
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 金沢漁港(横浜市漁協金沢支所)

住所 :

Uminokoen, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0013 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878899
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Uminokoen, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0013 Kanagawa,Japan
長島晃 on Google

There are many fishing boats.
Tsuyoshi Mochida (Starsol T.M.) on Google

You can make a spot sale of marine products, or go on a scenic boat like a fishing boat to explore Hakkeijima
Midori S on Google

The seafood festival that takes place around the end of February is very fun!
さかもときんぱち on Google

Kanazawa fishing port seafood festival was fun.
Takuya Maeda on Google

週末は釣り客で混雑。釣り船も目一杯客を乗せるので、ここの釣り船はおすすめできない。 釣り物によっては、オマツリだらけで釣りにならないと思う。
It is crowded with fishermen on weekends. We can't recommend fishing boats here, as they also carry a lot of passengers. Depending on what you're fishing, I think you won't be able to fish with bonito.
まめえんどう on Google

生海苔やワカメのつかみ取りや、海産物の出店をやっていたりするので見て回るのは楽しい。 大概9時から開始してる。 だけど、限定何個とかにしてないから整理券が追いつかなかったり。私ら並んでるのに、運営の人がプレート持ちながらタバコ吸ってたりと最悪だった。いかにも漁師って人たちも、人が大勢居るのに喫煙所守らず小さい子も居るのに平気で吸うからイライラした。 そういうのをこういう催し位の時は取り締まってほしい。 売ってる物はいいが、人と運営があまり宜しくないと思った。
It's fun to take a look around because you are grabbing raw seaweed and seaweed and opening seafood stores. It usually starts at 9 o'clock. However, I couldn't catch up with the numbered ticket because I didn't have a limited number of tickets. Even though we were lined up, it was the worst thing that the management person had a plate and smoked a cigarette. It was frustrating for fishermen to smoke because they smoked in spite of the large number of people who didn't keep up their smoking areas and there were also small children. I want you to crack down on that kind of thing when you hold such an event. I like the items that are on sale, but I thought that people and management were not so good.
横浜デジカメアルバム on Google

Holiday early morning. Many fishing boats leave Hakkeijima and leave for Tokyo Bay. (All panoramic photographs are taken with aircraft under 200g that are not subject to the Aviation Law)
橋本雅紀 on Google

はじめての船釣りを進丸で体験しました。 親切、丁寧な説明と、無料の長靴とライフジャケット、手を拭くタオル人数分、無料のクーラーボックスなどいたせりつくせりでした。 台風後の海は波が高くなかなか思うようにいきませんでしたが、アジ、きす、イシモチなどが釣れました。 事前にシーサイドスパに釣りセットで釣った魚の調理と日帰り温泉でお願いしたので快適でした。 お子様がいるご家庭は、ご飯とお風呂も済ませたいですよね。 進丸からのシーサイドスパ是非オススメ致します
I experienced my first boat fishing at Shinmaru. Kind and polite explanations, free boots and life jackets, towels for wiping hands, free cooler box, etc. The waves were so high in the sea after the typhoon that I couldn't go as I expected, but I could catch horse mackerel, sillaginidae, and ishimochi. I asked the seaside spa to cook the fish I caught with the fishing set and to go to the hot spring for a day trip, so it was comfortable. Homes with children want to finish their meals and baths. We highly recommend the Seaside Spa from Shinmaru.

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