
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Unlieta(アンリエッタ)

住所 :

Minaminaruse, Machida, 〒194-0045 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : https://www.unlieta-venus.com/
街 : Tokyo

Minaminaruse, Machida, 〒194-0045 Tokyo,Japan
みみ on Google

メタジェクト施術で毎月伺ってます! 透明感とハリ・ツヤup効果が長続きするのでとてもお気に入りです。 オーナーがとても優しくて美容意識が豊富なので、お話してるだけで勉強になるし悩みも解決します。 伺うのが楽しみになるサロンです。
I visit you every month for metaject treatment! I like it because it has a long-lasting transparency and firmness and luster. The owner is very kind and has a lot of beauty consciousness, so you can study and solve your worries just by talking. It is a salon that you can look forward to visiting.
S A. on Google

一度の施術でしっかり効果を感じます。 翌日、鏡を見てもっとビックリ! 更にキュッと小顔に!! 気にしていた、毛穴、たるみについてもお手入れ方法を丁寧に教えてくれました。 通いたくなるお店です。
You can feel the effect with one treatment. The next day, I was more surprised to see the mirror! For a smaller face! He carefully taught me how to care for the pores and slack that I was concerned about. It's a shop you'll want to visit.
小鶴めぐみ on Google

オープン当初からお世話になっています。「脳脊髄液」を流す特殊な頭蓋骨矯正と、小顔矯正がお気に入りのメニューです。 小顔の効果はもちろん凄く分かりやすく、持続する事にも感動します!頭蓋骨矯正も、優しい手技で、視界がクリアになる事に驚きます。小顔矯正の概念を覆してくれる、本物の技術に出会えた気がします。これからもお世話になります。
I have been indebted since the opening. My favorite menus are the special skull correction that drains "cerebrospinal fluid" and the small face correction. Of course, the effect of the small face is very easy to understand, and I am impressed that it lasts! Skull correction is also a gentle technique, and I am surprised that the visibility becomes clear. I feel that I have come across a real technology that overturns the concept of small face correction. Thank you for your continued support.
Angie on Google

unlietaに出会って2年半になります。 ソフトタッチで痛みなんて無縁でほんとに矯正されてる?ってびっくりしました。 浮腫も数分でスッキリ取れてしまいます。 行く度にキュッと小顔に…! unlietaに行く時は私にとって癒しのひととき♡ これからもずっと通いたいサロンです。
It's been two and a half years since I met unlieta. Is the pain really corrected with a soft touch? I was surprised. Edema can be removed in a few minutes. Every time I go, I get a small face ...! When I go to unlieta, it's a healing time for me ♡ It is a salon that I want to go to forever.
こじまちひろ on Google

I did small face correction and herbal peeling. I asked him to look for an herbal peel that would not peel off forever and to be able to do it together with small face correction. After that, I was really surprised at how glossy my skin was. Is small face correction like being stroked? It was a feeling, but it was about one size smaller! Moreover, I was surprised that my face was so refreshing even after a few days.
釣って食す on Google

Thank you for your help with "skull correction + small face correction". I was nervous the first time, but I was relieved because he was a very bright and cute person. They will listen to your worries and give you advice. Above all, he has a tremendous amount of skill, and after receiving the treatment, "Why !?" and "Why !?" really didn't stop. It's like being shown in Magic ... It's like being pinched by a fox ... (laughs) First of all, it's completely different from what I imagined, there's no pain at all, rather it's too soft to look in the mirror. I even wondered (Is it really effective ???) (I'm sorry (laughs)), but when I look in the mirror, the difference is clear! I remember that the effect was so immediate that it burst out. The corners of the mouth, nose, outer corners of the eyes, eyebrows ... all up. I had a photo taken before and after, but my face was so different that it's no longer a story (laughs) Immediately after the first treatment, it feels like my scalp is being pulled up, which is a very strange feeling. I also remember that I had it in my head. I was surprised that the edema had disappeared and the face was as small as the lid, but not only the small face but also the skin of the face was pinned! I felt like I was being pulled, and the fine wrinkles and nasolabial folds at the corners of my eyes that I was worried about became less noticeable, which was a shock. I was surprised at the small face effect, but I was quite surprised at this change in the skin. It was good that my skin was in good condition for a while. It's been a mysterious experience, and I call it God Hand (laughs).
井川十萌子 on Google

フェザータッチというのが前から気になっていたのですが、今回初めてお邪魔しました。 施術の方は、本当にソフトで全く痛みもなく気持ちよくて、ずっとお顔を触っていて欲しいと思うくらいでした。サワサワっとやってもらうだけで、どんどん顔がスッキリしてきて気になる悩みも改善してびっくりです。サロンの内装やセラピストさんご自身もすごい可愛くて、施術前から癒されて大満足。 しばらく通おうと思いました。
I've always been interested in feather touch, but this time I visited for the first time. The treatment was really soft and painless, and I wanted him to touch his face all the time. I'm surprised that my face is getting refreshed and my worries are alleviated just by having them do it. The interior of the salon and the therapist himself are very cute, and I am very satisfied with being healed before the treatment. I thought I'd go there for a while.
江俣有理 on Google

初めて利用しましたが、気になっていたお顔の歪みまでも改善されてビックリしました! 今まで小顔矯正やコルギなど痛い思いをしてきても歪みが改善されることはなかったので感激です。 翌朝も毎朝あった浮腫みもなく、さらにスッキリしていてお肌の調子も良かったのにはビックリ。 継続してお世話になりたいと思いますので宜しくお願いします。
I used it for the first time, but I was surprised that the distortion of my face that I was worried about was improved! I'm thrilled that the distortion hasn't improved even if I've had painful feelings such as small face correction and corgi. I was surprised that the next morning and every morning there was no swelling, and the skin was refreshing and in good condition. I would like to continue to take care of you, so I look forward to working with you.

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