Ueki Taka Medical Clinic - Kameoka

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

植木タカメディカルクリニック | 亀岡市篠町の内科・消化器内科・外科・こう門科 - Uekitaka-mc.jp


Contact Ueki Taka Medical Clinic

住所 :

Nakamura-40-2 Shinochojoboji, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0835, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779888
Postal code : 621-0835
Webサイト : https://uekitaka-mc.jp/

Nakamura-40-2 Shinochojoboji, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0835, Japan
亀頭2:50 on Google

The teacher is always dressed in plain clothes in the hospital, and he has a very unique personality.
わためピアノ on Google

ここの先生は、一見怖そうにみえるが色々アドバイスをくれます。 薬はほとんど漢方薬です。
The teacher here seems scary at first glance, but gives us a lot of advice. Most of the medicines are Chinese herbs.
t “tomoco” t on Google

worst. On a Saturday afternoon, when my child got hot and got accustomed, I was told that she was annoying though it wasn't a pediatrician, and she didn't even consult. Despite that, I pay for my sickness ...
hiro2 hiro on Google

友人がこちらで漢方を出してもらってて、調子が良いので行ってみました。 自分に合ったみたいでかなり良くなりました。 土曜日の午後も診察してるので、仕事がある私には助かります。
A friend had a Chinese medicine here, so I went there because it was in good condition. It seemed to suit me and it got better. I have a job on Saturday afternoon, so I can help if I have a job.
M U on Google

I rushed to the weekend because the medicine I received at another hospital didn't suit me, but the teacher didn't have a bad face and gave me a medicine that I could take together without wasting the medicine. It has improved to.
K KOM on Google

先月診察を受けました。 最悪の病院。職業差別のような発言も。 医師の問題発言、人を軽視した発言が多すぎる。 自身の常識を人にも押し付けてくるような人間。 二度と行きませんこんな病院。 ろくに診察もせずにこちらを責め立てる発言ばかりをしてきます。 受付も愛想悪いしろくなのいない。 唯一1人の看護師の方だけは優しい方で、「すみません。気にしないでください。いつものことですので」とおっしゃっていました。 自分の好みの受付の女性揃えて一昔前のスチュワーデスみたいな格好をさせてるようです。 評価1もつけたくないくらい。
I had a medical examination last month. The worst hospital. Remarks such as occupational discrimination. There are too many doctors' problem statements and statements that disregard people. A person who pushes his common sense to others. I will never go to such a hospital. I will only make remarks that blame me without a medical examination. The reception is also unfriendly. Only one nurse was kind and said, "I'm sorry. Don't worry. It's the usual thing." It seems that all the women at the reception desk of your choice are dressed like a stewardess from a long time ago. I don't want to give a rating of 1.
ミッチII on Google

優しい先生です。 調子が悪くなったら必ず行きます。 自分に合う治療を的確にしてくれます。 家族共々、これからもお世話になります。
A kind teacher. I will definitely go if I feel sick. It will give you the right treatment for you. I will continue to take care of my family.
山mi on Google

The other day, when I had a fever and had a medical examination, the teacher came and listened only to the heartbeat and was racist. By the way, my mother was also hurt. Later, when I tried to go to another hospital, I heard only the heartbeat and was told that the end was strange. I won't go for the rest of my life. I want you to stop normally.

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