Uchimomi - 5 Chome-14 Ueno

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uchimomi

住所 :

5 Chome-14 Ueno, 台東区上野 Tokyo 110-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 110-0005
Webサイト : http://www.uchimomi.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7PM–5AM
Sunday 7PM–5AM
Monday 7PM–5AM
Tuesday 7PM–5AM
Wednesday 7PM–5AM
Thursday 7PM–5AM
Friday 7PM–5AM

5 Chome-14 Ueno, 台東区上野 Tokyo 110-0005, Japan
編集アドレス on Google

何度か御利用させて頂いてますが、 どの方もレベルが高く非常に満足です。
I have used it several times, Everyone is very happy with the level.
e R on Google

I was worried a lot because it was cheap for a business trip store, but the customer service was also very good! I'm glad that the price doesn't change even after receiving the oil. Thank you for waiting.
xxx xxx on Google

東京出張の際、仕事の疲れやストレスで肩コリや腰の張りが半端なく、出張マッサージとしては良心的な金額のうちモミさんをお願いしてみたところ、大正解でした! お店の教育が行き届いているのか、セラピストさんは、礼儀正しく挨拶もきちんとしていて好感度高く、また何より、本当に綺麗な方で、正直驚きました… マッサージの技術も高く、しっかりとほぐしてくれます。 途中自分が気持ち良くて思わずウトウトしている時も、目を覚ますと真剣に揉んでいてくれていました! いつもセラピストさん泣かせのガチガチのコリが、とっても楽になりました。 また、会話も楽しい方で、色々と話している内にリラックスでき、仕事の話なども聞いてくれて…(泣) セラピスト紹介欄に、 「心がお疲れ気味、話を聞いてほしいという人は、きっとセラピストの元気に癒されるはず」 とありましたが、まさにその通りでした! 思わず熱くなり、長々と書いてしまいましたが、とにかく、この金額でこの満足度、今まで出張マッサージは何店舗か利用してきましたが、他の店では味わえないレベルだと思います。 また次回出張時も、是非お願いしたいと思います!
When I was on a business trip to Tokyo, my shoulder stiffness and waist tension were uneven due to the fatigue and stress of work, and when I asked Mr. Fir out of a reasonable amount for a business trip massage, it was a great answer! Whether the store is well-educated or not, the therapist was polite and well-greeted, had a high affinity, and above all, was really beautiful and honestly surprised ... The technique of massage is also high, and it can be loosened firmly. When I woke up, I was seriously rubbing me when I was feeling comfortable and I was out of my way! The stiffness of the therapist's always crying was very easy. In addition, it is a fun conversation, I can relax while talking in various ways, and listen to work stories ... (crying) In the therapist introduction column, "If you feel tired and want to listen, you will surely be healed by the therapist." That was exactly what it was! It was hot and I wrote it for a long time, but anyway, I have been using this amount of money for business trip massage at some stores, but I think that it is a level that can not be tasted at other stores. I'd like to ask you again on your next business trip!
Nan Nan on Google

交通費無料圏内だったので、初回6000円と安い。 安かろう悪かろうではなく、きっちり強めのマッサージをやってくれる
Since it was within the free transportation expenses, it was cheap at 6000 yen for the first time. It will give you a strong massage, not cheap or bad
勇一服部 on Google

自宅に出張のマッサージを探してた時にたまたま見つけて試しに頼んでみたら大正解でした 偶然出張費無料範囲内でなおかつどのセラピストさんも上手な方でハズレ無し 朝まで受付してる点も魅力です
When I was looking for a massage for a business trip at home, I happened to find it and asked for a trial, and it was a great answer. By chance, all therapists are good and there is no loss within the range of free business trip expenses It is also attractive that it is accepted until morning
ktmr _n174 on Google

22:30頃に電話 「今からですと23:30~23:40くらいになります」との事でしたが、そのまま90分(9000円+税)で予約 カードキー仕様のエレベーターのホテルに宿泊していたので、到着したらこちらの電話に連絡をして頂く事になり、部屋で待っておりました で、そのまま朝まで何の連絡も無く、施術される方が来られる事も一切ありませんでした こちらにも着信履歴は全く入っておりません どうなってるんですか
Call around 22:30 It was said that "from now on, it will be around 23:30 to 23:40", but I made a reservation for 90 minutes (9000 yen + tax) as it is I was staying at an elevator hotel with a card key, so when I arrived, I had to call this phone and waited in the room. So, I didn't get any contact until the morning, and no one came to the treatment. There is no incoming call history here either What's going on
ゆーぱっく on Google

何度か利用しましたが、上手い方が多いです。 値段も比較的リーズナブルだと思います。
I've used it several times, but many are good at it. I think the price is also relatively reasonable.
いの on Google

出張リラクゼーションでは格安。 格安でも施術内容は高い店と同じだと利用者には分かっておいてもらいたい。 後はセラピストとの相性次第ですね。
Cheap for business trip relaxation. I want users to know that even if it is cheap, the treatment content is the same as that of a high-priced store. The rest depends on the compatibility with the therapist.

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