 入り口上に店前の道路映像が流れてたよ! 水はセルフサービスだったよ! 少し安かったよ! 味は美味しかったけど特出した感じはなかったよ! 店員さんも明るい感じでしたよ!爪は切った方がいいと思うよ!ちょっとコミュニケーションが、細かい事は取りづらそうだったよ! 病院が近いからかお客さんの年齢層は広かったよ!
I used it alone on the way home from the hospital! It was a meal ticket system! I entered the entrance and was on the right! The road image of the store front was flowing above the entrance! Water was self-service! It was a bit cheaper! The taste was delicious but I didn't feel special. The clerk also felt bright! I think you should cut your nails! A little communication, but it seems that it is difficult to get the details! Because the hospital is near, the age group of the visitor was wide!
rey amon on Google

週末の夕方時に初訪問。 店内カウンターだけのワンオペ。 まずは券売機で豚骨ネギラーメンの食券を買い、水をセルフで入れて着席。 麺は太麺と細麺が選べたので、細麺の硬めをオーダー。 先客1名、後客1名。 キッチンの中を見ていると、先客の麺を上げて丼のスープに入れると、自分の麺を上げて丼のスープに居れるタイミングが同じなので、細麺の麺硬めと言うことで茹で時間が少なく、先客と同じタイミングで出されるのかと思いきや。 先客のラーメンを盛り付けて出して、それからトッピングの準備を始めて、スープに麺を入れてかれこれ1~2分経ってからラーメンが出てきました。 麺そうとう伸びてんじゃね? と、不安を懐きながら見てましたが、予想的中。 硬めどころか柔らか目の仕上がり。 しかもスープは塩分や脂分を控えてい病院食のごとく、薄すぎ。 伸びた麺に味のしないスープ。 ハッキリ言ってインスタントラーメンの方が美味い。 久々にここまで残念なラーメンに当たりました。 アルバイトと思われる店員がポンコツなだけなのか、これがこの店のデフォルトなのか? よく潰れないなぁと不思議に思いました。 食べ物なんて所詮人の好みだとわかってはいるが、これクオリティの問題?
First visit on weekend evenings. One operation only at the counter in the store. First of all, buy a meal ticket for pork bone onion ramen at the ticket vending machine, fill it with water and sit down. You can choose thick noodles or thin noodles, so order harder thin noodles. One first customer and one second customer. Looking inside the kitchen, if you raise the noodles of the previous customer and put them in the bowl soup, the timing of raising your own noodles and being in the bowl soup is the same, so it is time to boil the thin noodles because it is hard. I wonder if it will be released at the same timing as the previous customer. I served the ramen of the previous customer, then started preparing the toppings, and the noodles were added to the soup, and after a minute or two, the ramen came out. The noodles are finally growing, right? I looked at it with anxiety, but it was predictable. Instead of being hard, it has a soft finish. Moreover, the soup is too thin, like hospital food, with less salt and fat. A tasteless soup with stretched noodles. To be clear, instant noodles are more delicious. It's been a while since I've hit a disappointing ramen so far. Is the clerk who seems to be a part-time job just a knack, or is this the default for this store? I wondered if it wouldn't collapse well. I know that food is a favorite of people, but is this a quality issue?
Fuku Hiroi (gumiOG) on Google

A family-style ramen that doesn't have much energy in the soup. There are times when I want to slurp that lack of spirit, so I revisit the store for some reason. Tsukemen and miso ramen are recommended.
SICNYX 60 on Google

毎度チャーシューメンを注文しています。 チャーシューは炙ったものを使用、薬味ネギととても相性が良く美味しいです。 スープは少し物足りないですがしょうがをほんの少し足すととても良くなります。 薬味ネギがもう少し多ければ大満足です。
I order char siu men every time. The char siu is roasted and goes very well with the condiment green onions and is delicious. The soup is a little unsatisfactory, but adding a little ginger makes it very good. If you have a little more condiment green onions, you will be very satisfied.
えむ5 on Google

