裏コリドー 銀座裏コリドー街

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 裏コリドー 銀座裏コリドー街

住所 :

Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0011 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.uracori.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5AM
Sunday 10AM–5AM
Monday 10AM–5AM
Tuesday 10AM–5AM
Wednesday 10AM–5AM
Thursday 10AM–5AM
Friday 10AM–5AM
街 : Tokyo

Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0011 Tokyo,Japan
なかのみちよ on Google

きれいになってとりあえず行ってみても 期待できる場所に変わった。
Even if it becomes clean and I go for the time being It has changed to a place you can expect.
H.Shimada on Google

First ❗️ Back corridor ? Well, it's a fashionable street under the guard ?
KEIKO (kee) on Google

About 5:30 pm on weekdays ... It was a rattle ^ _ ^
イッチャン on Google

銀座裏コリドー・・ 限定的ながら、魅力的な飲食店がありますね。 お手軽に使えるエリアです。
Ginza back corridor ... There are limited but attractive restaurants. This area is easy to use.
赤坂みつけ on Google

JR線の高架下のハイセンスな飲み屋街。 高架の高い空間をそのまま利用していて、狭いはずの通路が狭く感じないのが面白い! 左右に並ぶ、飲み屋もおしゃれで入りやすい雰囲気にリノベーションしています。 今回はランチ時に通りましたが、次回は通りの趣旨を楽しむために再訪します。 この通りは、一つ道路を挟んで日比谷OKUROJIに繋がっています。
A stylish bar under the elevated JR line. It is interesting that the high space of the elevated space is used as it is, and the passage that should be narrow does not feel narrow! The bars lined up on the left and right have been renovated to create a stylish and easy-to-enter atmosphere. This time I passed by at lunch, but next time I will return to enjoy the purpose of the street. This street is connected to Hibiya OKUROJI across a road.
yasuyuki sakamoto on Google

There is a music bar & club and it's fun! ️ If possible, I want a little more types of restaurants
飯野博之 on Google

JR有楽町駅と新橋駅との間の高架下には、複数の商業施設が開発されています。もっとも新橋駅寄りなのが銀座裏コリドー「URACORI」。こちらは新橋エリアを背景に「三代目鳥メロ」「ミライザカ」などの夜の営業メインの飲食店が多く入りますが「喜多方ラーメン坂内」も入っています。比較的に安価で楽しめる敷居の低い店ばかりです。 国会通りを挟んで有楽町側高架下には商業施設「日比谷 OKUROJI(ヒビヤオクロジ)」が、2020年9月10日(木)に開業しています。約300mに渡る高架下の新施設は、古くからの煉瓦が生かされ、オフホワイトに塗られた壁面に間接照明が施され、こちらは少し高級で大人の雰囲気です。 もうひとつ有楽町駅側は先行して開業していた日比谷グルメゾンがあります。有楽町駅ー新橋駅間の高架下はほぼ全て商業施設でつながっていますので雨の日でも楽しめます。
Several commercial facilities have been developed under the overpass between JR Yurakucho Station and Shimbashi Station. The closest to Shimbashi station is the Ginza back corridor "URACORI". Against the backdrop of the Shimbashi area, there are many restaurants that are open at night, such as "Sandaime Tori Melo" and "Miraizaka," but there is also "Kitakata Ramen Sakauchi." All the shops are relatively cheap and have a low threshold to enjoy. The commercial facility "Hibiya" is located under the elevated Yurakucho side across Kokkai-dori. "OKUROJI" will open on Thursday, September 10, 2020. The new facility under the overpass, which stretches for about 300m, is made of old bricks and has indirect lighting on the walls painted in off-white, which is a little luxurious and has an adult atmosphere. On the Yurakucho station side, there is Hibiya Gourmet Zone, which was opened earlier. Almost all of the underpass between Yurakucho Station and Shimbashi Station is connected by commercial facilities, so you can enjoy it even on rainy days.
伊藤颯希 on Google

【2021.7.22 来訪】 新橋駅から歩いていくと 裏コリドー(URACORI)を見つけました。 人もいないし、暑さしのぎになればと思い 潜入! なんだかシックな雰囲気で素敵です。 途中にあるトイレがバルコニーになっていたので、登ってみました。 上を見上げたら 隙間から電車が見えたので、思わず声を上げてしまいました。鉄道好きの方は、テンション上がると思います。 価格帯は わりとリーズナブルなお店が多い気がしました。 コロナが落ち着いたら、友人と遊びに来ようと思います。
[Visit 2021.7.22] When I walked from Shimbashi station, I found a back corridor (URACORI). There are no people, and I sneaked in hoping to keep up with the heat! It has a nice chic atmosphere. The toilet on the way was a balcony, so I climbed it. When I looked up, I saw the train through the gap, so I suddenly screamed. If you like railways, I think you will get excited. I felt that there are many shops that are reasonably priced. When Corona calms down, I'll come and visit with my friends.

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