Tsuruga Kehi Junior and Senior High School - Tsuruga

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

敦賀気比高等学校 付属中学校 | 福井県嶺南部の併設型中高一貫校 - Tsurugakehi.ed.jp

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Contact Tsuruga Kehi Junior and Senior High School

住所 :

164-1 Kutsumi, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0823, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 914-0823
Webサイト : http://www.tsurugakehi.ed.jp/

164-1 Kutsumi, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0823, Japan
伊東 on Google

Rumors are spreading that the class attitude of the baseball club members who came from outside the prefecture is bad.
トニ男 on Google

High school baseball championship in the whole country
西谷廣 on Google

先日、敦賀気比高校にお邪魔して、芭蕉句碑を見学させてもらった。グランドの横に立っていて、裏をみると第3期卒業生が(卒業記念に)建てたもののようだ。 さまさまのこと思い出す桜かな 芭蕉 〔笈の小文〕に出てくる句で、貞享5年(1688)の作。
The other day I visited Shiga Kihi High School to see a memorial monument. Standing next to the Grand, looking at the back, it seems to be the one the third graduates built (in commemoration of graduation). I wonder if you remember cherry blossoms This is a phrase that appears in [a short sentence of a rose], and it is a work of Aoi 5 years (1688).
T T on Google

敦賀市の西に位置する中高一貫の私立高校。 高校野球の名門で2015年には甲子園優勝経験もあり、プロ野球選手も多数輩出している。 野球以外にも、テニスやレスリング、空手など複数の競技において全国大会での活躍が報告されている。 市街地から外れており奥に広い敷地を持つ。近隣は田園と運動公園が占め、”ある意味”学生にとっての立地は良い。 学業のレベルは東大合格レベルから、公立高校への入学困難レベルまで幅広くカバーされている。
A middle high school private high school located in the west of Tsuruga city. It is a prestigious high school baseball game, and in 2015 he has won the Koshien victory, and a lot of professional baseball players are producing. Besides baseball, there are reports of success in national competitions in several competitions such as tennis, wrestling, and karate. It is off the town area and has a large site in the back. The neighborhood is occupied by rural areas and athletic parks, "a sense" is a good location for students. The level of academic achievement is widely covered from the Tokyo University acceptance level to the difficult entry for public high school entrance.
さんスー on Google

It is famous for having a statue of Takagi's parents in pants.
on Google

説明不足が多すぎる 本当にいい加減な学校だと思った。
I thought it was a really sloppy school with too many explanations.
相河昌之 on Google

?地元福井県敦賀市に住んでいる54歳の者です。気比高校の出身ではなく県立敦賀高校の出身ですけど、昨日20日の(気比高校)野球部の甲子園球場での選抜高校野球大会の対広島市広陵高校との試合、0対9とひどい完封敗戦してしまったながらもとても戦い振りを感動し、気比高校野球部もチアー部のJK女子生徒たちもありがとうございました。 2022. 3.21?
? I'm a 54 year old living in Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture. I'm not from Kibi High School, but from Tsuruga Prefectural High School, but yesterday's match against Hiroshima City Koryo High School at the selected high school baseball tournament at the Koshien Stadium of the (Kehi High School) baseball club, 0 to 9 is terrible. Although I was completely defeated, I was very impressed with the fighting style, and thank you to the JK girls students of the Kibi High School Baseball Club and the Cheer Club. 2022. 3.21 ?
yuu on Google

Basically, ignore cases that are inconvenient for teachers. Also regarding bullying. It depends on the course, but the deviation value is low on average, so it is a reasonable selection of students. Poor manners outside of school are also noticeable, and we have witnessed smoking in the liberal arts course.

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