
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact モンドール洋菓子店

住所 :

Tsuruga, 〒380-0905 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://montdore-nagano.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Nagano

Tsuruga, 〒380-0905 Nagano,Japan
まつもとさえこ on Google

There are many sweets that look cute, so you will be happy to bring them as souvenirs. I wonder if the taste is simpler. The price is neither too high nor too cheap. The cake has a lot of volume, so cospa may be good.
MNM (マカデミアナッツミルク) on Google

ほろ苦プリンが絶妙♪︎ カラメルソースが上にあるタイプ。 ひと口食べて「苦~い!美味しい?」 矛盾したこと言っているようですが不味い苦味ではなく、美味しい苦味です。 珈琲の苦味のような美味しさ。 市販のほとんどはお子ちゃま向けみたいな甘々なカラメルソース&ぼんやりした味のプリンが多いけど、 こちらのはしっかりした大人の成熟プリンという感じ。 斜向かいのGeography coffeeさんに持ち込み可なので、珈琲と一緒に食べるのもオススメ!
The bittersweet pudding is exquisite ♪ ︎ The type with caramel sauce on top. Eat a bite and say "It's bitter! Delicious ?" It seems to be a contradiction, but it is not a bad bitterness, but a delicious bitterness. Delicious like the bitter taste of coffee. Most of the products on the market have sweet caramel sauce and vague taste pudding for children, but This is a solid adult mature pudding. You can bring it to Geography coffee diagonally opposite, so it is recommended to eat it with coffee!
YOKO on Google

I've always liked the lemon cake here, but the other lemon cake, the seaside lemon cake, was very delicious. It seems that it uses organic lemons from remote islands in Hiroshima prefecture. Since it is pesticide-free, it also uses skin, and the freshness of lemon is just right. The cake also contains lemon zest, which seems to be an adult lemon cake. It's a little more expensive than a traditional lemon cake, but it's still refreshing after eating.
松下聖美 on Google

When I went to Mont d'Or for the first time, Mont Blanc was delicious so I buy it once a month. I plan to buy Christmas cakes this year as well.
aki on Google

A pastry shop in the city. There were many delicious cakes lined up. It's a small shop that makes you want to visit again and again. The sweets were delicious.
150cm on Google

ケーキだけでなく、マカロンやクッキー等の焼き菓子、ショコラまで幅広い品ぞろえの洋菓子店です。高級というよりは、アットホーム&メルヘンな雰囲気のお菓子が揃っています。 ただ、見た目の面白さに魅かれて買った「シューキューブ」は、私にとってはイマイチでした。
It is a pastry shop with a wide range of products, including not only cakes but also baked goods such as macaroons and cookies, and chocolates. Rather than luxury, we have sweets with a homely and fairy tale atmosphere. However, the "Shoe Cube" I bought because I was fascinated by its appearance was not good for me.
丸山幸雄 on Google

焼き菓子が美味しいです 卒業入学シーズンが終わったので以外にすいてました 今回はレモンケーキを買いました 信州レモンと瀬戸内レモンが有って食べくらべも楽しいかと
The baked goods are delicious I was busy except because the graduation entrance season was over I bought a lemon cake this time. I wonder if it's more fun to eat with Shinshu lemon and Setouchi lemon.
吉田君 on Google

期間限定品ラジェーヌ大きなイチゴのタルトを食べました。 イチゴ山盛りのケーキです♪ イチゴとイチゴの繋ぎは、いちごジャム 美味しくいただきました。
Limited time offer Lagene I ate a big strawberry tart. It's a cake with a heap of strawberries ♪ Strawberry and strawberry connection is strawberry jam It was delicious.

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