Tsuruoka City Information Center - Tsuruoka

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Contact Tsuruoka City Information Center

住所 :

3-1 Suehiromachi, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 997-0015
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday 9AM–5:30PM
Monday 9AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9AM–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–5:30PM

3-1 Suehiromachi, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, Japan
on Google

とても親切かつ的確に案内いただきました。とても信頼できる観光案内所です。 案内所を中心にフードコートなどの飲食店が並んでいます。 比較的夜遅くまで開いていますし、居酒屋のような閉鎖空間ではないので気楽に旅先でお酒を楽しめると思います。 駅前の素晴らしい施設です!
I was very kind and accurate. It is a very reliable tourist information center. Food courts and other restaurants are lined up around the information center. It is open relatively late at night, and it is not a closed space like a tavern, so I think you can enjoy drinking on the go. It is a wonderful facility in front of the station!
z k on Google

大変親切に対応していただきました! 観光案内所で素敵な対応をしていただけると、その街を巡るのがいっそう楽しみになります。 (レンタサイクルの地図に、市内の自転車屋さんの情報なども記載してあるのは安心感が増す良いアイディア!)
Thank you very much for your kindness! If you have a nice response at the tourist information center, you will be even more excited to visit the city. (It is a good idea to increase the sense of security that the map of the bicycle rental includes information on bicycle shops in the city!)
大谷直人(新潟市大谷) on Google

特に鶴岡市の滞在が、二回目以降であれば、変に気取らないで、こういう案内所で、じっくり情報を集める。 観光地は二ヶ所くらいに絞り、地元のカフェや、美味しいお店行くなど、暮らしの一部のように利用するのが、この辺の楽しい過ごし方ですね。ガイドさんも、そこら辺、上手く対応しています。 Travel was , and still is, a business format where growth is everything, where common wisdom and logic seemingly play no part . The public eagerly participates by believing that it is their right to travel the world at very little cost.
Especially if you are staying in Tsuruoka City for the second time or later, don't be afraid to gather information at such an information center. It's a fun way to spend time around here, narrowing down the sightseeing spots to about two places and using them as part of your daily life, such as going to local cafes and delicious shops. The guide also responds well around here and there. Travel was, and still is, a business format where growth is everything, where common wisdom and logic seemingly play no part. The public eagerly participates by believing that it is their right to travel the world at very little cost.
R B on Google

自転車の無料貸し出しあります。観光案内所の方が英語で親切に説明してくれた。 Having free bicycle rent service .
Bicycles can be rented for free. The tourist information center kindly explained in English. Having free bicycle rent service.
ポーリンナタ on Google

I guess the information center in a more upscale attractive city is still different. I think I'm so confident. If I was in Tsuruoka, such a town where I could take pride in guiding me. I have come to Tsuruoka many times, but this is my first visit to the information desk. I was very kind and told me about Sekikawa. I think it's a nice information center.
Nao on Google

平日は閑散としています。 鶴岡という地域は、住宅地の中にお店があったり、お店のある場所も散らばっていたりと、地元の人でさえ知らぬ間にお店ができていつのまにかなくなってることが多々ある、そんな地域です。 小さいながらも名店が多いとおもいます。 なので、観光案内所はもっと地元の人達へもアピールできる場にしたほうがいいとおもいます。 鶴岡飲食店マップのようなものを置いて、店主が自ら自分のお店の場所に番号を貼り付けていって、そのチラシを番号の棚にいれてゆくなど、自主的な観光案内もできるとおもいます。 そうすれば、いつのまにかオープンしているようなお店もみんなわかる気がするのですが。 ちなみに建物内に、飲食店がありフードコートのような鶴岡バルもあります。 でも、こちらも平日の昼間は閑散としています。 その理由は、たぶん鶴岡の地元の方はほとんど存在自体を知らないのではないかなと思います。 また、平面駐車場がないことでも足が遠のくことになっていることと、駅を利用する学生が足を運ぶようなお店(ジュースやクレープなんかの軽食)がないことも要因になっているのではないでしょうか。 お店の品揃え的には、エスモールなどへいくよりもよっぽどいいです。
It is quiet on weekdays. In the area of ​​Tsuruoka, there are shops in the residential area, and the places where the shops are located are scattered, so even the locals often open shops without even knowing it, and it is often lost. The area. I think there are many well-known stores, albeit small. Therefore, I think it is better to make the tourist information center a place that can appeal to the locals. You can also provide voluntary tourist information, such as placing something like a Tsuruoka restaurant map, the shop owner pasting the number on his own shop location, and putting the leaflet on the number shelf. I think. By doing so, I feel that everyone can understand the shops that seem to be open before you know it. By the way, there is a restaurant in the building and there is also Tsuruoka Bar like a food court. However, this is also quiet during the daytime on weekdays. I think the reason is that the locals in Tsuruoka probably don't know the existence itself. Another factor is that the lack of a flat parking lot makes us far away, and there are no shops (light meals such as juice and crepes) that students using the station can visit. it might be. The assortment of shops is much better than going to S-Mall.
Dai K on Google

Many information and souvenirs there
Simon Kartevold Pettit on Google

The tourist information centre in Tsuruoka was very helpful regarding my day trips to Kamo Aquarium and Mount Haguro, as well as strolling around in Tsuruoka. The woman working there also reassured me that if I had any further questions, I could just come back and they'd help me. This first experience with Tsuruoka (and Yamagata prefecture) was wonderful, and I would love to come back. Regarding language, the woman working there spoke English well.

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