日本料理 翠徳亭

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本料理 翠徳亭

住所 :

Uenohigashi, Toyonaka, 〒560-0013 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Webサイト : http://www.suitokutei.jp/
街 : Osaka

Uenohigashi, Toyonaka, 〒560-0013 Osaka,Japan
中舎理人 on Google

美味しかったです。 ありがとうございます。
It was delicious. Thank you very much.
上窪しのぶ on Google

This is a restaurant where you can enjoy delicious Japanese food at a reasonable price.
k- s on Google

どの料理も美味しかったです。 こちらの要望にも柔軟に対応してもらいとても良かったです。
Every dish was delicious. It was very good to respond flexibly to this request.
中池秀彦 on Google

孫の七五三参りのおり昼御飯を 食べました。
Grandson's Shichigosan visitor's lunch ate.
hiroko kino. on Google

ちょっと目立たない店ですが、駐車場は道路を挟んだ向かい側に充分有ります。1700円のこでまり弁当で量も満足でした。炊き込みご飯はお代わり出来ました。特にごま豆腐や蒟蒻のウニ焼きが美味しくてビックリです! 天ぷらはサクッと刺身は氷の上に冷たく新鮮に保たれていました。仕出しもされているので利用してみたいです。全体的に薄味デス。
It's a little inconspicuous, but there is plenty of parking on the opposite side of the road. The amount was also satisfactory with a boiled lunch of 1700 yen. The cooked rice could be replaced. Sesame tofu and sea urchin grilled with sea urchin are particularly delicious and amazing! Tempuras and sashimi were kept cold and fresh on ice. I want to use it because it is also catered. It tastes light on the whole.
toyonakataro toyonakataro on Google

I used it for a celebration the other day. Since it is under the state of emergency, it was reserved in a private room. The food is delicious, the tempo is good, and there are shops in the neighborhood that serve sake behind the scenes, but I followed the rules properly (I was a little lonely, but lol) and enjoyed eating out with my family for the first time in a while. I did.
Dolph on Google

娘の御食い初めで利用したのがはじめてでした。 お座敷も良い意味で家庭の広い座敷の雰囲気がありリラックスできたのが良かったです。 最初は日本料理の味にあまり期待せず行ったのですが、その美味しさと仕事の丁寧さに本当に驚いて、感動してリピートしてます。 小さなひとつひとつの包丁が美しい。 ひとつひとつの味も丁寧なんです。 味を重視される方は安心して利用されて良いと思います。
It was the first time I used it at the beginning of my daughter's eating. In a good way, the tatami room has the atmosphere of a large tatami room at home, and it was good to be able to relax. At first, I didn't expect much from the taste of Japanese food, but I was really surprised at the deliciousness and politeness of the work, and I was impressed and repeated. Each small kitchen knife is beautiful. Each taste is also polite. Those who value the taste can use it with confidence.
うまかず on Google

御料理は値段相応で美味しかったです。 ただ、寒い日でコートなど着て伺う方も多いと思うわけで、お店の方が慣れてないのかコートを預けたら長押に掛けだしたことにはここは居酒屋か?と驚きました。帰りまでには衣桁にかけられてましたけど…せっかく美味しいお料理が出てきてもこれではなんか残念です
The food was reasonably priced and delicious. However, I think that there are many people who wear coats on cold days, so I wonder if the shop is not accustomed to it. I was surprised with. By the time I got home, I was hung on the girder, but it's a shame even if delicious food comes out.

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