Up Garage - Ishinomaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Up Garage

住所 :

3 Chome-3-39 Okaidonishi, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0859, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 986-0859
Webサイト : http://www.upgarage.com/shop/180%3Ffrom%3DGMB
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

3 Chome-3-39 Okaidonishi, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0859, Japan
kato izumi on Google

私のような車に詳しくない人にも 親切で丁寧な応対をしてくれます。 スタッフさんが良いです。(特に店長さん)
For people like me who are not familiar with cars They are kind and polite. The staff is good. (Especially the store manager)
きゃっぷおぐり on Google

田舎のカーショップだけど、小さなドレスアップパーツがあるのが嬉しい。 通販の手数料や送料の節約になるのが有難い。
It's a rural car shop, but I'm happy to have small dress-up parts. Thank you for saving mail order fees and shipping costs.
111 111 on Google

友人から頼まれ急いでカーオーディオが欲しいとの事から片道30km走り 「動作チェック済み」のオーディオを購入したが結果壊れていて使えなかった。 返品しに行く時間とガソリン代を考えて捨てようかと思ったけど不良品だった事を伝える為に後日返品しました。 直ぐに返品に応じて頂けましたが無駄な時間と120km分のガソリン代を思うと何とも後味が悪い。何故「動作チェック済み」をわざわざ買いに行ったのか考えて欲しいです。
A friend asked me to rush for car audio, so I ran 30km one way. I purchased an audio that has been "checked for operation", but the result was broken and I could not use it. I decided to throw it away considering the time to return it and the cost of gasoline, but I returned it at a later date to tell that it was a defective product. I was able to accept the returned goods immediately, but it has a bad aftertaste when I think of wasted time and 120km of gasoline. I would like you to consider why I went to buy the "operation checked".
satoshi motch on Google

While there are few shops for car-related parts, the lineup is more abundant than garage off. There are many maniac parts. The quality of second-hand goods and cospa depend on the criteria of each person, but I felt that the wheel / tyre was the same as the price, and the electrical components, electrical parts and junk were a little cheaper. It ’s good to look at it actually?
伊東エミリー on Google

It was a polite response, the number of items is moderate, but the price is also reasonable. I bought it comfortably.
hero justice on Google

How are your employees feeling? Female patronage? Correspondence is not easy and is it dark? I felt that the greetings to the customers who came to the store were selected.
hiro k. on Google

何度も利用してるが、スタッフの対応が男女共に愛想が悪いし、話しかけても面倒臭そうな対応で上から目線の対応スタッフも居たかな。中には対応の良いスタッフも居ると思うが、基本対応の悪いスタッフが多いと思う。 話しかけてもちょっと待って下さいが、5分経っても別の作業に取り掛かったまま。しびれを切らしたので別のスタッフに話し掛けたら直ぐに対応して貰ったけど、どうして別のスタッフに対応をお願い出来なかったのか?待ってる時間がとても無駄だった。 お客さんをもっと大切扱って欲しいと思います。
I've used it many times, but the staff's response is unfriendly for both men and women, and even if I talk to them, it seems to be a hassle, so I wonder if there was a staff member looking from above. I think there are some staff who are good at responding, but I think there are many staff who are not very good at responding. Please wait for a while even if you talk to me, but even after 5 minutes, I'm still working on another task. I was numb, so when I talked to another staff member, they immediately responded to me, but why couldn't I ask another staff member to respond? The waiting time was very wasted. I want you to treat your customers more carefully.
Ken Ken on Google

石巻店でタイヤ、ホイールの査定をしてもらい、あまりの安さに驚き断りました。 私は、同じ買取店舗でも六丁目店をオススメします!!メルカリ?ネットにも出品しているようで、商品の状態と合わせネットで出されている価格を調べて買取額を決めているようでした。買取結果は、一万円以上の違いがでました。
I had the tires and wheels assessed at the Ishinomaki store, and I was surprised at how cheap they were. I recommend the 6-chome store even at the same purchase store! !! Mercari? It seems that they are also selling on the net, and it seems that the purchase price is decided by checking the price offered on the net according to the condition of the product. The purchase result differed by more than 10,000 yen.

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