Umaimono-kan - Shimoina District

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Umaimono-kan

住所 :

2514-7 Mutsuzawa, Shimojo, Shimoina District, Nagano 399-2101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 399-2101

2514-7 Mutsuzawa, Shimojo, Shimoina District, Nagano 399-2101, Japan
加藤久子 on Google

チャマ on Google

Nori K. on Google

Vegetables are cheap. I want that and this too.
chups 75 on Google

We recommend the handmade "Soba Manju" and the "Yomogikko", which is full of wormwood scent.
越喜来尚也 on Google

そばの城にて、ソフトクリームを食しました。そばも食べましたネ。 野菜も良く買いました。
I ate a soft cream at the soba 's castle. I also ate soba. I also bought vegetables well.
マサ on Google

I bought a dressing of spicy radish so rare. Is it hot pepper? But it is a delicious dressing with a taste of radish.
R obby on Google

A friendly aunt will talk to you while checking out. We handle fresh local vegetables and fruits. The freshly prepared rice cake is so delicious that it sells out in the morning.
すけさん on Google

お店の外観や中の写真撮り忘れてしまいましたがとっても良い出会いでした✨ 道の駅の敷地自体結構広いのですが右端にちょこんとこちらのうまいもの館があります。 何かあるかなと覗いてりんごジュースとおやきを買ったのですがレジのおばあちゃんが最高に楽しくてとってもおしゃべり好きなのですが平日で早い時間だったので他のお客さんがおらず気付いたら結構な時間盛り上がって話し込んでしまい、たまたまその話の流れでお味噌の話をしたら(わたくし名古屋人だけど味噌汁は白か合わせ)ちょっと待って!とレジから飛び出し売り物のお味噌1パック持ってきて「お姉ちゃんの事凄く気に入ったからこれ貰ってって!」とお味噌渡されワー!お金払います!となったんですが「お金の問題じゃなくてこれはお姉ちゃんが気に入ったご縁だから貰って欲しいの!」と言われ物凄く嬉しかったので有難く頂戴しました?‍♂️ ちなみに他にもお饅頭とかまでオマケしてくれて感無量? 人によっては話しかけられるの苦手?って人や商売上手なだけじゃない?と思う方もいると思いますがこうゆう田舎の方の優しさに出会えたり交流を持てるのは私にとっては特別な時間なのでおばあちゃんとお話したいな~って方にもオススメ✨ お店は大きくはないですが野菜やお米やお饅頭も何種類かありおやつも買えるの有り難いです? いつまでも元気で続けて欲しいお店です!
I forgot to take a picture of the exterior and inside of the shop, but it was a very good encounter ✨ The site of the roadside station itself is quite large, but there is a little tasty museum on the far right. I wondered if there was something and bought apple juice and oyaki, but the grandmother at the cash register was the most fun and I like to talk very much, but since it was an early time on weekdays, it was a good time if I noticed that there were no other customers. I got excited and talked about it, and if I happened to talk about miso in the flow of the story (I'm a Nagoya person, but the miso juice is white) Wait a minute! I jumped out of the cash register and brought a pack of miso for sale and said, "I really like your sister, so please give me this!" I will pay you! I was so happy that I was told, "It's not a matter of money, but this is a relationship that my sister liked, so I'd like you to get it!" By the way, there are other bonuses such as steamed buns ? Some people are not good at talking to people ? Isn't it just people and business people? I think some people think that it is a special time for me to meet and interact with the kindness of the countryside, so I recommend it to those who want to talk with grandma ✨ The shop is not big, but there are several kinds of vegetables, rice and buns, and I am grateful that you can buy snacks ? It's a shop that I want you to keep doing well forever!

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