Tsunakan - Kesennuma

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsunakan

住所 :

81 Karakuwacho Shibitachi, Kesennuma, Miyagi 988-0571, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 988-0571
Webサイト : https://moriyasuisan.com/

81 Karakuwacho Shibitachi, Kesennuma, Miyagi 988-0571, Japan
hide0120 on Google

サウナトースター最高に気持ちよかったです! 料理も美味しいし、女将さん美人! 明るい!あったかい!優しい! 是非また利用したいです!
Sauna toaster was the most comfortable! The food is delicious and the landlady is beautiful! bright! hot! kind! I definitely want to use it again!
sugu Tamu (たむすぐ。) on Google

おかみさんとサウナトースターの愛に包まれる マグ万平さんのYouTubeで事前にチェックして向かう! 夕方ごろ着くと、「おかえり!」とおかみさんがお出迎え!明るく元気でこちらもすごく元気をもらえる! 夕食、朝食付きプランだったので、まずは夕食をいただく。この日泊まっている人たちと一緒にめちゃくちゃ美味しいご飯を。 お腹も心も満たされた後は、サウナトースター!20時からの予定が少し早く使って良いということになり、いざ! 19時をすぎると暗くなるので、ライトで照らしながら、黙々とサウナに入る!暗さもこれがまた良い!!! 熱源は薪となっており、自分で好きな温度に調節できる!しかしこれが慣れていないとなかなか思うように燃やすことができず、少しコツが必要。 自分の適温を探しつつ、好きなタイミングで、好きな香りでロウリュできる! しっかり暖まった後は、トースターを出ると目の前にある水風呂!こちらは山水を引いているみたいで、15度とキンキン!そして心地よい水質! からの、階段を登った場所の縁側で休憩。ここはそよ風が心地よく、一気に整う。 あまりに最高すぎて夜8セットしてしまうw そのあとのご飯が美味いのなんの、、、 帰るときには名物の旗振りと共に「気をつけて!いってらっしゃい!」とお見送り! 久しぶりに人の優しさと温かさに触れ、本当に素敵な体験ができました!!! 本当に最高の宿でした!!! 絶対また行きます!!!
Surrounded by the love of mom and sauna toaster Check in advance on Mug Manpei's YouTube and head for it! When you arrive in the evening, your mother will welcome you with a "Welcome back!" It's bright and energetic, and it's also very energetic! Since it was a plan with dinner and breakfast, we will have dinner first. Insanely delicious rice with the people who are staying on this day. After filling your stomach and heart, Sauna Toaster! The schedule from 20:00 can be used a little earlier, so it's time to use it! It gets dark after 19:00, so illuminate with a light and silently enter the sauna! This is also good for the darkness! !! !! The heat source is firewood, and you can adjust the temperature to your liking! However, if you are not accustomed to this, you will not be able to burn it as you wish, so a little trick is required. While searching for your own suitable temperature, you can leil with your favorite scent at your favorite timing! After warming up, when you leave the toaster, you will find a water bath in front of you! It seems that this is drawing mountain water, and it's 15 degrees and Kinkin! And comfortable water quality! Take a break on the porch of the place where you climbed the stairs. The breeze is comfortable here, and it's ready at once. It's so great that I set 8 at night w The rice after that is delicious ... When you go home, send off with the famous flag waving and saying "Be careful! Come on!"! It's been a while since I've touched the kindness and warmth of people, and I had a really wonderful experience! !! !! It was really the best inn! !! !! I will definitely go again! !! !!
小林沙弥香 on Google

気仙沼での最後の思い出にこちらの宿を選びましたが大正解でした。建物はとっても風情があり、お部屋もお風呂も清潔で気持ち良く過ごせました。女将さんがとっても気さくな方ですごくお人柄が素敵な方です。 お料理も品数が多く、味も一品一品どれも全部美味しかったです。子連れで宿泊したのですが、子供の分のお料理もサービスしていただきとても嬉しかったです。女将さん手作りのお酒は絶品でした。 また気仙沼に来たら絶対泊まりに行きたいです!!
I chose this inn for my last memory in Kesennuma, but it was a great answer. The building was very tasteful, and the rooms and baths were clean and comfortable. The landlady is a very friendly person and has a very nice personality. There were many dishes, and the taste was delicious one by one. I stayed with my children, and I was very happy to have the food for my children. The liquor handmade by the landlady was excellent. If I come to Kesennuma again, I definitely want to go to stay! !!
Dáskalos on Google

i saw this women and instantly fell in love with her, such a lovley lady.
MoTo JoJo on Google

All 5 star reviews? Surely it's too good to be true. No, it's very much true. Great facilities in a good location with great food and an amazing host, this is exactly what you want from a stay in Japan. NB: English isn't really spoken but the host and staff will try their best to chat with you
Andrea Peresthu on Google

small but excellent! didn’t have chancd to stay there but had fantastic japanese breakfast. the lady owner and daughter took care by themselves and such a wonderful person to meet them. the food is excellent, a truly hospitality in such a village. such a honest hospitality is rare nowadays. worth to visit!
Светлана Перепелица on Google

5 stars are not enough to rate this place. May I give at least 10? Personality of energetic lady owner, food, breathtaking views - everything is absolutely amazing. I fell in love with this place and want to come back.
hall hammett on Google

I’m touched for what happened to Madam Ichiyo. Great loss for her since the first tsunami followed by the tragic loss of her family. Hopefully more people will support on her business and wishing her success on her future. In fact, I had a wish to visit Tsunakan Inn someday. All the best Madam Ichiyo, hope to see you and your crew someday. Also thanks to Chris Broad (YouTube - Abroad In Japan) for bringing me here! ? - Hall, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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