Ugetsudo - Nagakute

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ugetsudo

住所 :

37 Shingyoda, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1306, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 480-1306
Webサイト :

37 Shingyoda, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1306, Japan
anpon343 anpon343 on Google

"Ujikintoki bouncing toward the moon" Japanese sweets shop "Ujikintoki" Shaved ice at home ? Now you can worship "Oga Hass" beside the Ohgusa intersection ?
加藤貴之(ひまわり接骨院 パーソナルトレーナー) on Google

暑いこの時期はやっぱりかき氷。 大変混雑していましたが美味しかったです。 またいきます。
After all, it was shaved ice during this hot season. It was very crowded but delicious. I will go again.
伴壽博 on Google

Kinako syrup with red bean paste topping. The fluffy ice was very delicious.
柚の花 on Google

草餅好きです。美味しいです。 ここは端午の節句時期になると黒糖の粽が店頭に並びます。大好きなので来年まで待ちきれません。
I like kusa mochi. Is delicious. Here, brown sugar porridge is lined up in stores at the time of the Dragon Boat Festival. I love it so I can't wait until next year.
鈴猫 on Google

I like Kusa Mochi and Mame Daifuku. The red bean paste here is really delicious and is popular with everyone as a souvenir. It's a pity that eat-in is closed in Corona now, but I want to eat hot zenzai as soon as possible.
Ooo Ooo on Google

和菓子はとても美味しくて、 お値段もお値打ちでとても満足できました。ただ店内の机が小さく、3人ではとても狭いです。2名がけようの机をくっつけて使わせて頂くなど配慮は欲しかったな。と思います。
Japanese sweets are very delicious The price was reasonable and I was very satisfied. However, the desk in the store is small, and it is very small for three people. I wanted consideration such as attaching a desk for two people to use. I think.
立松大介 on Google

Today I was from a Japanese sweets shop next to the site. My favorite Japanese sweets. Daifuku was the best and delicious, so please try it ^ _ ^
Akira Ichinose on Google

いつも癒されてます。 扱っている和菓子の種類は多くありません(おはぎ、きな粉のおはぎ、草餅他)がどれも美味しいです。 あんこは甘さ控えめで変な味付けがなく上品ですが、濃厚なあんこ好みの私も大好きです。 ちょっとした喫茶スペースがあり、季節に応じてメニューが変わります。 現在(2021-10-23)は抹茶セット(和菓子一品選べます)のみです。夏にはきな粉氷、冬場にはぜんざいがありました。 小さなお店なので、品切れだったり、お彼岸など時期によっては混み合っています。
I'm always healed. There are not many types of Japanese sweets available (Ohagi, Kinako Ohagi, Kusa Mochi, etc.) are all delicious. The sweetness of the bean paste is modest and it is elegant without any strange seasoning, but I also like the rich bean paste. There is a small cafe space, and the menu changes according to the season. Currently (2021-10-23) is only a matcha set (you can choose one Japanese sweet). There was soybean flour ice in the summer and zenzai in the winter. It's a small shop, so it may be out of stock or crowded depending on the season, such as the equinoctial week.

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