ほっかほっか亭 総本部

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほっかほっか亭 総本部

住所 :

Tsurunocho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0014 Osaka,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.hokkahokka-tei.jp/company/
街 : Osaka

Tsurunocho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0014 Osaka,Japan
あい on Google

平ちゃん on Google

It's always gochi ?
森山浩司 on Google

There is also a training center.
長谷川信治 on Google

High shipping cost for the product
吉村由美 on Google

Other Ben-san, I'm trying harder, I'm losing to Hotto Motto (laughs)
パパバナナ on Google

The manner of driving a home delivery bike is the worst. Store manager Takamoto's telephone service is also the worst. Above all, the shock that the store manager was driving the bike (laughs)
RINZE on Google

For the Kansai region headquarters, almost all menus are sold out at the end of the year, and there is only one menu. This is the level that I can often name Kansai headquarters. Isn't the headquarters going to have to be Naoko-chan ...? At the end of the year, another store near here is fine. Only this store is terrible. It ’s better to go after making a phone reservation because it ’s very busy on weekday lunch.
h t69 on Google

昔から〜毎週購入しているヘビーユーザーです。 ショッキングな案件です( ; ; )今日焼肉スペ購入した唐揚げ入ってない。電話してクレーム 言おうと思ってメニュー見たら8月から唐揚げ無しと30円値上がりでした。もう買いません。焼肉スペ アウト?‍♂️ メニュー写真アップしてます。
I'm a heavy user who has been purchasing every week for a long time. It's a shocking project (;;) The fried chicken I bought today is not included. When I called and looked at the menu to make a complaint, the price increased by 30 yen from August with no fried chicken. I won't buy it anymore. Yakiniku Spa Out ?‍♂️ Menu photos are up.

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