Uenoike Park - Takarazuka

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uenoike Park

住所 :

4 Chome-3 Akurakita, Takarazuka, Hyogo 665-0821, Japan

Postal code : 665-0821

4 Chome-3 Akurakita, Takarazuka, Hyogo 665-0821, Japan
藤原秀則 on Google

広い公園で遊具も問題なし ただし、グランドの水はけが悪く、雨上がりに行くには不向きかも
There is no problem with playset in a large park However, the drainage of the ground is poor and it may not be suitable for going after the rain.
中村菜花群 on Google

築山に登ると、とても気分が好いです! 森の風情が感じられ、ピクニック気分になりました。広場も、池も、砂場もあり、バスケットゴールや、複合型滑り台、ベビーも乗れる安全ブランコなど、遊具も結構楽しめました。子供も喜んでくれて、好かったです!
Climbing Tsukiyama feels great! I felt the atmosphere of the forest and felt like a picnic. There were a plaza, a pond, and a sandbox, and I enjoyed playground equipment such as a basketball goal, a composite slide, and a safety swing that even a baby could ride on. The kids were happy and I loved it!
Tsukasa Shimizu on Google

Of the three ponds in the upper pond, it is a park created by reclaiming the pond on the westmost side. The Kyoto Fushimi Highway passes by the park
芳子西村 on Google

It's perfect for small children to play in the open space. Playset is best from about 5 years old
あやママ on Google

小高い丘や、ブランコ(小さい子供用もあり)、滑り台のある複合遊具があります 広場もあり、遊んでいる子供たちでいつも賑やかです
There are small hills, swings (some for small children), and compound playsets with slides. There is also a plaza, which is always lively with children playing.
公園ボーイ on Google

A large park where small children can feel like a mountain. If you are a small child, you can have a little adventure experience in this park.
西野孝一 on Google

小さい子どもがいる方は遊具で遊んだりボール遊びができる広さがあります。 バスケットゴールもあって楽しく遊べます。注意することは車はパーキングに入れた方が良いです。近くにあります。結構警察官の方が切符をきってますので 気をつけてください。
If you have small children, there is plenty of space to play with play equipment and play with balls. There is also a basketball goal so you can enjoy playing. Please note that it is better to put the car in the parking lot. It's nearby. There are quite a few police officers who have tickets. Please be careful.
富川和樹 on Google

広くて近いからよく行きます。 どこかの中学生がバスケットボールをしており、自転車で道を塞いでいます。 また、広場では少年野球チームが占拠したりしています。 小さい子供連れからすると午前中に行くのは止めたほうがいいと思います。
I often go there because it's wide and close. A junior high school student is playing basketball and is blocking the road by bicycle. In addition, the youth baseball team occupies the square. If you are traveling with young children, you should stop going in the morning.

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