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Contact 仙台市北部急患診療所

住所 :

Tsutsumimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0912 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.sendai-emsf.jp/hokubu.html
街 : Miyagi

Tsutsumimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0912 Miyagi,Japan
ふーちゃん on Google

On Sunday, my husband had a stomachache and a backache, asked for a medical examination without calling, thank you to the nurse at the reception, it seems that it was a urethral stone, thank you for the easy-to-understand explanation.
nao ga on Google

電話対応の時点でこちらの話を遮って ベラベラと。 その時点で感じ悪過ぎて行かなかった。
At the time of answering the phone, interrupt this story With Bella Bella. At that point I didn't feel too bad.
c___xs2 on Google

最悪。看護師の対応から医師の対応まで胸糞悪い。 以前、彼氏が高熱の際にも行きましたが、あんたらお茶会ですかと言うほど受付の前ではゲラゲラとみっともない看護師たち。 そして今回は、自分自身が高熱を出して行きました。 自分自身の状況を喋るのも必死な中、メガネかけたデブの女の看護師はあーはいはいと問診票?には一切こちらの言ってる事は書かず、服用中の薬などを記入するくらい。 ありえない程待たされ、診察室に入ってからも、白髪の医師に、妊娠の可能性はあるかと聞かれ、ないです。(問診票にもピル服用中と記入済み)と言うと、ホントに〜?とニヤ笑いし、あピル飲んでるんだ彼氏と仲良しな事して移ったんじゃないの~。などと初めて医師に気持ち悪いと言う感情を持ちました。 とても体調も限界だったため、点滴など打って貰えませんかと聞くと、は?何の?と何故かびっくりする程、喧嘩腰の先程の看護師(笑) こちらが返事をする前に熱を下げるとか〜?何でもいいけど点滴はないから!と断固(笑) 以前、彼氏に付き添いで来た時、彼、点滴して頂いてるんですけどね、、何か面白くなかったのか止まらない嫌味をねちねちと聞かされ、、 その他にも本当に耳や目を疑う程、 考えられない言動がいくつかありました。 しかしもうこちらの体調も悪く言い返せる気力もなく、何故か悔しさと色んな感情で涙もぽろぽろ、、笑 土日の急患で行ってしまいましたが、 あんな所二度と行きません(笑) 思い出すだけでイライラが止まりません、、 最悪でした。
worst. From the nurse's response to the doctor's response, it is bad. I used to go to a boyfriend when I had a high fever, but the nurses were terrified and grumpy in front of the reception, as if it was a tea party. And this time, I had a high fever myself. While talking desperately about one's own situation, a fat female nurse wearing glasses has a questionnaire about yes and yes? I didn't write what I was saying, but I just wrote down what I was taking. I waited so long that I couldn't wait, and even after I entered the doctor's office, I wasn't asked by a gray-haired doctor if I could be pregnant. When I say (I have already filled out the pill on the interview sheet), really? I was laughing and drinking a pill, I guess I wasn't moved because I was on good terms with my boyfriend. For the first time, I felt uncomfortable with the doctor. My physical condition was very limited, so when I asked if I could take an intravenous drip, what would it be? What? For some reason, I was surprised that the nurse was about to quarrel (laughs) Do you want to lower your heat before answering? Anything is fine, but there is no drip! And determined (laughs) Previously, when I came with my boyfriend, he had an intravenous drip, but I was told that it was not funny or I could not stop, Besides, I really doubt my ears and eyes, There were some unthinkable behaviors. However, I wasn't feeling well anymore and I didn't have the power to say it back. I went because of an emergency on Saturday and Sunday, I won't go there again (laughs) I can't stop frustrating just by remembering... It was the worst
S H on Google

