マジックミシン 笹塚ショッピングモールTWENTYONE店

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マジックミシン 笹塚ショッピングモールTWENTYONE店

住所 :

Sasazuka, Shibuya City, 〒151-0073 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.magicmachine-rs.com/shop/index.jsp%3Fbf%3D1%26fmt%3D6%26shopid%3D376
街 : Tokyo

Sasazuka, Shibuya City, 〒151-0073 Tokyo,Japan
MIEKO OOI on Google

I was very troubled because the answer to the inquiry was inaccurate.
その2 on Google

値段が高い。自分でやったら1/10の価格で出来た 頼む事は二度とないだろう。
expensive. If I did it myself I could do it at a price of 1/10 I will never ask you again.
木村翔太 on Google

昔からお世話になってますが、毎回とても満足のいく仕上がりです。 渋谷で見積りしてもらったよりも遥かに安く、親身に相談に乗ってくれます。
I have been indebted for a long time, but it is a very satisfying finish every time. It is much cheaper than having a quote in Shibuya, and you can get in touch with your personal friend.
sugi sugi on Google

残念ショップさん!(笑) ウ~ン?お仕事普通も ちょっと(けっこう)周りの店舗より…お高いかな しかし先日の緊急事態宣言発令での対応は最低でした。 さらにようやく受け取りに行って連絡の一つもないことを話したら、あしらわれる様にティッシュを3個持って持っている紙袋へ、待って!食品が入ってるよ!温かい鰻さん。聞かずに持っている紙袋へ入れますか? なんで!?????? 今日たまたまお店が始まっていることを知り伺って気分が最悪です。 今回の店舗休業の説明と『すみません』の一言も欲しいと思います。 星0の思いです。 ども
Sorry shop! (Laughs) Umm? Work is normal It ’s a little more expensive than the stores around me. However, the response to the announcement of the state of emergency the other day was the worst. When I finally went to pick it up and told him that I didn't have any contact, wait in a paper bag with 3 tissues to treat it! It contains food! Warm eel. Would you like to put it in your paper bag without asking? why!?????? It feels terrible to know that the store has started today. I would also like to hear an explanation of the store closure this time and a word of "I'm sorry". It is a feeling of 0 stars. Children
Choi Cheonchun on Google

It was a simple hemming, but the customer service of the clerk was the worst, the price was high and I do not want to use it again.
S on Google

先日、兄の遺品のスーツお直しをお願いしました。一部色がはげていた部分の染め直しをお願いしました。 店員さんの話だと綺麗に直るとのことで、いいお値段でしたが、もともと非常に高価な物で、兄も大事にしていた物だったので、願いしました。 お直しがあがったとのことで受け取りに行くと、染めムラが酷く、製品染めしたかのようなシワ。 とても同じ物とは思えないほど酷い仕上がりでした。 職人さんが手彫りで一点一点大事に仕上げたシルバーのボタンも一緒に染められてしまい、シルバーが茶色く変色、、、。(事前にボタンを外してから染めてくださいと頼んでいたにもかかわらず。) そんな状態では受け取れないので、その後も良くなるよう試して頂いたのですが、その間も連絡は無く、こちらから連絡をしないと進捗もしれない状況でした。 お金はいいのですが、気持ちのこもった洋服をぞんざいに扱われ、憤りを感じます。 もうどうしようもないとのことで、渋々受け取りましたが、この怒りはどこにぶつければ良いのか分からずこちらに投稿しました。 同じように大事なもののお直しをこのお店で考えている人がいて、自分と同じ気持ちになってもらいたく無く投稿しております。 二度と伺うことはないお店です。 店員さんの態度もひどい物でした。
The other day, I asked you to fix the suit of my brother's relics. I asked you to re-dye the part where the color was peeled off. According to the clerk, it was a good price, but it was originally very expensive and my brother also cherished it, so I requested it. When I went to pick it up because it had been repaired, the dyeing unevenness was severe and wrinkles as if the product had been dyed. The finish was so bad that I couldn't think it was the same. The silver buttons, which the craftsmen hand-carved and carefully finished one by one, were also dyed, and the silver turned brown. (Even though I was asking you to remove the button before dyeing.) I couldn't receive it in such a situation, so I tried to improve it after that, but I didn't get in touch during that time, and I couldn't make any progress without contacting from here. Money is good, but I feel angry when I'm treated with hearty clothes. I was reluctant to accept it because I couldn't help it anymore, but I didn't know where to hit this anger, so I posted it here. There is a person who is thinking about fixing something important in this shop as well, and I am posting it because I do not want it to feel the same as myself. It is a shop that you will never visit again. The clerk's attitude was also terrible.
稲岡慶郎 on Google

笹塚駅前のショッピングモール、TWENTY ONEの2階にあるいわゆる洋服の直しやさん。 ズボンの裾上げで利用する。 ズボンを買った店の裾上げ料金よりは少し高めではあるが、翌日には仕上がるので急ぎの時は助かる。 仕上がりも問題ない。
So-called clothes repair shop on the 2nd floor of TWENTY ONE, a shopping mall in front of Sasazuka station. Used for raising the hem of trousers. It's a little higher than the hemming fee of the store where you bought the trousers, but it will be finished the next day, so it will be helpful if you are in a hurry. There is no problem with the finish.
多幸 on Google

本当に店員の接客態度が酷すぎる 人を小馬鹿にしたような話し方と睨み 急にタメ口になり驚きました 採寸もテキトー極まりなく、大切な洋服を預けるのは気が引け、1度会計しましたがキャンセルしました 「またのお越しを~」などと宣っておりましたが、もちのろん2度と行きません
The customer service attitude of the clerk is really too terrible Speaking and glaring like making a fool of a person I was surprised that I suddenly became a tame mouth The measurement was extremely techto, and I was reluctant to leave important clothes, so I paid once but canceled it. He said, "Welcome again ~", but of course I will never go again.

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