上野油業 セルフUo新倉敷 SS

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上野油業 セルフUo新倉敷 SS

住所 :

Tamashima Tsumasaki, Kurashiki, 〒710-0252 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://ueno-oil.com/
街 : Okayama

Tamashima Tsumasaki, Kurashiki, 〒710-0252 Okayama,Japan
井上昇 on Google

It's a gas station that has been around for a long time! ️
大場信二 on Google

The place where the stand is located is good, and it is easy to get in and out of the car.
辻光栄 on Google

It is cheaper, and it becomes cheaper depending on the appearance of roulette. It's good that you can wash your car ?
下宮勇務 on Google

I am looking forward to refueling and determining the discount price based on the throttle result.
小野泰範 on Google

給油が終わったらスロットが回り、当たれば値引きのチャンスあり! 洗車もできます。
Once refueling is over, the slot goes around and if you hit it there is a chance to discount! You can also car wash.
近藤伸一 on Google

本日スタッフの方に依頼して携行缶に給油(2019.8.30 15:45)し帰宅したところ、蓋の閉め方が緩かったため少量のガソリン漏れがありました。 さほど力を入れなくても蓋が閉め方向に回る状態で、パッキンにも異常は無かったため、漏れは閉め不足によるもので間違いないと思われます。 携行缶をポリ袋に入れて運搬していたため車内にこぼれなかったのは幸いでした。 いつもは私も蓋と空気弁の再確認をするのですが、今回うっかりチェックを忘れていたのでこれは反省点です。
When I asked the staff today and refueled my carrying can (2019.8.30 15:45) and came home, there was a small amount of gasoline leaking because the lid was loosely closed. There was no abnormality in the packing with the lid rotating in the closing direction without applying too much force, so the leak is probably due to insufficient closing. I was fortunate that I couldn't spill the car inside because I was carrying it in a plastic bag. I always recheck the lid and air valve, but this is a reflection because I forgot to check this time.
小野邸 on Google

セルフなんですが唯一誇れるのは、給油後のスロットが必ず当たります。 1リットル5円引き等簡単に当たる設定になってます。
It's a self, but the only thing I can be proud of is that the slot after refueling always hits. It is set to easily hit such as 1 liter 5 yen discount.
中島モモコ on Google

いつも、エネルギー源はここで注入してま~す?️~? 今後もよろしくでーす?✌️
I always inject the energy source here ?️ ~ ? Nice to meet you in the future ?✌️

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