Uehara Liquor Store - Nerima City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uehara Liquor Store

住所 :

2 Chome-19-17 Kamishakujii, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 177-0044
Webサイト : https://www.ueharasaketen.jp/

2 Chome-19-17 Kamishakujii, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0044, Japan
hidebo_ s on Google

Rare sake is at a reasonable price. It is a shop where the tension goes up!
t (た) on Google

なんか 素敵な店構え 仕事中だったのでよれませんでしたが 近所にあったら通い続けます
Something Nice store I was at work so I didn't get it I will continue to go if I am in the neighborhood
神奈川ペコ on Google

何も買わずに灰皿使わせて頂きました… ありがとうございました。
I used the ashtray without buying anything ... Thank you very much.
清水宏 on Google

焼酎の量り売りがあるお店。 しかも新しい味を開拓するのに試飲をさせてもらえるので、納得してお気に入りを増やせそう? しかもお店の人もとても親切❗️
A shop that sells shochu by weight. Moreover, I will be able to taste it to develop new tastes, so I think I can convince myself and increase my favorites ? Moreover, the shop staff are very kind ❗️
_ Tackky on Google

ウィスキー、ワイン、日本酒、焼酎etc たくさん揃っています。 特に日本酒はおいしいものが揃っています。試飲した上で選ぶこともできるので重宝しています。
Whiskey, wine, sake, shochu etc. We have a lot. Especially sake is delicious. It is useful because you can choose after tasting.
s satoru on Google

すごく丁寧かつ、親切にして頂きました。 とてもお酒に精通していて様々なお酒を試飲させて頂きどのような肴に合うか、どんな飲み方がおすすめか、手厚く説明をして頂きました。 とてもいいお店です!
He was very polite and kind. He was very familiar with liquor and tasted various kinds of liquor, and he gave a generous explanation of what kind of side dishes would suit and what kind of drinking method is recommended. It's a very nice shop!
to I on Google

品揃え豊富で焼酎の量り売りもやっていて、 とても親切なお店です!
We have a wide selection of products, and we also sell shochu by weight. It's a very kind shop!
To Ta on Google

Both the shop owner and the clerk are kind. It seems that they are focusing on sake, and we have a lot of famous sake with strong individuality from major sake such as Koshi and Glory Fuji. It's fun because if you tell us your taste, you will be asked to select the best one. It is also a high point that some tastings are possible.

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