しばらく前のことですが,アレルギーで気道に蕁麻疹が出て呼吸困難になった妻を22:50頃連れて行ったところ,すぐに点滴が始まり,看護士から「23:00で診療所は終わりです」と言われ,点滴速度を速められました。 妻はさらに気分が悪くなり嘔吐が始まりましたが,嘔吐する妻と乳幼児の娘とともに,23:30に病院を追い出されました。 妻を抱える自分の横をスタスタと目もくれずに去っていった医師や看護士達の姿は今も忘れられません。
A while ago, when I took my wife who had urticaria in the respiratory tract due to allergies and had difficulty breathing at around 22:50, the infusion started immediately, and the nurse said, "At 23:00, the clinic It's over, "he said, and the infusion rate was increased. The wife became even more ill and began to vomit, but was expelled from the hospital at 23:30 with her vomiting wife and her infant daughter. I can't forget the doctors and nurses who left without looking at me with my wife.
チョミ on Google

アレルギー反応が出て伺いました。小児科を診察しましたが、先生も看護師さんも優しく丁寧で、満足のいく診療をしていただきました! ただ他のクチコミを見ると、すごい低評価なのもあってビックリしました(笑) そもそも、急患センターって診療時間も診療内容も限られているので、平日のクリニックでの診療と同じものを求めるのは違うかと思います…??
I heard that I had an allergic reaction. I visited the pediatrics department, and the teachers and nurses were kind and polite, and they gave me a satisfying medical examination! However, when I looked at other reviews, I was surprised because it had a very low rating (laughs). In the first place, the emergency center has limited medical hours and medical treatment contents, so I think it would be different to ask for the same medical treatment as at the clinic on weekdays ... ??
貴教 on Google

数回来てるが行ったってその日の分の薬出されて終わり。 休み明け病院行ってねとしか言われない。 診察求めて行く場所ではなく気休めの薬を貰いに行く場 中の人間だけでなく駐車場のおっさんすら態度悪いから具合悪い人が一人で行くには苦痛過ぎる。 管理人いるんだから聞きに来なきゃってオッサンに言われたけど埋まってて待ってるの正面で見てて分かってるくせに自分はシラーっと事務所に戻って聞きに来いとは何事か 病院だけでなく駐車場ですらイラッとさせられる貴重な場所
I've been there several times, but even if I went there, the medicine for that day was given and it was over. I'm only told to go to the hospital after the holidays. A place to go for a relaxing medicine, not a place to go for a medical examination Not only the people inside but also the old man in the parking lot has a bad attitude, so it is too painful for a person who is sick to go alone. I was told by Ossan that I had to come to hear because there was a caretaker, but I was buried and waiting, and even though I knew it by looking at it in front of me A valuable place that can be irritating not only in hospitals but also in parking lots
Black Treeland on Google

夜に3歳の息子が頭を打ってしまい結果的に額を3針縫うケガをしたのですが、 痛みと疲労で憔悴している息子を抱っこしながら病院へ入ろうとしたら入口で「息子さん足も怪我されたんですか?」と、自分で歩けよと言わんばかりの看護師。 どう見たって額以外はケガしていないし、電話でも状況は事前に伝えているのに、額から血を流している子供に対する気遣いの欠片もない発言。患者に嫌味を言わなければやっていられないほど余裕のない現場なのでしょう。 市内の友人や家族には絶対に行かないほうが良いと伝えましたが、既に沢山の方から非難されている診療所だったのですね…
My 3-year-old son hit his head at night, and as a result, he was injured by sewing 3 stitches on his forehead. When I tried to enter the hospital while holding my son who was in agony due to pain and fatigue, the nurse just asked me to walk by myself at the entrance, "Did your son's leg get hurt?" No matter how you look at it, you haven't been injured except for the forehead, and even though you have told the situation in advance by phone, there is no fragment of concern for the child who is bleeding from the forehead. It's probably a site where you can't afford to do it unless you tell the patient that you don't like it. I told my friends and family in the city that I should never go, but it was a clinic that was already criticized by many people ...
ホワイト on Google

みなさん書かれている通りで行く意味がないところ。 医者も適当に話聞いて検査も何もなく薬もらって終わり。何のための急患病院なのか?これなら月曜日まで待って病院行った方がまし。 駐車場のじいさんも感じ悪いし意味不明な説明で全てが最悪。
There is no point in going as written by everyone. The doctor also talked to me properly, and there was no examination, and I got medicine and finished. What is the emergency hospital for? In this case, it is better to wait until Monday and go to the hospital. The old man in the parking lot also feels uncomfortable and the explanation is unclear and everything is the worst.

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