Ubakoyama Orthopedic Clinic - Atsuta Ward

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ubakoyama Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-2 Aoikecho, Atsuta Ward, 名古屋市熱田区 Aichi 456-0075, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 456-0075
Webサイト : http://nodate.clinic/

1 Chome-2 Aoikecho, Atsuta Ward, 名古屋市熱田区 Aichi 456-0075, Japan
前田浩 on Google

Everyone is very kind and the facility is very clean.
ラスカル on Google

The building is clean and the equipment is new. Best of all, it's not so crowded (laughs)
Takuya Kimpara on Google

非常に腰が低く、感じが良い先生です。軽い怪我だったので、技術などは分かりませんが、こちらから聞けば、細かいことでも丁寧に教えてくださいます。 The doctor is so kind and nice! I went there for a small injury, so I’m not sure about their skills as a doctor, but if you ask him something, he’ll tell you anything even if it’s a really tiny thing:)
He is a very low back and feels good teacher. I didn't know the technique because it was a minor injury, but if you ask me from here, I will tell you the details carefully. The doctor is so kind and nice! I went there for a small injury, so I'm not sure about their skills as a doctor, but if you ask him something, he'll tell you anything even if it's a really tiny thing: )
Egg Scramble on Google

ドクターは、とても親切で、丁寧に対応してくれます。 ただ・・・受付の対応が残念です。面倒くさい感が表に出ており、雑な対応でした。 笑顔もない。「お大事に~」とかも言わない。
The doctor is very kind and polite. However ... I'm sorry for the reception. It was a rough response, as it seemed to be a hassle. There is no smile. I don't even say "Take care".
中原恵子 on Google

それに関して全く検査をせずに「うちで出来ることはない」と言われました。 他の捻挫とか出来物はちゃんと診てくれました。 後日、別の病院(内科)にて線維筋痛症だと判明しました。 追記 先日たまたま行った整形外科にて頚椎の骨に変形があり、神経を圧迫している事が判明しました。 こちらの『のだて』さんでも首の症状についてお話しさせていただいていましたが、レントゲンも撮らずに「出来ることはない」と言われたことが悔しくてたまりません。
It was said that "there is nothing that we can do at home" without doing any inspection about it. He looked for other sprains and other artifacts. Later, it turned out that it was fibromyalgia at another hospital (internal medicine). Postscript It happened that the bone of the cervical spine was deformed by the orthopedic surgery that happened to happen the other day the other day, and it was found that the nerve was pressed. I even talked about the symptoms of my neck with this "Dade", but I regret that I was told "I can't do anything" without taking a radiograph.
笠田久恵 on Google

1ヶ月程前から痛みだし 近くの整形外科に レントゲン撮り 異常ないから 三日分の 痛み止めと湿布 いたかったらまた来て。 痛みがひかないので 総合病院 整形外科に CT撮り 異常ないような事に 薬もでず 原因 解らないまま 痛み止め飲み続け 兄が行ってみたらと言う事で 先生も親切で良く解る説明 エコー撮り 原因を見つけて下さり どうしてなんだろう?何で痛いんだろうと 言う毎日の心の不安がなくなりました 先生の指示に従い 痛みが薄れていくと良いなと 思います‼️ 痛みとかで 悩まれている方 一度 診察されては?スタッフの方々も親切でした
It started to hurt about a month ago, and I took an X-ray at a nearby orthopedic surgeon. There is nothing wrong with it, so if you want pain relief and compresses for three days, come back again. Because it doesn't hurt, I went to general hospital orthopedics CT shooting No medicine for things that are not abnormal Continue to take painkillers without knowing the cause By saying that my brother should go The teacher is also kind and understandable Echo shooting Please find the cause Why? I no longer have the daily anxiety of wondering why it hurts I hope the pain will go away according to the teacher's instructions! ️ Those who are suffering from pain ? The staff were kind once they were examined
ああ on Google

先生は物腰柔らかく、しっかりと説明もしてくれますし 看護師のみなさんもとても親切で丁寧な対応なので 安心して見ていただくことができます。 ですが、、 受付の男性と女性の方の めんどくささが全面に溢れた対応、威圧的な態度 笑顔なんて皆無、愛想の無さ、早口で全く何言ってるか聞き取れないなど 他の方のクチコミでもありましたが 何様なんでしょう?と思うような 確実に今までで1番最悪な対応です。 先生や看護師さんたちはとても素敵なだけに 残念です。
The teacher is soft and gives a good explanation. The nurses are also very kind and polite. You can see it with confidence. but,, For men and women at the reception Correspondence full of annoyance, intimidating attitude No smile, no amiability, no quick talk, no hearing what you're saying, etc. Although it was also a review of other people What is it like? Like you think It is definitely the worst response ever. The teachers and nurses are just so nice I'm sorry.
kun aguero on Google

口コミ通りでとても残念だです。 先生はとても親切で 詳しく怪我の状況、筋肉 関節まで 模型を使い丁寧に教えてくださいます。 が 受付の女性と男性は おしゃべりばかり… で 温かみの無い口調 初めてきて 勝手が分からない私に 特に説明も無く(知ってるでしょ?なてい?) 淡々とこなすのみ。 この受付二人だけで もうこないと決めた患者さん多数いることでしょう。 非常にもったいない… 受付変えるだけで多くの患者さんが来られると思いますよ。 先生。 口コミ通りで非常に残念です。 先生 ☆☆☆☆☆ 受付 ゼロ→☆すらない のでこの結果です
It's very disappointing as the word of mouth. The teacher is very kind and will teach you the situation of the injury and the muscle joints carefully using a model. But the women and men at the reception are just talking ... And a warm tone I didn't know what to do when I first came, and I didn't have any explanation (you know?) Only do it lightly. There will be many patients who have decided not to come with just these two receptionists. Very wasteful ... I think that many patients can come just by changing the reception. teacher. It's very disappointing on the word-of-mouth street. Teacher ☆☆☆☆☆ Reception zero → ☆ Not even So this is the result

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