Tsune Sushi - Kita City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsune Sushi

住所 :

1 Chome-8-5 Nakazato, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 114-0015

1 Chome-8-5 Nakazato, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0015, Japan
Non Taka on Google

Certainly it is good and good, but it is difficult to understand what the store is small and there is no knob-based product writing.
Sachiko Makino on Google

白身魚と貝類が豊富なお寿司屋さん。 煮穴子おいしかった、
A sushi restaurant rich in white fish and shellfish. Simmered anago was delicious,
山本佳嗣 on Google

光り物、貝、その他諸々、滅茶苦茶美味しかったです 穴子の写真撮り忘れた(^-^;
Lights, shellfish, and everything else was delicious I forgot to take a picture of Confucius (^-^;
Kouhei Yamada on Google

知人に連れられ 初めて利用させてもらいました。 webには貝が有名なような記述が多めですが もちろんコリコリ美味いは当然として いやいゃ魚も肴も 美味しかったです✨ さて店内はカウンター席が10席ほどと 奥座敷。店内は今風のお洒落な感じはないですが 清潔感があり気持ちよく食事ができます。 一品料理もいろいろとありました。 やっぱり寿司屋さんにきたなら 刺身盛りですね。コハダやサバも甘過ぎずきつ過ぎない 程よい〆加減。 貝は注文を受けてから 熟練の職人さんが剥いてくれるから コリコリ♫ もちろん 貝の旨味が存分に感じられますし ほんのり甘みが広がって ついつい日本酒もすすみます。 地酒もさまざまな味わいのものが 8種類ほど取り揃えてあり 価格もリーズナブル。 この日はまずはお通しで白州ハイボール。さらにイカ焼き、釣り鰺の姿造り、真鱈白子の炙り、生牡蠣(三陸産)、あん肝、を追加して お酒もハイボールの後に6種ほど楽しませて頂きました。 辛口、にごり、吟醸etc...それぞれに味わいを楽しめます♫悪酔い防止に何度も和らぎ水(チェーサー)を頂くも 快く応じて頂きました。 今回は 握りにまで到達せずでしたが 折箱にならんだ鮮やかな山吹色の生ウニは 食べておけばよかった…と後ろ髪を引かれています。 トイレも昔の建物ですが しっかりと温便座でしたし 様式に変換されてますので 味に直接関係はありませんが 安心して飲めます。 昔ながの大将と姫と若の三位一体。 参考までにこの日は飲兵衛2人で6合ほどの日本酒と お好みのおつまみで17000台でお会計。 おつまみも しっかりとしたボリュームなので コスパは悪くないです。 握りは2200円とありましたので この仕事の魚が食べられるのなら リーズナブルだと思います? また近くに寄ったら 今度こそはウニを攻めてみようと思います。
I was taken by an acquaintance and used it for the first time. There are many descriptions on the web that shellfish are famous, but of course the crispy taste was natural, and the fish and side dishes were delicious ✨ By the way, there are about 10 counter seats in the store, which is the back room. The inside of the restaurant does not look fashionable, but it is clean and you can eat comfortably. There were also various single dishes. After all, if you come to a sushi restaurant, it's sashimi. Kohada and mackerel are not too sweet and not too tight. The shellfish will be peeled off by a skilled craftsman after receiving the order, so you can feel the deliciousness of the shellfish. Of course, the sweetness spreads a little and you can enjoy sake. There are about 8 types of local sake with various flavors, and the prices are reasonable. First of all, Hakushu Highball on this day. In addition, I added squid grilled, fishing horse mackerel figure, roasted cod milt, raw oysters (from Sanriku), and ankimo, and enjoyed about 6 kinds of sake after highball. You can enjoy the taste of each of them, such as dry, turbid, ginjo, etc. ♫ I was happy to receive soothing water (chaser) many times to prevent sickness. This time, I didn't reach the grip, but I should have eaten the bright bright yellow raw sea urchins that lined up in the oribako. The toilet is also an old building, but it was a warm toilet seat and it has been converted to a style, so it is not directly related to the taste, but you can drink with confidence. The trinity of the old general, the princess, and the young. For reference, on this day, two drinkers will pay for about 6 go of sake and 17,000 units of your favorite snacks. The snacks are also solid volume, so the cost performance is not bad. The grip was 2200 yen, so I think it's reasonable if you can eat the fish of this job ? If I get closer again, I will try to attack the sea urchin this time.
S誠 on Google

とても美味しいお寿司が頂けます。 そこそこお値段はしますがオススメです。 予約で6時に入店して気がついたら満席になっていましたので何日か前に予約する事をおすすめします。
You can have very delicious sushi. It's reasonably priced, but it's recommended. I entered the store at 6 o'clock by reservation and when I noticed it was full, so it is recommended to make a reservation a few days in advance.
新倉聖史 on Google

Fresh seafood was the best. Especially, there are many kinds of shellfish. Also, the conger eel grip was charcoal-grilled and very delicious. It feels like a small sushi restaurant in downtown, but the price is neither expensive nor cheap, and the main item is the market price, only cash.
タコスケ9600 on Google

予約して伺いました。初訪。メニューの白子に引かれて刺身と焙りを頂きました。あーなんと美味しいこと。都内でこんなに美味しい白子を。ビールから日本酒に。生牡蠣、鰯・鰺・鰹の刺身も美味しかった。 寿司もいただきました。シャコ、エンガワ本当に美味しかった。いや、色々と頂きましたが全て美味しかったです。雪の芽舎・ 田酒等々で妻と 一升以上いただきました。他の方々は貝類の刺身を頼んでいました。再訪、確定です。
I made a reservation and asked. First visit. I was drawn to the milt on the menu and had sashimi and roasted. What a delicious thing. Have such a delicious milt in Tokyo. From beer to sake. Raw oysters and sardines of sardines, sardines and sardines were also delicious. I also had sushi. Mantis shrimp and porch were really delicious. No, I received various things, but they were all delicious. I had more than one sho with my wife at the snow bud house, rice field sake, etc. Others were asking for shellfish sashimi. Revisit, confirmed.
jane mcbride on Google

My favourite sushi restaurant.

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