菓匠 寿紗(かずさ)

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 菓匠 寿紗(かずさ)

住所 :

Unumakakamigaharacho, Kakamigahara, 〒509-0141 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : http://www.kazusa.shop/
街 : Gifu

Unumakakamigaharacho, Kakamigahara, 〒509-0141 Gifu,Japan
yutaka nagatuki on Google

抹茶のプリン:おいしいけど、苦味が強すぎ。チョコはいらない。白玉はもう少し柔らかく。 わらび餅:固さが良い。最近のでれでれはいきすぎ。ただ、肝心のわらび餅が甘すぎ。せっかくの黒蜜をかける気にならない。 こしあんの大福はおいしかったし、今後に期待。
Matcha pudding: delicious, but too bitter. I do not need chocolate. White jade is a little bit softer. Bracken-star: Good hardness. It's too late nowadays. However, the important thing is that the warabi rice cake is too sweet. I don't feel like putting a lot of black nectar. Koshian's Daifuku was delicious, and I look forward to it in the future.
URI on Google

I'm excited because I don't see many Japanese sweets shops in Gifu even in the middle. Above all, I really liked how Anko and Omochi came out from inside! It may take a while at the store to fill the contents on the spot. However, I was so moved by the place I had it, so it was a win!
森延男 on Google

While it was small and cute, it was delicious with various flavors of chocolate sauce.
AKIR-A-RIKA NT on Google

You can purchase elegant Japanese sweets that are not too sweet. The mochi is soft and delicious. The inside is fan-shaped and it looks cute. Not only pure Japanese style but also creative sweets of eclectic Japanese and Western sweets, so it is fun to choose. The price is reasonable and you can use it easily. No problem for gifts. Careful packing to take home. Since there is a slope, you can enter the store smoothly even in a wheelchair or a push car. I didn't know if the toilet was universal, so I decided to give it a ☆4.
ゆめさく on Google

贈答品でモナカとゆべしの入ったものを頂きました。 見た目は可愛いかったですが、中身はコンビニにのモナカで食べれませんでした。あんこは小豆の味がしないねっとりしたもので食べれませんでした。 ゆべしも甘くてゆべしというより胡桃入りの甘い餅という感じでした。
I received a gift with Monaka and Yubeshi. It looked cute, but I couldn't eat the contents at the convenience store in Monaka. Anko was so sticky that it didn't taste like azuki beans and I couldn't eat it. Yubeshi was also sweet and it was more like a sweet rice cake with walnuts than a yubeshi.
yasuhiro shimada on Google

気になっていた、彩最中をようやく買いに行けました。 和菓子のドラマ(私たちはどうかxxx)を見て、食べるだけだった娘が興味持ってお店に連れて行って欲しいと。 奥で女性職人さんが丁寧に作っているのが拝見出来て、より美味しく感じたみたいです。 あんこが好きでは無い息子には、チョコペーストを買いましが、皮と合っていて美味しかっそうです。 (直ぐ食べちゃったので、写真無し?) また、違う組み合わせも試してみたいです。 午前中なのに、栗大福が売り切れだったのが少し残念。
I was finally able to go buy Monaka, which I was curious about. Watching a Japanese sweets drama (Something's Wrong xxx), I want my daughter, who was just eating, to take her to the store with interest. I could see the female craftsmen making it carefully in the back, and it seemed to be more delicious. For my son who doesn't like red bean paste, I bought chocolate paste, but it goes well with the skin and looks delicious. (I ate it right away, so no photo ?) Also, I would like to try different combinations. It's a little disappointing that Kuri Daifuku was sold out even though it was in the morning.
Rain Wild on Google

2020年9月の平日午後に訪問。6台分くらいの駐車場が併設されているのが嬉しいです。 店舗の外観もきれいですが、中もきれいに作られていて、カウンターに様々なお菓子が並べられていました。どこかの記事で紹介されていた、餡とトッピングを好みで選ぶ、彩り最中?を注文。今回は粒餡と抹茶餡に、それぞれ真珠(白餅)のトッピングをお願いしました。 注文を受けてから皮で包み始めるので、出来立ての香ばしい最中を頂けるのが嬉しいです。あいにく、帰宅が遅くなってしまったので、食べるのは翌日になってしまったのですが、香ばしさが少し消えてしまっていたのが残念でした。絶対に当日中に召し上がる事を強くお薦めします。
Visited on weekday afternoons in September 2020. I am glad that there is a parking lot for about 6 cars. The exterior of the store is beautiful, but the inside is also beautifully made, and various sweets are lined up on the counter. In the middle of coloring, you can choose the bean paste and toppings that were introduced in some article. Order. This time, I asked for pearl (white rice cake) toppings for the bean paste and matcha bean paste. After receiving the order, we will start wrapping it in leather, so I'm glad that you can have a freshly savory monaka. Unfortunately, I came home late, so I had to eat the next day, but it was a pity that the aroma had disappeared a little. We strongly recommend that you eat it during the day.
純米吟醸 on Google

鵜沼の人参通り沿いに新しくできた和菓子の新店。 オープン2日目に、早速お邪魔してみました。 伺ったのは、夕方18時ごろ。 時間が遅かったこともあり、人参乃大福は売り切れていましたが、オープン2日目なのでお客さんは多くて、駐車場はいっぱい。 こちらのお店は、苧ヶ瀬駅の横にある足立産業が手がけるお店で、足立産業が得意とするお餅や最中が中心のラインナップとなっています。 私も塩豆乃大福と胡桃乃餅、最中を購入。 実際の味はというと、足立産業のお菓子は今までに何度か食べたことがあって知っているのですが、系統は同じ。 甘過ぎる。 もう少し上品な甘さになっている事を期待していたのですが、残念。 一緒に行った周りの人間の感想も同じでした。 今のままではリピーターは少ないと思います。
A new Japanese sweets shop along Ninjin Street in Unuma. On the second day of the opening, I immediately tried to bother you. I visited around 18:00 in the evening. The carrot Daifuku was sold out due to the late time, but since it was the second day of the opening, there were many customers and the parking lot was full. This shop is located next to Ogase Station and is handled by Adachi Sangyo. The lineup is centered around rice cakes and monaka, which Adachi Sangyo specializes in. I also bought Shiozu no Daifuku and walnut mochi in the middle. As for the actual taste, I know that I have eaten Adachi Sangyo's sweets several times before, but the lineage is the same. It's too sweet. I expected it to be a little more elegant and sweet, but I'm sorry. The impressions of the people around me who went with me were the same. I think that there are few repeaters as it is now.

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