University of Hyogo Harima Campus for Science - Ako District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact University of Hyogo Harima Campus for Science

住所 :

3 Chome-2-1 Koto, Kamigori, Ako District, Hyogo 678-1297, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 678-1297
Webサイト :

3 Chome-2-1 Koto, Kamigori, Ako District, Hyogo 678-1297, Japan
松本惇希 on Google

The countryside
温玉うどん on Google

T&K on Google

A few years ago, I encountered white deer at this place. An ordinary deer will appear normally.
cal mag on Google

Very quiet location. Access by public transport is a little difficult, but the environment surrounded by greenery and clear air is very good.
shikou ogiwara on Google

It takes about 30 minutes by bus from Aioi Station. It is blessed with the natural surroundings, but there are no shops near the campus. Nearby is the world-famous large synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8 and the X-ray free electron laser facility SACLA. It's a good environment to study.
go organization on Google

県大生のコロナ感染がどんどん確認されているけど、そもそもコロナを生みだしたのは、中国。日本人への誹謗中傷はくれぐれもしないように 公表されているのは、とても好印象です
Corona infections of prefectural university students have been confirmed more and more, but it was China that produced corona in the first place. Don't be slanderous to Japanese people It is a very good impression that it is published

中期日程のため、ここは第2志望以下がほぼ全員。そのためか、大学院は一定数阪大へいったりする。しかしながら、大学院で有名国立大学にいっても、良い将来は保証されない。むしろ二重のコンプレックスに苦しむ可能性すらある。そんなこんなで、 ぜひ、県大理学部の大学院へ行くことをお勧めする。大学院で有名国立大学へいっても履歴書の評価は上がらない。大学院は誰でもどこでも、その分野を四年間学べばいける。 履歴書的に、一貫している方が、印象はよい変に、なんで阪大きたの? とか、きかれなくてすむからな 周りに阪大学部卒だらけで、やるのはキツイぞ~ 就職してからも、「学歴ロンダリング」って言葉が飛び交うからなあ 世間へでると、基本的に冷やかしはあるものだと思っといた方が良い。「私はLGBTのゲイです」って言うのと似たようなリスクもある 基本的に、少数派の路を行くということは、それなりにリスクを伴う。だから、他大学への編入もオススメしない。 じゃあどうすればよいか、県大理学部生を全うすることで、生きがいや新たな視点を見つけるに尽きる。 あくまで、学歴コンプレックスを解消するための大学院選びならオススメしない。将来また、別のコンプレックスが生まれるリスクがある 純粋に○○教授がいるから、○○大学院へきました! という志望動機が一番好印象です。 とは言ってもなんだかんだ、一番進学先で多いのは兵庫県立大学大学院なんですけどねw (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧Spring8 サクラ 阪大や京大にはありません。世界一です。もちろん、阪大や京大が無能なわけではないけど、世界一はスプリング8 圧倒的! 断トツ! 最高! たぶん、学部の偏差値=大学院の偏差値みたいに勘違いしてる方が多いんだと思う w
Due to the medium-term schedule, almost all of the second-choice and below are here. Perhaps because of that, a certain number of graduate schools go to Osaka University. However, even if you go to a famous national university in graduate school, a good future is not guaranteed. Rather, it can even suffer from a double complex. Such a thing By all means, I recommend going to the graduate school of the Faculty of Science of the Prefectural University. Even if I go to a famous national university in graduate school, the evaluation of my resume does not go up. Anyone in graduate school can study the field for four years. If you have a consistent resume, the impression is better. Why was Osaka University? I don't have to ask. There are many graduates from Osaka University, and it's hard to get a job. Even after that, the word "educational laundering" flies around. When you go out to the world, you should think that there is basically a chill. There are risks similar to saying "I'm gay for LGBT" Basically, going on a minority road carries some risks. Therefore, I do not recommend transfer to other universities. Then, what should I do? By completing the undergraduate students of the prefectural university, I can only find a purpose of life and a new perspective. To the last, I do not recommend choosing a graduate school to eliminate the educational background complex. There is a risk that another complex will be born in the future The motivation for aspiring to go to XX graduate school is the best impression because there is purely XX professor. That said, the most popular destination is the University of Hyogo Graduate School. (๑ • ̀ ㅂ • ́) و✧ Spring 8 Sakura Not available at Osaka University or Kyoto University. It is the best in the world. Of course, Osaka University and Kyoto University are not incompetent, but the number one in the world is Spring 8 overwhelming! I think there are many people who misunderstand that the deviation value of the undergraduate school = the deviation value of the graduate school.
koto science on Google

心理学には1万時間の法則というのがあって、その分野のエキスパートになるには1万時間学習が必要とされています。大学でたかだか、120単位程度の授業を履修したところで、エキスパートにはなれません。すなわち、どの学部の人もそんなに大差はないです。 理学部だから将来○○になるみたいな、そういう枠組み的なものは無いと感じる。心理学の権威でもフロイトやスキナーやワトソンパブロフみたいな理学系出身の人かなりいるし基本的に、将来は、無限の可能性があると思います。理系の専門職と教職以外でも、臨床心理士なら、理学部でもなれるし、自由に選べばいいと思います。 ただし、精神科医は医学部じゃなきゃなれない。公認心理師は心理学部じゃなきゃなれない。みたいな、枠組みで将来が決まりがちなやつも、たまにあります。であれば、理学部を卒業した人でしかなれない職種につくのも、ベターというか武器になると思います。 いずれにせよ、枠組み的なことにとらわれている人は人生損しますから、気をつけたほうがよいです。個人的には、枠組みにとらわれない社会をつくることを目指しています。
Psychology has a law of 10,000 hours, and it takes 10,000 hours of study to become an expert in the field. You cannot become an expert even if you have taken about 120 credits at university. In other words, there is not much difference between people in any faculty. Since it is a faculty of science, I feel that there is no such framework that will become XX in the future. There are quite a few psychological authorities from science such as Freud, Skinner and Watson Pavlov, and basically, I think there are endless possibilities in the future. In addition to the science profession and teaching profession, if you are a clinical psychologist, you can also be in the Faculty of Science, and I think you can choose freely. However, the psychiatrist must be a medical school. A certified public psychologist must be a faculty of psychology. There are some people who tend to decide the future in the framework like this. If so, I think it would be better or a weapon to get a job that can only be done by a person who has graduated from the Faculty of Science. In any case, people who are obsessed with the framework will lose their lives, so be careful. Personally, I aim to create a society that is not bound by the framework.

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