【味王 阪東橋店】※系譜不明 こちらは系譜不明です。 情報が全くありません。 厨房内には大寸胴が2つありました。 しっかり炊いているようですね。 厨房奥には丸山製麺(株)の麺箱が。 麺はテボで茹でていました。 お好み表記が黄色いアクリル板で、 「あじこめ」とか「うすあじ」とか「油ぬき」とか どこかで見たようなw 後で、先行してるフォロワーさんのレビューを見たら 元々六角家系譜のお店の居抜きで入ったようですね。 ってことはそのまま使ってるのかな?( ̄▽ ̄) スープは醤油先行型に近いかな? 油はそれなりに浮いているけど、 鶏油っぽい香りがしません。 と言っても豚脂みたいなクドさもないですけど… 豚骨感も鶏感も控えめ。 ライトと言うよりダシが薄いです。 醤油感は普通。見た目は強そうだけど かえしはまろやかでしょっぱさはありません。 逆にちょっとかえしの甘みを感じます。 うーん。だいぶあっさりしたスープです。 丸山製麺(株)の麺は断面が長方形の中太ストレート。 良くある太さって感じ。 茹で加減は硬めなんだけど、 ちょっとネッチリ感が残った食感。 麺自体は悪くないんだろうけど スープが弱いので麺が勝ってる印象です。 チャーシューは肩ロースで小さめ。厚みはありました。 しっかりめな食感だけど、硬くはない感じ。 味付けはちょうどいいかな。 周りが濃い茶色でしたが、そこまで味付けは強くないですね。 ほうれん草は少なめ。 食感は悪くないけど風味が弱いです。 海苔増しは5枚。 大きさや厚さはは普通。 緑色っぽい海苔は目が粗め。 スープに浸すと弱いけど、風味はまあまあ良かったです。 薬味のネギは後乗せの輪切りが適量。 辛味は控えめでいい薬味になっていました。 うん。見た目よりあっさり。 手作り感はあるので、 もう少しダシ感がハッキリしてるといいかも。 ラーメン+海苔増し。
[Mio Bandobashi store] * Genealogy unknown This is an unknown genealogy. There is no information at all. There were two large cylinders in the kitchen. It looks like you're cooking well. At the back of the kitchen is a noodle box from Maruyama Noodle Co., Ltd. The noodles were boiled in Tebo. The favorite notation is a yellow acrylic board, "Ajikome", "Light hydrangea", "Oilless" W like I saw somewhere Later, if you look at the reviews of the following followers It seems that you originally entered the store without a hexagonal family tree. Do you use that as it is? ( ̄ ▽  ̄) Is the soup close to the soy sauce-first type? The oil is floating as it is, It doesn't smell like chicken oil. It's not like lard, though ... The feeling of pork bones and chicken is modest. Dashi is thinner than light. The feeling of soy sauce is normal. It looks strong The maple is mellow and not salty. On the contrary, I feel a little sweetness. Hmm. It's a fairly light soup. Maruyama Noodles Co., Ltd.'s noodles are medium-thick straight noodles with a rectangular cross section. It feels like a common thickness. Boiled is hard, but The texture has a slightly sticky texture. The noodles themselves aren't bad The soup is weak, so the impression is that the noodles are superior. The char siu is small with shoulder butt. There was thickness. It has a firm texture, but it's not hard. Is the seasoning just right? The surroundings were dark brown, but the seasoning was not so strong. There is less spinach. The texture is not bad, but the flavor is weak. 5 extra seaweed. The size and thickness are normal. The greenish seaweed has coarse eyes. It was weak when soaked in soup, but the flavor was good. For condiment green onions, the appropriate amount is sliced ​​afterwards. The spiciness was modest and had a good condiment. Yes. It's easier than it looks. There is a handmade feeling, so It would be nice if the feeling of dashi was a little clearer. Ramen + nori seaweed.
Pita Hsu on Google

Nice Staff , Nice soup, comfortable environment.

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