Undefeated - Shizuoka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Undefeated

住所 :

静岡パルコ 2F 6-7 Koyamachi, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0852, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 420-0852
Webサイト : http://undefeated.jp/

静岡パルコ 2F 6-7 Koyamachi, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0852, Japan
Hah Gag on Google

The clerk was kind and it was very easy to shop.
隼之助高橋 on Google

最近は店の雰囲気もいいし 店員さんも気軽に話しかけて来てくれてすごいいい感じです。
Recently the atmosphere of the store is nice It's a great feeling that the clerk can talk to us easily.
K T on Google

Thank you very much for your support. All the shop assistants are easy to talk to, and they are very happy to pick up sneakers.
ささら on Google

いつもお世話になっています。 スタッフの対応もよくPARCO行ったら必ずやるお店です。在庫切れの商品についても取り寄せなど迅速な対応をしてくれてお客様思いのお店だと思います。
I am always indebted. It is a shop that staff always do when they go to PARCO. I think it is the store that customers like because they can quickly respond to out-of-stock products by ordering them.
野原ひろし on Google

A female clerk was taking a selfie in front of the mirror all the time, and when she went near the mirror trying to match her clothes, she silently didn't move from there. The product itself is good.
fan und on Google

いつも利用させて頂いています。 アパレルやスニーカーの品揃えももちろんですが、店員さんの優しい対応が心に残ります。 在庫が当店になければ、他を探してくださり、感謝しています。 これからも仲良くさせていただければと思います!
I am always using it. Of course we have a selection of apparel and sneakers, but the clerk's kindness remains in my mind. If you don't have it in our shop, thank you for looking for something else. I hope we can keep in touch with you!
渡辺達樹 on Google

I often go with my favorite apparel brand. The correspondence of the clerk is also good! ️
S.14 Tomorow on Google

It was great that the clerk talked very positively!

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