マッターホーン つつじが丘店 - Toyohashi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マッターホーン つつじが丘店

住所 :

Tsutsujigaoka, Toyohashi, 〒440-0858 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 440-0858
街 : Aichi

Tsutsujigaoka, Toyohashi, 〒440-0858 Aichi,Japan
Y on Google

小さい頃からマッターホーンのケーキが好きです! おしゃれなお店のケーキに目移りしたこともありましたけど、やっぱりマッターホーンのケーキが私は一番です。ここのケーキは、シンプルで味も甘ったるくなく食べやすいです。 お店と同じ名前のマッターホーンというケーキがおすすめです!
I've loved Matterhorn cakes since I was little! I used to look at cakes from fashionable shops, but after all Matterhorn cakes are the best for me. The cake here is simple, sweet and easy to eat. We recommend a cake called Matterhorn, which has the same name as the shop!
aya aya on Google

持ち帰りと小さなカフェスペースがあります。 前より値段があがり、飲みものについてたお菓子もなくなってしまって、ちょっと残念でした。でもリーズナブルなケーキ屋さんですね。 最近のケーキは大きくて高いものが多いような気がするのですが、ここはちょうどいいサイズ感かなと思います。 対面のスポーツ店と駐車場が同じなのでスポーツ店のセールとかやってたりするとめっちゃ混みます。駐車場は混雑+狭いので、誘導員がいます。
There is a take-out and a small cafe space. It was a little disappointing that the price was higher than before and there were no sweets for drinks. But it's a reasonable cake shop. I feel that many cakes these days are big and expensive, but I think this is just the right size. Since the parking lot is the same as the sports store facing you, it gets very crowded when you sell at a sports store. The parking lot is crowded and small, so there are guides.
Ishi将 on Google

お持ち帰りでイチゴババロア、バナナクリーム、フルーツケーキラム酒がけを購入。 イチゴババロアはほどよい甘さで美味しかったです(^-^) バナナクリームはクリームにもバナナの香りがしっかりあって濃厚(^-^) ラム酒は言わずもがなで最高です!
Take away and buy strawberry bavarois, banana cream, fruitcake rum liquor. Strawberry bavarois was delicious with just the right amount of sweetness (^-^) Banana cream has a strong banana scent and is rich (^-^) Needless to say, rum is the best!
M on Google

There are some cakes that can only be bought at the main store, and the types and quantities lined up in the showcase are small, so they look lonely. I like the taste so I go there.
蓮華子 on Google

豊橋の老舗ケーキ店。市内にはいくつもケーキ屋さんがありますが、個人的にはここのクリームが一番好きです。 「スーパースポーツゼビオ」さんと同じ敷地内にあり、共用の広い駐車スペースがすごく便利です。
A long-established cake shop in Toyohashi. There are many cake shops in the city, but I personally like the cream here. Located on the same site as "Super Sports Xebio", the large shared parking space is very convenient.
マールボス on Google

近くに行った時は必ず寄って、大好きなバタークリームを使ったダミエを1本買いしてきます。 昨日のお昼頃寄ってらビックリ、ショーケースに何も無いのです! 無いとなるとどおしても食べたくなる性格なので、明日の取置きをお願いして今日も同じ頃に行ったら、マッターホン(角切り栗の入ったケーキ)だけ少し有りました。 すでに3組ほどのお客さんがいたので外で待っていたら、後から来た方が『テレビの影響って凄いねぇ』って話してて初めて2日前にテレビで紹介されたの知りました。 知らないとはいえ予約しておいて良かったです? 他の方の視線感じながらダミエ購入しました。 このバタークリーム、チョコとの相性ピッタリで、やっぱり美味しい最高ですね。
Whenever I go nearby, I always stop by and buy a bottle of Damier using my favorite butter cream. I was surprised when I stopped by around noon yesterday, there was nothing in the showcase! I have a personality that makes me want to eat it even if I don't have it, so when I asked for tomorrow's reserve and went around the same time today, there was only a little Matterhorn (cake with diced chestnuts). There were already about 3 groups of customers, so when I was waiting outside, I learned that the person who came later was introduced on TV two days ago for the first time when he said, "The influence of TV is amazing." I'm glad I made a reservation even though I don't know ? I bought Damier while feeling the eyes of other people. It goes well with this butter cream and chocolate, and it's delicious.
mamiko on Google

イートイン利用。平日だから他にお客様いない ケーキは食べたい物が沢山あった!! ショコラを食べたけど、甘すぎなくて良い アップルティーも美味しかった
Use eat-in. Since it is a weekday, there are no other customers There were many cakes I wanted to eat! !! I ate chocolate, but it doesn't have to be too sweet Apple tea was also delicious
一生必笑 on Google

Family birthday. The main store is closed, so here. Compared to eating various cake shops, Matterhorn is currently No. 1.

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