和小物雑貨 楽 - Inuyama

3.4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 和小物雑貨 楽

住所 :

Uchiyama, Inuyama, 〒484-0000 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 484-0000
Webサイト : https://www.meijimura.com/sp/enjoy/buy/07.html
街 : Aichi

Uchiyama, Inuyama, 〒484-0000 Aichi,Japan
山下克己 on Google

だすだ教祖 on Google

吴德福 on Google

The building that houses this Japanese small items grocery is the barracks of the 6th infantry regiment. 这是步兵第六联队营房, 缩小与原型比率为7:10。营房乃木造二阶建筑, 明治维新政府于1873年 建在名古屋城内的兵营。
The building that houses this Japanese small items grocery is the barracks of the 6th infantry regiment. This is the 6th Infantry Wing Barracks. The ratio of reduction to prototype is 7:10. The barracks are wooden second-story buildings, and were built in the barracks in Nagoya Castle in 1873 by the Meiji Restoration Government.
紫の小惑星 on Google

I bought a bath salt yokozuna set.
ま。TK on Google

センスある和雑貨がいっぱい。空調も効いていて、ちょっとひと休み。屋内で楽しむレジャー施設ではないので、特に暑い夏場や寒い冬は助かります。 このショップの和雑貨は、和柄のソックス、手拭い、風呂敷、がまぐち、陶器などいろいろあります。手拭いの柄の種類も多かったですよ。イオンモールとかのテナントの「倭物やカヤ」でも売っているけれど・・・でも、おみやげにはお菓子よりもこぶりだし、かさばらないので、おすすめです。ゆっくり吟味してください。
There are lots of Japanese goods with a sense. Air conditioning is also working, and a little break. It is not a leisure facility to enjoy indoors, so it is saved especially in the hot summer and cold winter. Japanese-style sundries of this shop include Japanese-style socks, handwraps, wrapping cloth, rugged pottery, pottery and so on. There were also many types of handwiping patterns. I am selling it even at the aeon mall 's tenant' s "Yao and Kaya" ... But, souvenirs are more bullied than sweets, so it is not bulky, so it is recommended. Please examine it slowly.
pomodoro -t on Google

明治村歩兵第六聯隊兵舎 (めいじむらほへいだいろくれんたいへいしゃ)って建築物は… 貴重な軍服とか軍事関係の展示もあったはずなのですが… 記憶の中の印象はすっかり上書き保存? 和小物雑貨「楽」と言うお店屋さんになっていました。 Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノ 例えば…イオンモールの中の和風小物風味のお店屋さんだと思えばイメージしやすいでしょうか。 お土産と言うよりも…自分用の旅の思い出記念とか、 趣味の小物等を見繕ってると時間を忘れる奥様方も多いのではないかと… …そして…2階は…・矢場・射的・暗夜回廊…。 小規模ですが、まるで大江戸温泉物語とか羽田空港とか… きっと訪日外国人観光客の皆さんは間違いなく喜ぶ気がします。 …ありがちなムカシのテーマパーク風味なので、 お子様に小銭を与えて遊ばせておく場所としては◎かと… トイレ?はお隣の市電名古屋駅にあるので… あとは… ご主人向けに…ココに座って珈琲飲めるスペースとか… 喫煙所?でも設置して下さったら… 完璧ですよ? □概要★★★★ 〜登録文化財登録理由〜 木造2階建、寄棟造。当初は桁行50mを超える建物で、移築時に3分の2に縮めた。外壁は白漆喰塗の大壁に胴蛇腹を巡らせ、やや幅広の上げ下げ窓を開く。入口はポーチの起り屋根をトスカナ式円柱が支え、櫛形欄間付の唐戸を開く。鎮台(ちんだい)時代兵舎建築の遺存例。 …だそうです。 _φ(・_・ □明治村入村料金★★★ 大人2000円 犬山城とのセット券(3ヶ月有効)2300円 ※SL、市電、バスのセット券もありましたが、 片道・乗り放題…設定が違うので、 時間や目的に応じて使い分けてくださいね。 □アクセス★★★ 『名鉄名古屋駅』から『名鉄犬山駅』下車 バス約20分 ※犬山駅の東口です。 「明治村行」 『名古屋「名鉄バスセンター」』 ・『栄』から明治村行近距離高速バス 〈クルマの場合〉 中央自動車道「小牧東IC」から3km 国道41号上小口2丁目交差点から6km または、兼清交差点から5km 国道19号明知町北交差点(小牧東インター道路利用)から5km
Meiji Mura Infantry 6th Union Barracks (Meiji Mura Hohei Dairo Kuren Taiheisha) The building is ... There must have been valuable military uniforms and military-related exhibits ... Impressions in memory are completely overwritten ? It was a shop called "Raku", a Japanese accessory miscellaneous goods. Σ (゚ ∀ ゚ ノ) ノ For example ... If you think of it as a Japanese-style accessory-flavored shop in AEON MALL, it's easy to imagine. Rather than a souvenir ... a memorial to your own trip I think there are many wives who forget the time when they look over their hobby accessories ... ... and ... the second floor ... ・ Yaba ・ Shooting ・ Dark night corridor…. It's small, but it's like Oedo Onsen Monogatari or Haneda Airport ... I'm sure foreign tourists visiting Japan will be delighted. … Because it has a typical theme park flavor of Mukashi As a place to give small change to children and let them play ◎ The toilet ? is located at the next tram Nagoya station, so ... later… For my husband ... A space where you can sit here and drink coffee ... If you set it up in a smoking area ? ... It's perfect ? □ Overview ★★★★ ~ Reason for registration of registered cultural property ~ Two-story wooden structure, hipped roof. Initially, the building was over 50m long and was reduced to two-thirds when it was relocated. The outer wall is a large white plastered wall with a bellows, and a slightly wide sash window is opened. At the entrance, a Tuscan column supports the raised roof of the porch and opens a Karato with a comb-shaped column. A surviving example of barracks during the Chidai period. ... it seems. _φ (・ _ ・ ・ □ Meiji Mura entrance fee ★★★ 2000 yen for adults Set ticket with Inuyama Castle (valid for 3 months) 2300 yen * There was a set ticket for SL, streetcar, and bus, One-way, unlimited rides ... Because the settings are different, Please use it properly according to the time and purpose. □ Access ★★★ About 20 minutes by bus from "Meitetsu Nagoya Station" to "Meitetsu Inuyama Station" * This is the east exit of Inuyama Station. "Meiji Mura Line" "Nagoya" Meitetsu Bus Center "" ・ Short-distance highway bus from "Sakae" to Meiji Mura 3km from the Chuo Expressway "Komaki Higashi IC" 6km from Kamioguchi 2-chome intersection on Route 41 Or 5km from the Kansei intersection 5km from National Route 19 Akechicho Kita Intersection (using Komaki Higashi Inter Road)
Scott Combs on Google

This was such a fun place. The staff were great. I enjoyed this building. The games were fun.

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